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.He sighed.Fucking funding cuts.He already knew which he'd choose, regardless of out of pocket costs, since it wasn't school money buying them, it was his.So he gestured to the box on the left."Can I get ten boxes of those, Carl?" He glanced up and caught the look on the storeowner's face."I know.But the others will split and fray so easily."Carl smiled and shook his head as he pulled the boxes of reeds out from under the counter."And you're spending your own money again, aren't you? Well, I'm only going to let you buy five boxes."Aleks's brows shot up."What? But I need--"Carl set precisely ten boxes on the counter."What you need is more money for those kids.Here.They're buy one get one free today."Aleks tilted his head with a knowing smile."They are not."Carl shrugged and sat on his stool with his newspaper."Sure they are.I say so." Shrewd brown eyes met Aleks's over the man's glasses."You arguing with me, son?"Aleks held up his hands with a laugh."Not me, no, sir.Thanks, Carl.Free tickets to our winter concert then, okay?""Deal." Carl wasn't looking at him, though, peering across the shop to the windows."Well, looky there.You seen this, Aleks?"Aleks turned and sighed at the sight of a small-knit-cap-and-sunglasses-wearing figure hurrying toward the shop, casting occasional glances back over his shoulder to where a couple of photographers hovered a handful of yards back."Christ, that's him? That's who all this fuss is about?"He turned to watch as Remey Dufresne ducked into the music shop, pulling off his beanie and sunglasses and tucking them into the pocket of his pea coat.The paparazzi didn't follow, thankfully, and Aleks shook his head as they took up positions at the window of the store.He didn't get the interest.Sure, Remey sang pretty good, but why did anyone care that he was shopping? Who would buy pictures of somebody buying picks or whatever it was Remey was in Carl's for?"I figured somebody so famous would be.I dunno." Carl shrugged and scratched his neck."Bigger.Louder.He's just a kid, seems like."Aleks shook his head."He's no kid, Carl."Young, sure--maybe twenty-four or so?--but no kid.He wasn't exactly what Aleks had expected either, though.His brown hair was rumpled from the beanie, jeans faded and worn in spots.And not the fake way designers tried to make them, but worn like they'd spent a lot of time clinging to those slim legs and the curve of his-- Aleks cut off the thought before it could finish.So what if Remey was extremely attractive? He was a famous pop star; what did anyone expect? Of course he was going to be good-looking.Aleks hadn't been prepared for how good-looking."Anything I can help you find?" Carl called out to him, and Remey turned toward the counter.Aleks turned away and finished bagging up his reeds."Not yet.I'm gonna look around a bit.It's a great little store." Remey's voice had a bit of a Louisiana twang to it, and Aleks wondered briefly which part he was from before he cut his thoughts off.No need to go getting curious about their new local celebrity.Next thing you knew, he'd be Googling for the guy's Wiki page or something."Holler if you need anything.We keep extra stock upstairs, if you don't see what you're lookin' for out here."Aleks snorted, and Carl gave him a sharp look."What? I can't be helpful?"Aleks chuckled."Not at all, go right ahead.I bet he'd even give you an autograph if you ask real sweet, Carl," Aleks teased quietly.Carl rolled his eyes."Ass.Excuse me while I go try and make a sale.If that's okay with you."Aleks made a sweeping gesture toward the other side of the store, where Remey was eyeing a guitar on the wall.He tucked his hands into his pockets and leaned against the counter to observe.He still wasn't sure what Remey was doing in Haven.They weren't near anything important; he hadn't heard anything about the guy filming any of those stupid music videos.From all appearances, Remey had simply bought a house and moved in.Like it was perfectly normal for someone like him to move to the middle of nowhere.A few minutes later, Carl disappeared upstairs, apparently to fetch something Mr.Hollywood wanted.Then, much to Aleks's annoyance, Remey turned his attention to Aleks, approaching the counter."I apologize, I didn't mean to interrupt."Aleks shook his head, casting the young man a sideways glance."It's fine." He reached over and grabbed the bags, a couple of boxes tumbling onto the counter when he fumbled.Remey gestured to the reeds."That's a lot of reeds.Stocking up?"Aleks wasn't sure why Remey seemed to think small talk was the thing.But his mother had raised him not to be rude, so he shook his head."No.I teach music over at the high school and these are for the school clarinets."Then Remey Dufresne smiled at him.Damn it.Bright blue eyes lit up and his whole face sort of scrunched up as he let out a pleased little laugh."Oh wow! That's great.So there's a good music program here?"Aleks's brows lifted and he did his best to try not to notice how pretty--and, damn it, there really wasn't another word for the flawless skin, cherry red lips and long lashes--Remey was."Do you.have a kid?" He looked way too young, but Aleks couldn't figure out why else he'd care about the school music program.Remey laughed again, shaking his head."No, no.I'm super-involved in music education funding, though.It's important.I work with some organizations that fund programs and stuff.""Here you go.I knew we had some up there." Carl creaked his way down the stairs and set a handful of boxes on the counter.Remey smiled and nodded as Carl started to bag up his guitar strings, turning slightly toward Aleks."So the program, is it a good one?""Aleks here tries his best to make it that way," Carl put in, and Remey grinned, holding out his hand."Aleks?" he asked, his voice trailing off a little."Aleks Kelly," Aleks answered, putting his hand into Remey's and shaking it briefly."Remey Dufresne.""I guessed," Aleks said dryly, jerking his head toward the street."Most people in Haven don't go around with their own press entourage."Remey flushed, sliding his hands into his pockets."I don't, either.Not willingly anyway."Aleks didn't say anything [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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