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.And he spoke slightingly to me and would have driven me forth.Then for the love I bore him and to save him from the evil course which my Vision revealed, I struck my brother Aldur down and took from him the accursed rock.And I bore Cthrag Yaska away to bend my will upon it and to still the malice within it and quell the wickedness for which it was created.So it was that I took the burden of the thing which Aldur had created upon myself.Aldur was wroth with me.He went to our brothers and spoke to them falsely against me.And each of them came to me and spoke slightingly to me, commanding that I return to Aldur that which had twisted his soul and which I had taken to free him from the enchantment of it.But I resisted.Then they girded for war.The sky was blackened with the smoke of their forges as their peoples beat out weapons of iron to spill the blood of my Angaraks upon the ground.When the year turned, their hosts marched forth and onto the lands of the Angaraks.And my brothers loomed tall in the forefront of the hosts.Now was I greatly loath to lift my hand against them.Yet I could not permit that they should despoil the lands of my people or loose the blood of those who worshipped me.And I knew that from such war between my brothers and me could come only evil.In that struggle, the Destinies I had seen might be sent against each other before it was time, and the universe be shaken apart in that meeting.And so I chose that which I feared, but which was less evil than the danger I foresaw.I took up the accursed Cthrag Yaska and raised it against the earth itself.And in me lay the Purpose of one Destiny, while the Purpose of the other was affixed within the stone Aldur had created.The weight of all that was or will be was upon us, and the earth could not bear our weight.Then did her mantle rend asunder before me, and the sea rushed in to drown the dry land.Thus were the peoples separated one from the other, that they might not come upon each other and their blood be spilled.But such was the malice which Aldur had wrought within the stone that it smote me with fire as I raised it to divide the world and prevent evil bloodshed.Even as I spoke the commands unto it, it burst into dreadful fire and smote me.The hand with which I held it was consumed and the eye with which I beheld it was blinded.One half of my face was marred by its burning.And I, who had been the fairest among my brothers, was now abhorrent to the eyes of all, and I must cover my face with a living mask of steel, lest they shun me.An agony filled me from the evil that was done me, and pain lived within me, which could never be quenched until the foul stone could be freed of its evil and could repent of its malice.But the dark sea stood between my people and those who would come against them, and my enemies fled in terror of that which I had done.Yea, even my brothers fled from the world which we had made, for they dared no longer come against me.Yet still did they conspire with their followers in spirit form.Then I bore my people away to the wastelands of Mallorea and there caused them to build a mighty city on a sheltered place.They named it Cthol Mishrak, as a remembrance of the suffering I had undergone for them.And I concealed their city with a cloud that should ever be above it.Then I had a cask of iron forged, and in it I bound Cthrag Yaska, that the evil stone should never again be free to unleash its power to destroy flesh.For a thousand years and still another thousand years I labored, contending with the stone that I might release the curse of malice which Aldur had laid upon it.Great were the enchantments and words of power which I cast at the obdurate stone, but still its evil fire burned when I came near to it, and I felt its curse lying ever upon the world.Then Belar, youngest and most rash of my brothers, conspired against me with Aldur, who still bore hatred and jealousy within his soul toward me.And Belar spoke in spirit to his uncouth people, the Alorns, and set them against me.The spirit of Aldur sent Belgarath, the disciple in whom he had most wholly instilled his despite, to join with them.And the foul counsel of Belgarath prevailed upon Cherek, chief of the Alorns, and upon his three sons.By evil sorcery, they passed the barrier of the sea I had caused to be and they came like thieves in the night to the city of Cthol Mishrak.By stealth and low cunning, they crept through my tower of iron and made their way to the chest that held the evil stone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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