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.She was too embarrassed to take them home so she left each and every one here at work.Turns out, though, that this would be the day her boss finally decided Stephanie’s dedication had gone just a little too far.As soon as Stephanie had entered the door and finished saying her hellos her boss waved her over to her office.“Hey, good to see you.Come on in.Glad to you see you made it in before I left for the day.I needed to have a little talk with you before the weekend got here,” Steff’s boss, Dr.Bryant, told her as they both sat down.Her boss continued on after they were seated, “Gum?”“No thanks,” Stephanie answered.The boss lady smiled and laid the gum package back down on her desk.“No problem, that’s fine.I don’t need it either but it keeps me from smoking so I always have a pack close by.” Then she sat back in her chair as the other employees milled about outside the door and started leaving for the day, one or two at a time.The sounds of barking filled the air.“By the way, I know we haven’t talked about this in a while – but you need a vacation,” she announced matter of fact.“You have almost a month’s worth of paid time off coming to you, and I want you to use some of it right now.”“What? But I don’t want to,” Stephanie protested, though her tone was still full of respect.“I’d rather work.”“Sorry, lady… time for you to take advantage of some of that time off you’ve been hoarding.I want you to go home and take the next week off.The whole week off… okay? Now scoot – I don’t want to see you anywhere near this office for a week!” Her boss did not give her any choice, and insisted that Stephanie take some time off.Then they both got up and started heading for the back door themselves.“Okay, okay… you’d think I wasn’t wanted here anymore,” Stephanie responded light heartedly as they left Dr.Bryant’s office.Stephanie’s boss walked her to the door locking it all behind them both as soon as they got outside.The rest of the staff had already left the premises.“Steff, I want you to take some time off because I love you and I need you… and I want you rested… remember that… now scoot! Get out of here and start doing something fun before I give you two weeks off.”Stephanie thought about her job and life as she drove home that day, making the 30 minute trip from the office to her house.She realized that she would feel very lonely until she was able to go back to work after her days off.So now what? She wondered what she would do with her forced time off.She hadn’t planned anything at all and was completely caught off guard with the instant vacation.But just then, while she was traveling down the road doing about 45 or so, her mind completely distracted by her forced vacation, something huge and definitely not human, jumped out into the road right in front of her truck.She slammed on the brakes and veered off the road doing her best to avoid striking the creature and to stay on the road too.Thank goodness there was no one else on the road but her at the time.As soon as she came to a complete stop she put the truck into park and got out of the vehicle, wondering if she had hit the thing and just what it might have been.When she reached the edge of the road and looked down into the ditch, she was surprised to find no big creature there – but instead a man lying in the dirt.A naked man… lying in the dirt.At first she was a bit shocked but then her veterinarian instincts took over and she crouched down beside the ditch to get a closer look at him.He was covered in scratches, gashes, bruises and blood.Book 1: The Alpha’s a Bitch: Rise Of The Pack Princess Chapter 2“Are you okay?” she asked the man.He didn’t respond.His shoulder length dark hair partially covered his eyes which were obviously closed.So she ran back to her truck, turned on her flasher lights and grabbed a blanket and a first aid kit.Then she rushed back and climbed down the side of the ditch to help him.She dropped to her knees beside him, covered him with a blanket and checked his pulse – low but strong.She began to clean his wounds.She bandaged the ones that needed the most help first.As soon as she felt his skin she realized just how dehydrated he was.He still couldn’t open his eyes, and seemed very, very weak.She knew if she left him long enough to go for help, he might not make it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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