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However, there tend to be more labels for both dominants and submissives in the gay community than in the Het/Pan community.I have included a brief glossary in the back of this novel for your reference in case Brew's explanation to Rick is not clear enough.A note on the term 'slave'…Many people in both communities willingly enter into a TPE(Total Power Exchange) relationship in which they willingly give up control over their lives to another.The term for the submissive in this lifestyle choice is slave.The relationship dynamic for those who choose to engage in this lifestyle is too in depth to explain in this brief introduction (please Google Total Power Exchange relationships for more info) but I do not want you, the reader, to be confused by the word 'slave' when it is in reference to human trafficking.Sex slaves that are sold into prostitution are not willing participants in the life they are being forced to live.In closing I would like to say that every leather and/or BDSM community, whether gay or Het/Pan, is different.What is accepted as the 'norm' in Tampa may be totally different in Orlando or elsewhere in the country or world.Just as the communities themselves are different, so is each individual relationship between the parties in the community.No two Dominant/submissive relationships are the same.Also, there are many types of BDSM scenes described in this novel that I have written based upon either my own personal experience as a participant in the scene or as a scene I have witnessed.If these scenes spark your sexual curiosity, please DO NOT attempt ANY of the scenes portrayed, no matter how detailed, in this novel without being trained by someone experienced in this type of play.Please keep all of this in mind as you read this work of fiction.I am involved in both communities here in Tampa, and wish to thank everyone who has taken the time to answer my many questions during my journey in the lifestyle.Chapter 1"Fuck," Brew mumbled harshly under his breath as he reviewed the report he just finished typing.He ran his hand over his short black hair and forced himself to relax as he sent the report to the printer and e-mailed a copy to his boss.For the last ten years, he steadily climbed the ladder in ICEby keeping his career and personal life separate.Until six months ago, it had not been a problem.The last eighteen months of investigation into the human trafficking of young men, young gay men, still had not infringed on the very real, if invisible, line that separated his personal life from his career.The case was a career maker or breaker and, as much as he wanted to keep that fine line firmly in place, he was not about to hand the case off to the Tampa office."Fuck," he mumbled again and began to roll his shirt sleeves back down.Buttoning the shirt cuffs, he stood and retrieved his jacket from the hanger on the back of his door.Once it was firmly settled across his broad shoulders, he grabbed the report from the printer and made his way to the meeting with his boss.Rick was tired but in a good way.It was the same after every shift and he figured that the day it changed would be the day he left vice.Being placed, or maybe recruited was the right word, on the vice squad straight out of the Academy was like a dream come true.All he ever wanted to do was work undercover.Even as a kid, he wanted to be a spy but working for vice did more good for the people of Tampa than playing James Bond across the globe; it was his own community he gave a shit about.If it wasn't for the community, especially the Big Brothers and Big Sisters Program, he likely would never have amounted to anything.JoJo, his partner, rattled on about her baby brother graduating boot camp as they made their way into their corner of the squad room.Joanne was likely his best friend on and off the force.She was like an older sister who acted like a mother, even though she was younger.Hell, even the Johns asked 'Mama JoJo' where her baby was when they were looking for him on the street.He always laughed at that because he knew how much she hated it.Rick made the appropriate listening noises as she told him about the details of the graduation ceremony while he looked her over.Joanne was easily six foot in her stilettos and they made her already long black legs seem even longer.The skirt she wore was more a tube top than a mini and God forbid she bend over or sit down because the word 'flashing' wouldn't even begin to cover the view.Not that it was a view he hadn't seen dozens of times already out on the streets or one he was even interested in.He never hid his sexual preference for men and as far as vice, hell, maybe even the department, were concerned, that just made him better at his job.No need to play act being gay and all that shit.If only they knew how much he really did have to act when it came to luring in the Johns.Old men with young boy kinks sure as hell was not a turn on for him but he doubted anyone that was not on vice knew that or even gave a shit [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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