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.A Total-E-Bound Publicationwww.total-e-bound.comGypsiesISBN # 978-1-78184-036-8©Copyright T.A.Chase 2012Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright July 2012Edited by Rebecca DouglasTotal-E-Bound PublishingThis is a work of fiction.All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact.Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing.Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.Published in 2012 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.Warning:This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers.This story has a heat rating of Total-e-sizzling and a sexometer of 2.This story contains 150 pages, additionally there is also a free excerpt at the end of the book containing 12 pages.The Beasor ChroniclesGYPSIEST.A.ChaseBook one in The Beasor Chronicles SeriesWill the unconditional love of his best friend be enough to help heal Percy after almost being broken mentally and physically?On Beasor, being a Gypsy gives Percy almost god-like status.His power over nature and animals could allow him to make a good living exploiting people, but he chooses to live with his best friend Alden, over Alden’s pub in Catalai, the capital of Beasor.Percy loves Alden, but has never been able to tell Alden, afraid the truth would ruin their friendship.In a fit of jealousy one night, Percy travels through the universes to Earth, and finds himself captured by two humans.As a magical Beasor, silk binds him to their will and Percy finds himself close to breaking in every way as the humans drain his magic.When Alden rescues Percy, the best friends finally admit to their love, but Percy needs help to replenish his magic and find a way to ease the memories of his captivity.With Alden supporting him every step of the way, Percy fights to heal and become the Gypsy he was once.DedicationThank you to all my readers who keep asking me when my next book is coming out.You’re the reason why I keep writing, so I don’t disappoint you.Thank you to my wonderful editor as well.Without you, the story wouldn’t be nearly as good as it ends up.Trademarks AcknowledgementThe author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:Popsicle: UnileverChapter OneOn most nights, being an ordinary Beasor didn’t bother Alden.He liked tending bar at his pub, and not having to worry about whether people liked him for who he was, or for what he could do for them.In Alden’s world, there were four types of Beasor, and being an unremarkable one suited him.Well, usually it did, but tonight something bothered him, and it had to do with his best friend, Percy.His friend was one of the extraordinary Beasors, and, as such, found himself constantly surrounded by hangers-on and leeches.They were all trying to get something from Percy.The way others fawned over and tried to use Percy upset Alden, but as long as it didn’t bother Percy, Alden let it go.Bright laughter lifted over the dull murmur of the crowd, and Alden glanced over to see Percy in the middle of a group.Percy caught his gaze and smiled at him.Alden grunted as desire kicked him in the gut, pooling in his groin.Thank the God he stood behind the bar, and no one could see the effect of Percy’s attention on his body.“Gypsies are a little like the angels those people on Earth talk about all the time, huh?”Alden turned to see Chal, a regular customer at the pub, leaning on the bar with a knowing look on his face.He poured Chal his usual mug of dark ale and set it in front of his friend.“Sometimes I think Gypsies know the effect they have on people, so they take advantage of it,” Alden muttered as he flagged down one of his waitresses and put another glass of Pillian wine on her tray.“Take it to Percy.He should be empty by now.”“Yes, sir.” She strolled through the customers with ease.“Does he know you’re in love with him?”Alden ignored Chal’s question, grabbing a towel to dry the clean glasses.The other bartenders had things under control, so he had time to chat with Chal.“When did you get back?”Chal took a swig from his mug, wiping his sleeve across his mouth when he was done.“Earlier today [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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