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.Tig glared over his shoulder.His eyes landed on the white letters, TFR, in pirate script on the back of a gray tee shirt that was stretched over the broad shoulders of Tommy Flame.Just my fucking luck.The bastard isn’t on rotation this weekend.Tig and Flame went way back, back to the sixth grade when Tig moved into the house across the street from Flame.They were the same age, the same size, in the same grade, and had the same competitive streak that ran a mile wide.They should have been friends, best buds, but they weren’t.From the get go, they meshed like oil and water.There was never a definitive instance that caused their hatred of one another.It was just instantaneous.They took one look at each other and the rivalry began.Matters were made worse when their mothers became best friends.For years, he had to listen to the women talk about how alike he and Flame were, but Tig knew they were nothing alike.Tig was half tempted to shove Flame back but the last thing he wanted to do would be ruin the Johnson’s five year anniversary of Guns & Hoses with a brawl.He was still staring daggers into Flame’s back when a hand grabbed his bicep.A dangerous move now that he was pissed off at seeing his rival.He pulled out of the grasp before turning his glare on the culprit.“Whoa, down boy,” his partner grinned up at him.“It was an accident.”“Nothing is an accident except that asshole’s birth,” Tig said just loud enough that he was sure Flame would hear him.Tig watched Pat lean to the side to look behind his bulk while he spoke, “C’mon man, you need a beer.”Pat made a hole in the crowd for Tig to pass and he fell in behind him.Tig knew his fellow detective was covering his back.Martinez kicked an empty chair toward Tig and held out a mug of beer when he reached the table.He accepted the mug and took a long pull of the amber liquid before plopping his ass down into the chair.It did not escape his notice that his squad made sure his back was to the man that could make him see red by just existing.~~~~Sixteen years ago.“Winnie the pooh, Winnie the pooh….Tigger, Tigger, where’s your pooh?” Tommy Flame’s voice sing-songed across the playground.“Shouldn’t you be bouncing instead of walking?” Tommy started bouncing around like the fabled Tigger.“Boing, boing, boing.”Tig’s face grew red even though he was used to Tommy’s taunts.He stomped over to his enemy, with his fists balled at his sides, while he stared daggers into the dark haired boy’s pale blue eyes.“That hurt the ashes in your head, Flame?” Tig knew his reply was lame.“Why don’t you go roll in some hay and burn so your body can catch up with your brain?”Tig shoved Tommy hard in the chest.He was always better with his fists than words.Tommy shoved him back and their first physical altercation was on.Tig’s balled fist came up and connected with Tommy’s cheek at the same time Tommy hit him in the face, splitting his lip.“Tigger Flint! Thomas Flame!” Mrs.Wooster’s voice bellowed across the playground.Both boys were wrestling on the ground by the time Mrs.Wooster and Mr.Lawrence were able to reach them.Each gave as good as they got.Split lips and blackened eyes were the result of their tussle.If the glares the boys gave each other could kill, neither boy would have survived the walk to the principal’s office.No, they would have dropped dead on the spot instead.~~~~Present DayFlame knew he had knocked into someone roughly when Brostowski jokingly shoved him.He glanced over his shoulder to apologize and the words died on his lips.There was no way in hell that he would ever apologize to that asshat Tigger Flint.Instead, he pushed Brostowski back and laughed when the smaller man said ‘ow.’That’s what the little shit gets for catching me off guard.Normally, his five foot nine co-worker wouldn’t be able to budge his six foot two frame.Flame wracked it up to the beers.They either made Brostowski stronger or he had had more than enough.He had been at Guns & Hoses since five so his bet was on how much he had consumed in the last few hours.“Nothing is an accident except that asshole’s birth.”Flame heard Tig’s insult and braced himself for a return shove.He wouldn’t put it past the bastard to retaliate while his back was turned.When he heard Patty O’Brian’s voice, he relaxed.He was glad Tig’s partner dragged him away because if his nemesis threw the first punch, Flame would be forced to ruin the Johnson’s party with a fist fight.“Don’t fuck with the Flame unless you want to get burned,” Flame shot Brostowski a wink and wasn’t sure if he was goading his co-worker or Tig.Yep, I definitely have had enough to drink.“That’s still the cheesiest thing I’ve ever heard!” His ladder-mate made a face and Flame laughed.“I didn’t come up with it.”“Yeah, yeah.It’s left over from your high school football days but that doesn’t stop you from using it.Shit.‘The flame will burn you.’ ‘Stay away from the flame.’ Yadda, yadda,” Brostowski mocked.Flame had no control over the shit people came up with where his name was concerned when he was playing high school ball.However, he was sure his quarterback sack stats gave them plenty of fodder for the word play.Just thinking about playing football made him grin.His grin widened when he remembered all the pain he rained down on that asshole Tig during football practices in high school.~~~~Thirteen years ago.Freshman year of high school sucked.If it wasn’t for the opportunity to try out for football, Flame would have been miserable.Hopefully that jerkoff Tig will go for basketball.It was bad enough that all through middle school they were stuck next to each other because their names fell alphabetically.Flame then Flint.There had only been two classes during the three years of middle school where another name had slipped between them.Thankfully, high school had more last names to fill the gap between A and I.But they were still stuck in the same honors classes.Who knew the shithead was as smart as him? Certainly not Flame.With any luck, I can escape the asshole by playing football.No such luck.Flame joined the group on the field for tryouts and low and behold, there was that fucker Tig Flint standing with the other freshman hopefuls [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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