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.Henrietta had obviously made note of it.“And you thought my presentation was more important to me than your well-being?” she asked.She tried to look stern.“Now, don’t fuss at me,” Henrietta said.“I was going to call you in a bit.”“How are you feeling?” Summer asked.“You look tired.”“I could use a good nap after being in that crazy emergency room, but it’s difficult to rest with people coming in and out.By the way, how do you like my new designer gown?” Henrietta asked, giving a brief nod to the shapeless hospital garb she wore.“It screams Diane Von Furstenberg,” an amused Summer said.“It must be from her new shabby-chic collection.Do you get to take it home once you’re discharged?”“One can only hope.” Henrietta pointed to a chair.“Pull it closer to the bed and sit with me.”Summer dragged the chair several feet and parked it next to the hospital bed.“So, are you going to tell me what happened?” she asked, taking a seat and placing her purse on the floor beside her.Henrietta gave a small huff.“I woke this morning feeling unusually tired.I thought I was coming down with something.Then my heart started racing.It was a bit uncomfortable, but I figured it would pass.I should not have mentioned it to Mrs.Bradshaw.She panicked and called an ambulance.”“I would have done the exact same thing,” Summer said, even though she was no fan of her grandmother’s housekeeper.“Avery was already here when I arrived, bless his heart.He and I are on a first name basis,” Henrietta added, “although I always refer to him as Dr.Cook when there are other medical personnel in the room.And guess what? He just became a grandfather for the first time, and he is thrilled.”“That’s nice,” Summer said.“I assume he ran an EKG.”“Oh, yes, that’s the first thing he did.” Henrietta paused and shook her head sadly.“Goodness me, I am so embarrassed.”“Why?”“I forgot to ask Avery if the new baby was a boy or girl.I can’t believe I was so thoughtless.I hope he didn't think I was rude.”Summer was accustomed to her grandmother going off in different directions during their conversations.“I doubt he gave it a second thought,” she said.“Considering the circumstances,” she added.“Yes, but now I’m in a real pickle.How can I possibly choose a baby gift if I don’t know the sex of the child?”“His nurse would tell you.”“You’re absolutely right!” Henrietta said.“Why didn’t I think of that?”Summer patted her hand.“Now that we’ve solved that problem you have no reason to fret.Did Dr.Cook discuss the results of your EKG?”Henrietta nodded.“I have angina.It’s not fatal so you can stop worrying.Unfortunately, I have to make lifestyle changes.He wants me to slow down, and that includes being less involved with charity work.”Summer frowned.She knew how much her grandmother enjoyed donating her time and money to various causes.“What did he mean by less involved?”“He suggested that I concentrate on a couple of my favorite charities instead of taking on so many because I’m likely to become stressed and overly fatigued.Stress is a major contributor to angina.”Summer nodded thoughtfully.“I can see his point.”“Besides, I am tired of all the politicking and fanny-kissing I have to do to raise money.”“Fanny-kissing?” Summer chuckled.“That’s what it feels like,” Henrietta said.“It’s high time I stepped aside and let others take the reins for a change.”Summer was glad that her grandmother was so agreeable.“Do you think having less on your plate will lower your stress?” she asked.Henrietta paused.“Maybe.” But she looked doubtful.“You don’t sound convinced.What am I missing here? Are you stressed over something else?”Henrietta hesitated.“Well, actually, yes.”“What is it?”“I’m worried about you, dear.”“Me?” Summer was surprised.“Why on earth are you worried about me?”“I’m not getting any younger, and now that I have this, um, condition, who knows what’s in store?” Henrietta paused and took a deep breath.“If something happens to me, you’ll be all alone in the world.”“Please don’t talk like that, Grandmother, and please stop worrying that I’ll be alone.I have plenty of friends.”“That’s not the same as having a family,” Henrietta said, her voice trembling.“A husband and children,” she added.“Oh, I know how independent you young women are today, but loving someone and being loved does not mean you have to change who you are.True love is all about giving, not taking.Your grandfather taught me that, God rest his soul.” She removed her eyeglasses.Summer noticed the tears glistening in her grandmother’s eyes, and it broke her heart [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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