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.I straddle an empty seat at their table with my back to Alex.The jacket is too long to reveal my thong, so I slide it off.For once, my giddiness has nothing to do with Adam’s broody behavior.“I came to meet someone,” I reply with a shrug.I place my elbows on the table and cup my cheeks with my palms.“Not a fuck buddy, I hope,” Adam says, raising an eyebrow at me.“Nuh-uh,” I say and give Jesse a little wink.He smiles back, which is a huge improvement from last year’s glare fest.If he and I could become friends, I’d have someone to bitch to about Adam’s emo-ness.That would be awesome.“Well, let’s hope he gets here soon.You’re disturbing us,” says Adam as he plunks his cup on the table and sinks his face behind an issue of a literary magazine I’ve already read to pieces.I twist my lips into a smile.“He’s already here, but I want him to come and get me.” “Is it the black haired guy over there?” Jesse jerks his head in Alex’s direction.“Because he’s been looking at you ever since you sat down.”I twist around in my seat.Alex drops his pencil to the floor when our eyes meet.He reaches down to get it and bumps his head hard on the next table when he gets back up.“Ouch,” I cringe.“Guess I better go over.” I shrug on my jacket and grab my cup.There’s no point in flashing my ass when Alex can’t see it.This is a part of what I mean by awkward.I don’t think I’ve ever met a clumsier guy.Clumsy may be cute sometimes, but it’s not my type.Alex rubs the back of his head as I approach.“You okay?” I ask as I sit down in the chair opposite him and put down my cup without releasing it.There’s a slight tremble in my fingers I need to hide.“Ah, yeah,” he says with a flushed face.His fingers are streaked with red when he puts them on the table.“Dude!” I jump out of my seat.Alex twists his head when I squeeze myself behind him and start rummaging in his thick, dark curls.“Stay still,” I mutter and squint down to see through all the black.“Eric, what are you doing?” “Look at your fingers,” I reply, leaning in closer to see.There it is; a small spot of smeared blood.Alex’s body flinches when he sees the blood on his hands.“Wet your napkin in the water,” I say, trying to see how deep the wound is.He hands over the wetted napkin.I gently pad it against the wound and lean even closer to see the tiny, tiny crack.“It sure bleeds a lot for such a tiny wound,” I mutter and run the napkin over the cut again.His hair smells kinda nice, and it’s very soft.It only curls at the ends, and most of them are gathered at the nape of his neck.“S-so it’s just a scrape?” Alex asks, his body trembling a little.He’s afraid of blood?I give myself a mental shake.Definitely not my type.“Yeah, but you should probably have it checked just in case.People get concussions from blows like that.” I press the napkin against his head and take his freezing fingers to support it.“I think I’m fine,” he says while I return to my seat.I slurp on my coffee and lean back with a satisfactory groan.“Mmm, that’s good coffee.”Alex’s brown eyes shift from my face, to my coffee, to the crossword in front of him with a cute blush in his cheeks.“What did you wanna talk about?” I ask before taking another sip.He flexes the fingers of his free hand.“Right.Since Macy’s on maternity leave, I need someone to take over her part of the magazine.I was hoping you could do it, if you’re not too busy with school.”I practically worked on Macy’s lap all summer, so I know how she writes and what she writes about.I rest my elbow on the table.“The kinky stuff ?” I tease with an eyebrow wag.“Yeah,” Alex replies, pointedly not looking at my face, “and the column you had this summer.We’ve had some requests to have you back since Jeremiah took over.”I let out a soft snort and put my booted foot on an empty chair.“Well, how is Jeremiah supposed to give advice on gay sex when he’s straight as a knitting needle?”Alex blows out a chuckle.“Yeah, I get your point.” “But you’re gay,” I state, mentally smacking myself for the flirty leer.“How did you know?”I laugh.“How would I not know? You kept asking me out all summer.”Alex frowns.“Colleagues have dinners.”“Well, yeah,” I reply, “hot wings over football games, perhaps, but you also run your own gay magazine.”“There’s a market for it.I know a lot of authors who write gay novels because there’s a market–” “The market angle is just an excuse.People write it because they like it,” I interrupt, “but okay.You were mentally bending me over and fucking me during the interview…and basically all summer.”Alex removes his hand from his head and folds the redspotted napkin.“Well, you got me there.”“I knew it,” I say triumphantly.“That’s why I got the job, right?”“No, that’s not why.” I arch an eyebrow.A swirl of heat is still teasing my insides after his confession.I knew all along, but hearing him say it like that made my heart twinge just a tiny bit.It’s not that I’ve changed my mind about him; I just like the attention.“That’s not why,” he repeats.His eyes are still focused on the crossword puzzle.“You were the last interviewee and the most qualified.You scored one hundred percent on the test, and, well…” Alex rubs the back of his head again, “your salary demands weren’t exactly the highest.”My hand flies to my chest when I gasp.“What do you mean? I could have gone higher?”“Yeah,” Alex says in a puff of a laugh, “you could have.You sell yourself too short.”“That’s so mean,” I say, glancing to the floor with a frown.“I don’t think you liked me at all.” “I’m a business man first,” Alex says, surprising the socks off my feet.His gaze is firm when he meets mine.Not flicking about or shying to the window – just a firm, leveled gaze.It’s kinda hot, but then he goes back to his awkward self by looking away and saying, “I gave you that bonus at the end of the summer because I felt bad about it.”“Lucky me,” I say.A wide grin stretches across my face.“But I guess that means I can request more if I take over the column and Macy’s articles?” Alex’s lips quiver into a smile.“Yeah, but don’t push it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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