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.He tried to spit out the gritty taste of dirt.Maybe the projectile had been a rock inside of a dirt clod.“Are you okay?” It was Trevor, kneeling at his side.“I’m not sure.What do I look like?”“Your lip is bleeding and your cheek got scraped.”Nate fingered one side of his upper lip.It seemed to be swelling.Pigeon came and squatted nearby.“You must be crazy.”“I don’t let people bully me.”“Well,” Summer said, her torn shirt still full of prickers, “the good news is you can skip the jump.That was way better.”“Welcome to the club,” Pigeon said.Chapter TwoFirst Day“It isn’t too late,” Nate pleaded.“Just take me back.”“You need to go,” his mom replied.“I promise I won’t complain tomorrow.”“You’ll feel the same way tomorrow.Except worse, because you’ll be much more conspicuous.”They passed the Presidential Estates sign, leaving the neighborhood as they turned onto Greenway.Nate leaned his forehead against the window.“With a name like Presidential Estates, shouldn’t they be bigger houses?” Nate observed.“I like our house.”“We should at least have a pool.Or some pillars.They should rename the place Typical Neighborhood Estates.”“I like our kitchen,” his mom persisted.Nate sighed.He tugged absently at the zipper on his new backpack.They hit a bump, and the window jolted against his head.He sat up.“Come on, Mom, just let me skip today.”“This is for your own good, Nate.There is no worse day to miss than the first one.Besides, your friend Summer is in your class.”“I wanted Trevor.”“You might have Pigeon.”“Great,” Nate griped.“A girl and a dork.I’ll be the biggest outcast ever.”They idled at an intersection.A store on the corner had a sign that read Sweet Tooth Ice Cream and Candy Shoppe in old-fashioned lettering.“How about we get ice cream instead?” Nate proposed.“Nice try.You don’t hate school.What’s the problem?”“I’m too used to summer.It’s hard to go back, especially starting over in a new place.I wish I could ease into it, maybe just go for an hour.”After a few cars passed, they turned onto Main.“The start of a new school year is a transition for everyone,” his mom said.“You’ll fit right in.”“They all know each other.”“You’d feel better if you had come to the orientation,” she chided.“An extra day at school is supposed to make me feel better?”“Some people like to know where things are.”“Can’t you home school me?” Nate pleaded.“You would never do any work.”“Sounds perfect!”They were driving along Main through downtown Colson.All along Main Street from Greenway to the hill topped by Mt.Diablo Elementary, the buildings looked like they were trying to belong to the Old West.Most were two stories and made of wood.Some looked like saloons, while others looked like old-fashioned houses.Plank sidewalks connected the businesses, with periodic barrels doubling as trashcans.There was a general store, a dentist’s office, a town museum, a post office, a bar and grill, a craft store, an antique store, and a barbershop with a striped pole out front.“What time does the Wild West show start?” Nate asked.“I like this part of town.”“It looks like Frontierland.”“A little bit.”“All they need is a log ride.”“I’m glad it looks different,” his mom said.“So much of America looks the same nowadays.”“Because we all live in the same time period.”“Cut it out.You like it too.”Nate shrugged.Main curved up a slope.They turned onto Oak Grove Avenue and pulled into the Mt.Diablo Elementary parking lot.Kids poured out of cars and buses, heading into the school.Nate studied the crowd.Nobody looked too intimidating.Most of the kids were younger than him.They reached the curb.“All right, have a great day,” his mom said.“You sure you don’t want me to pick you up?”“Trevor says they always walk home.You sure I can’t just start tomorrow?”“We wouldn’t have made it this far if I wasn’t.”“Mom, this school is named after the devil.That is not a good sign.”“Somehow I think you’ll survive.Remember, 18-C with a blue door.”Nate opened his door.The nervous feeling in his stomach reminded him of the butterflies he had experienced before doing a lip sync in his fourth-grade talent show.Had he ever been this intimidated by a first day of school?He stepped out of the familiar Ford Explorer onto the unfamiliar sidewalk of the unfamiliar school full of unfamiliar kids.He shut the door, waved to his mom, and joined the mass of students flowing into the school.Covered sidewalks connected the buildings.His mom had explained that his class was in the last building on the left.He wished he had resisted begging to stay home so much.It had really gotten his hopes up for missing the day, which now made him feel even more out of place.He heard someone crying [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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