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.She glanced longingly at her driveway as she passed by.“How do you know that? Do you have some sort of monster wolf fencing installed?”Yes.That might have been just a trace of mocking amusement she heard at the end of the soft affirmative.When she didn’t answer, she felt the mental nudge again.Damn persistent man.She just wanted to go home and pretend this never happened.Promise me you won’t stop.No matter what.She turned right onto the entrance road to the Circle J ranch, feeling like she was heading down a path of no return.“I promise.”His Good was just a sigh in her head.It winked out on a whisper of energy, and then he was gone, leaving her alone on a strange road in a race with killer wolves that planned on cutting her off from a sanctuary she wasn’t even sure existed.Son of a bitch.Wasn’t that just like a man?“Caleb?”There wasn’t an answer.And she wasn’t really expecting one.There was an emptiness where his voice had been.A dead feeling void that scared the bejesus out of her.She shook her head and drove as fast as she dared up the rutted, tree-lined road.Her car bottomed out in a deep hole, making her jump.The gun fell to the floor.She swore and fished around for it, not taking her eyes off the treacherous path.Another bump had her abandoning the gun in favor of trying to stay on the road.Clenching the wheel tightly in her hands, she squinted through the smears and cracks into the night and cursed her luck.It just figured the first man to believe that she could keep a promise would be a fictitious voice in her head.She wrestled the car around the corner against the series of ruts trying to bounce the vehicle off the road.By the time the car hit the next smooth patch, her teeth were vibrating in her head.Lord knows how her passenger felt.If he was even still alive.“Sorry about that,” she whispered, afraid to look, wrenching the wheel to the right, narrowly missing a big boulder sticking up in the middle of the road.Caleb had to be out of his mind to think her little car could handle this path masquerading as a road.She had half a mind to turn around.The white wolf that leapt out of the trees put paid to that idea.She hit the gas and fishtailed to the other side of the path, narrowly avoiding the collision that would have taken out her car.More wolves appeared on both sides of the car, taking advantage of her slowing to swarm her.It scared her, how willing they were to sacrifice themselves to stop her.They had to be after either her or the wolf, but since they were a package deal at this point, she wasn’t slowing for love or money.The car leaned precariously into the next curve.She was driving too fast for the road, but it was impossible to slow down.Herded on by the wolves like a lamb to slaughter, she could only pray that the car held the road and that there weren’t any unpleasant surprises between here and the Circle J.Sweat poured down her face, and her hands slipped on the wheel.The bumper scraped a tree before she got it back on the road.The wolves howled at the near miss, and then fell back into formation around her.The masked wolf paced alongside the driver’s door, seemingly content to wait.For what? Were they waiting for her to crash?She wiped the sweat off her brow with her coat sleeve.She wasn’t going to crash.The only course she’d ever gotten an A in had been the defensive driving course in high school.She was damn proud of that A.She wasn’t about to blow her perfect record tonight with a bunch of maniacal wolves as witnesses.She looked up, and her heart sank to her toes.Even an A in defensive driving wasn’t going to get her past that.The road dead-ended at the biggest boulder she’d ever seen.Just ended right at the base of it.With the thick growth of trees on either side, there was no way around.With no room to turn and no way back, she was out of options.Beside her the masked wolf gave a victorious yip.She met its glare dead-on.Again the uncanny expressiveness of its face shocked her.And then pissed her off.There was nothing worse than a gloating wolf.She looked at the rock coming up fast.She was almost at the point of no return.The wolves around her picked up their leader’s yip, their voices blending to a nerve-racking war cry.Don’t trust your eyes.No matter what you see.No matter how bad it gets, do not take your foot off the gas.Caleb’s words came back to her.She trusted Caleb, but more than that, she did not want to die as a wolf snack.She caught the lead wolf’s eye, flipped him the bird, and then jammed the accelerator to the floor.The little car shot forward.Her scream echoing all around the tiny interior, she closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable collision.NO sudden impact.No grind of metal against stone.No shattered glass.And most of all, no horrendous pain.She opened her eyes.There was nothing ahead of her.No gloom.No sense of foreboding and certainly no boulder the size of Mount Olympia.Just a straight rutted path dappled in moonlight.Allie depressed the brake and looked back.The wolves milled a hundred feet behind.She could see them through the shimmering mirage of the boulder.Freaky.Caleb was right.For whatever reason, the wolves couldn’t follow her here.She slowed her speed to a manageable level, following the path for three more minutes before the ranch house came into view.It was a huge, well-lit structure sprawled between two hills.Nothing had ever looked more beautiful.She laid on the horn as she bounced along the road.She wanted Caleb front and center as soon as she stopped.She had a bone or two to pick with him.A man came out of the house as she slid into the drive.He was tall and from his silhouette, well muscled, but she knew instinctively he wasn’t Caleb.He was down the steps and at the back of the car before she completed her sideways skid.In the time it took to open her door, he was speaking into a gizmo on his shoulder and popping the hatch as if he knew exactly what she carried.Which maybe he did.If Caleb could communicate with her telepathically, he could most likely do so with others [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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