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.That man had a master's touch with the mind-fuck.Buddy had been used to get me here in order to share a stage with him.The manipulation that Marcus was capable of was turning my stomach.That shifted my smoldering anger from the obnoxious TV host to the individual who deserved it.I started off the stage.Marcus moved fast and caught my wrist.“Sit down.You're being childish.”I slapped him.Hard.While I didn't have the strength to break his zygomatic arch, I damn well tried.His head snapped to the side with his sable hair flipping around his face as I wrenched my arm free from his grasp.“You don't have the right to touch me.”He grabbed me by the throat, hoisting me to my tiptoes.Instinctively, I lightened my weight so he wasn't crushing my neck with his hangman's grip.The host took off in a flurry of falling chairs.Marcus's face stilled as I pressed my two fingers that I used as my Blue Line Special into the base of his throat.Matching his brown eyes that were circled in red, ready to go into full Flame, with my own green eyes that were rimmed with my own Blue Flame, I allowed my resolve to show through-I wasn't backing down.I was First in the House of Assassins.I beat out Father to get that title.“Let go of me now or I'll kill you here.” I pressed my nails into his throat.The human stage security rushed up.Marcus slowly set me back down on the carpet and then pulled his hand back gradually, caressing the tender flesh of my throat, and he retreated a step.His eyes seemed to darken even more as our standoff continued.He caught my fingers and pulled them up to his lips.I stiffened as he kissed the back of my hand.“I love you, Xavier.” He licked between my fingers.I jerked my hand back and curbed the urge to punch him in the fangs.Turning on my heel, I left him there in front of the cameras and the audience and quickly exited the stage.Fucking bastard.Fuck, fuck, fuck fuckfuckfuck.Moving fast through the halls, I heard something that made my heart skip a beat in a good way for all of one second.“Little One!” I froze in my tracks.Marcus wouldn't stop at anything, would he? “Beautiful.”Spinning around on my heel, I wasn't willing to give Marcus my unprotected back.But this wasn't Marcus; it was my Armor.My eyes burnt with unshed tears.NO.The way he stood, straight and tall with his shoulders wide and thrown back, in total opposition to the deep pain radiating from his wounded expression that told me it was the vampire I loved.He opened his arms.It took everything I had in me not to run to him.That's how Marcus had gotten a hold on me last time, and that wasn't going to happen again.That couldn't happen again.I don't think I'd survive if that happened again.“I am not Marcus.” As if he needed to tell me that.“I know.” He slowly dropped his arms.His expression looked as if I just kicked a puppy in the face while it was bringing me my slippers.Tears rushed the banks of my eyes and now streamed down my cheeks.“This can't go on.You have to stop doing this to me.”“I miss you, Little One.”I sniffled without dignity.“Then stay.Stay with me.”“I want to, Little One.”How stupid could I get? I wanted to run to him.I wanted my fingers to grab handfuls of his sable brown hair and shake him.He belonged to me.I clenched my hands at my sides and stood my ground.“Then fight him! You were out for seventeen months the first time we met.”Armor shook his head slowly.“He was afraid to change then.He is not scared anymore because he knows that when he does change you will be there.If not in my arms, you will be somewhere close by.He has turned me in into his personal bloodhound, and it wasn't hard because I wanted to find you.I will always find you, Little One.”“Armor.” You're fucking killing me.“Why did you take our earring out? I did not expect that.It hurts more than I thought possible.” His habit of not using contractions wasn't lost on me.It was my piece of my fractured lover.I caught myself cupping my hands around my elbows, hugging myself.“You have to know why.”“Marcus tricked you.He took you without your consent.”I shivered, forcing back the lingering memory.“Don't pretty it up, Armor.Marcus forced me.You know what those fire demons in the barn did to me.He forced me anyway.”“Marcus gave you pleasure.” Armor's tone was flat.Was he accusing me of leading Marcus on? That hurt.A sharp stab that speargunned my heart.“Whispering he loves me in my ear while he's raping me doesn't make it true.Wringing a physical response out of me doesn't make me a willing participant.” My voice cracked with emotion.“You could have pulled out the Phoenix Wings.”My voice dropped to a whisper.“It would have killed you.If you tried, you could have stopped him.”“I tried, Little One.He always has been stronger than I.Why did you not use your wings?”“I didn't want to harm you.”Armor stilled.“You say that in past tense.”“He's willing to use you to get to me.I can't trust you.” I didn't know a whisper could break with emotion, but it did.“Xavier.”More tears stung my eyes, welling up to blur the bright lights of the hall where we stood.“I want nothing more than to run to you, but I can't.He'll use you against me, and you just said you can't stop him.I can't survive that kind of shit anymore.I just can't.”Armor lowered himself to his knees, then held out his wrists.How fucked up was my heart that it beat double-time to see that elegant fairytale move from him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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