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.“Hey,” she whispers at my back once I’m crouched on the ground outside her room.“Thank you for the distraction.I liked it.” She puts on her big smile, and her cheeks flush.I smirk.“Me too.”Hitching my backpack on my shoulder, I take off across her yard and get to the street without anyone seeing.Each step feels like a giant knife digging deeper in my gut the closer I get to my house.To him.My brother.Chapter 2LexieI’m floating.My mind still on my bed, reliving every body shivering touch.The way Ryan pressed against me, his lips skimming my neck as his hand—Knock.Knock.I shake the thoughts from my mind, but can’t rid myself of the tingles coursing through my veins.With a deep, steadying breath I open my bedroom door.Not like I don’t already know who it is.Ever since Mom decided to get sober, she’s been trying to make up for the seventeen years she was in oblivion.She doesn’t seem to understand you can’t cram seventeen years into two months.It just doesn’t work that way.Though, I have to admit her meddling into my life is a thousand times better than me holding her hair while she pukes her guts up.I thought when she quit drinking those days would be behind us.But the withdrawal symptoms seem to have the same effect on her as drinking a bottle of vodka.Every time she gets sick, I remind myself that it’s seventeen years of poison coming out.It doesn’t always make it any easier though.Watching her suffer is harder than I thought.When she was drunk, she did it to herself.I had no pity.None.But this? This is so much different.Worse.She’s not just getting sober for herself.She’s doing it for me too.“Yeah, Mom?” I look down at my ‘You Callin’ Me a Lyre?’ nail polish and open the door.I don’t even glance up.I step out of the way and she storms in, scanning the area like a trained SWAT professional.“Ryan isn’t in here.Is he?”I look up from my nails and roll my eyes.“No, Mom.”“Are you sure?” She walks over to the closet and flings my shirts out of the way.I suppress a giggle as she follows the wall up as if Ryan is Spiderman and he’s hanging from the ceiling.“It’s too quiet in here.”“I’m sorry did you want me to crank up the music and start banging on pots and pans?”She points her finger at me, but not in a threatening manner.“Don’t be smart with me.I’m serious.You’re not lying, are you?”“No, Mom.I’m not.Ryan is not here.You can check under my bed if it would make you feel better.” Crap why did I say that? Now what happens when he really is under there?She turns to the bed then stops.“Besides, Mom, who cares if he is? He used to always come over.What’s so different now?”“Now he’s an eighteen year old boy with raging hormones.”“Not much different from when he was seventeen.”“He’s your boyfriend now.Big difference.”If my eyes could flip into the back of my head they would.“If you say so.”“Damn it, Alexis! I don’t want you knocked up at seventeen.”Air punches its way down my throat till it hits my gut.Did she really just say that?“Oh God, please tell me you’re using protection.”I go to speak, but all that comes out are short, squeaky sounds.“I can’t deal with this right now, Alexis.My body hurts, these damn shakes are making it impossible to do much of anything, and now I find out my seventeen-year-old daughter is having unprotected sex with her boyfriend and I’m going to be a grandmother.I’m thirty-seven.Do I look like a grandmother?”Whoa! What is going on here? She just impregnated me.“Virgin.” I finally push around the lump in my throat.“Excuse me?” Mom asks, resting her shaking hands on her hips.“I’m not having sex with Ryan.I haven’t.Ever.With anyone.”“Oh thank God.” She sits down on my bed, high heeled feet dangling, as she falls back and slaps the back of her hand over her forehead.“Don’t do that to me.”I plop down beside her and pat her knee.“That was all you.”“I suppose it was.I’m a little neurotic without the alcohol.”I lean back until we’re shoulder to shoulder.“No.You’re better.”“You think?”I grip her hand and turn my head towards her.“Absolutely.”She squeezes my hand and we lay there for a moment.A part of me never wants to get up.Most girls have a million memories of spending time with their mom, but for me, I have none.Every day since she chose her life over the bottle it’s been a second chance for us.For the first time ever I have a mom.She may be overbearing, jumps to conclusions and asks too many questions, but given the alternative, I’ll take this version any day.“Let me paint your nails,” I say, looking at the chips in her polish.“Roger should be here soon to bring me to work.”I pick up my phone and check the time.“We have thirty minutes.More than enough time.Please?”Mom pushes a blond strand of hair back into her dark bob [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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