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.He usually wasn’t that pigheaded or stupid.Danny and Gary thought it was PTSD.§ § §Late Thursday AfternoonDanny and Gary both strongly suggested that after three tours in two different war zones, Caden should spend some time seeing Greg.Bull told him that under Indiscreet’s insurance plan, he could see Greg with no co-payment.Caden will still grappling with the idea of seeing a shrink.But after careful consideration, he finally decided to ask Bear and Reed for the job.He already owed his brother-in-law six car payments, plus the two grand down payment, and he intended to pay him in full.The car was a maroon Honda Accord, fully loaded.Caden figured he’d have to hang on to it for a long time so it might as well be comfortable, thus Caden and his Honda pulled into the new parking garage at Indiscreet for his interview.At four in the afternoon the temperature hovered only three degrees above zero in the daylight and the sky was threatening more snow.Bull was waiting for him at the service entrance.“They’re upstairs and expecting you.I’ll take you up.I’m glad you finally made up your mind.”Caden felt a bit embarrassed it had taken him so long to see common sense.Tom Martino, who was a detective sergeant in the Trenton Police, told him that he would be older than all the other rookies, and given his temperament wouldn’t care for taking orders from young idiots who earned their stripes by sitting on their ass and keeping their noses clean.But no, he had a hard head and now he had to ask for what was once offered and refused.They walked down the hall, seeing the office door was open.Bull turned to him and said, “If the door is closed, always knock.Sometimes Reed has Jim in his office and they’re…eh…not working.”Caden laughed.“Gotcha.” The door was open and Bear was sitting in a club chair in front of Reed’s desk.“Hello, Caden.” Reed and Bear got up and shook his hand.“Sit down,” Reed pointed to the second club chair.Before Caden had a chance to settle, Reed said, “You’re hired.”Caden’s eyes flew open.“How did you know that’s what I wanted?” Caden asked, unbelieving.“Your brother talks to Brian and Brian talks to Jim.You’ll get terrorized by our resident unholy quintet which I’m sure you’re looking to make a sextet as soon as you find a sub of your own.” Bear laughed and poured himself a drink.“Scotch?” Bear asked, holding up the bottle.“Thank you.” Caden said as Bear poured him a drink.“The salary is more than we initially discussed because we’re growing fast.We’re paying one-hundred and fifty thousand a year plus performance bonuses.With the expansion of the club, our staff must also expand.You will have thirty direct reports plus Jamie who will report to you any evidence of theft from our vendors.Your bouncers patrol the club and it’s your job to see to it that our subs don’t get bullied into doing something they don’t want to do.Bull is the Dungeon Master and is responsible for the subs’ schedules and their discipline, if necessary, training, and oversight of the dungeons.Your job, along with your staff, is to protect them and our membership outside of the play rooms.” Bear sat down and sipped his scotch.“I’m going to ask Masato to show you around.He is that rare bird, a paid member who is a sub.Most of our subs are service subs and obliged to play once a night with any member who asks, but a sub who is a paid member is not obligated to play with anyone.He can pick and choose.Masato was introduced to the club a year ago along with Greg, Jamie and Danny and is the only one of the four who hasn’t found a Master yet.“This is not any easy job or it wouldn’t pay so much.The bouncers are not what you would call a stable workforce.Although they get paid well, the hours are not conducive to relationships, unless of course the relationship is with someone who is also in the life.I know, I’ve been doing it for years.It’s just too much now, especially since Jim and I no longer live on the premises.” Reed sat down behind his desk.“Reed does a security check on anyone who walks in the door of this club for more than an evening as a guest.That generally isn’t the problem.” Bear tented his hands.“The bouncers are all gay but not all of them are into BDSM.”“Some of them can’t handle it when assigned to Dungeon duty and they leave.We respect that and give them a generous severance package, so no one talks out of school.It’s important for you to spot a bouncer near his tipping point before he does damage to one of the members or to the club’s reputation.” Bear sipped his scotch before continuing.“Masato knows all of the bouncers and has played at least once with most of the members.Just remember that he is helping out because he wants to, not because he has to, and everything will be fine.Go down to Jamie’s office and he’ll give you all of the appropriate forms to sign.Come in tomorrow night for dinner and get the feel of the place.You’ll start on Monday.” Bear stood with his drink in hand.“The subs have their tea and muffins, we have our scotch.Trust me, you’ll need it.”Reed got up from his chair and lifted his glass in the air and made a toast.“Here’s to a long and profitable relationship [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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