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.“The council and I discussed the betrothal contract just now, after our other business was concluded.”“Oh?” Conor blushed deeply, and his dark eyes widened.“What…what did they say?”Lyndor found the transparency of his emotions charming.If only all the men in his kingdom could be so forthright and unassuming.“It was not so much what they said, but what I told them.I plan to give you a good life here, Prince Conor.I will do all in my power to make it so.”“As…as will I,” Conor said, clearly taken by surprise and struggling not to stammer.“Good.We are settled, then.The bonding will proceed as planned tomorrow—our third day.”“So soon?” Neuvah asked, though there was no mistaking the pleasure in his voice.“It is technically acceptable according to the contract,” Malachus observed.“Tomorrow they will have known one another for three days.”“I shall prepare for the banquet at once,” Lyndor said.“The ceremony can proceed as planned.Please have your scribes prepare the necessary documents, and mine will do the same.”“I shall,” Malachus agreed.“Is that wise?” Gothec asked as he and Lyndor left everyone in the room gaping after them.“I mean, he is charming, to be sure, but considering the news Wym has brought us—”“I will not alter my plans based on stories of our cousin’s displeasure,” Lyndor interrupted.“Let him resent my happiness if he so desires.He cannot stop the match in any case.”“It is not his resentment I worry about.And I would not be so quick to judge what he can and cannot do.Our cousin has spent many long years cultivating his talents—so that he may use them for ill.”“Let him try,” Lyndor scoffed, increasing the length of his strides down the drafty stone corridor.He was eager to reach his chamber and prepare for the banquet.A long soak in a hot bath would be welcome after a morning of exercise and an afternoon of dreary debates with his councilors.“I am not without resources of my own.”Chapter 4To the surprise of no one in the Rivvik contingent, the feast proved as breathtaking as the palace itself.A stunning array of aromatic dishes had been spread out over four full banquet tables, including toadstool stews prepared with intriguing spices, breads stuffed with nuts and slathered with warm honey, roasted roots and truffles, and delicate salads made up of many different leaves and flower petals.Wines had been crushed from every variety of berry grown in the royal vineyards.Those who did not wish to become tipsy could instead enjoy flavorful teas brewed from restorative herbs.“My land has long been renowned for growing the finest strain of toadstools known to elven cultures all over,” Lyndor told Conor proudly as he escorted him past the heaping tables.“I have ordered a vast quantity to be harvested for our stew tonight, and an extra barrel for your father to take back to Rivvik with him.You will find other delights from our gardens as well.”“He will appreciate that,” Conor said, biting his lip to control his nervousness.“My father is most particular about the flavor of his toadstools.”“He has good taste, then.I respect that.” Lyndor slipped his arm under Conor’s.“As my consort, it is your right to dine next to me.I hope you will enjoy the meal.”“Yes, my lord,” Conor answered, mindful that his father and Malachus were walking directly behind them.They stepped onto the raised dais and took adjoining seats at the High Table, where large quantities of food and wine had already been set out.Two other men awaited them, one at either end of the table.Conor had seen them earlier at the docks, but in the confusion he had not bothered to ascertain their identities.“My cousin, Lord Gothec, and my spiritual advisor, Acolyte Wymreth,” Lyndor introduced them.“I hope in time you will learn to trust them as I do.It is no exaggeration to say that both have served me well since my birth.”“We look forward to getting to know you,” Lord Gothec said, offering Conor a short bow, which Conor returned.The older man, Wymreth, regarded him with what seemed a sour expression, though Conor allowed that the configuration of deep wrinkles might have made his saggy face appear so critical.He put it out of his mind as the four of them took their seats and commenced eating.As the meal went on, Gothec peppered Conor with questions concerning Rivvik and his personal preferences in music and food, while Lyndor and Wymreth remained almost unnervingly quiet.Though Conor attempted to answer each inquiry honestly, he soon found that as he talked about his homeland, his throat grew tight with emotion.For all the conflicts he had with his father, and despite the comparative lack of luxuries back at his own castle, such familiar things represented home.This place was strange and frightening, and it would only be worse once Blaik returned to Rivvik.As he watched his younger brother laugh and flirt with the knights on the other side of the room, earning their father’s overt disapproval, he began to miss Blaik already.Conor blinked back sharp tears that surged into his eyes.At last, King Lyndor seemed to notice his distress.“I believe it is time for a dance,” he announced, standing and offering Conor his hand.“The guests expect it, and I assume they are eager to see your skill on the floor.”“I fear they will be sorely disappointed,” Conor said, trying not to stumble as the king led him to the center of the room.In truth, he was not at all used to crowds or such a joyful atmosphere.Celebrations at his father’s castle were infrequent, and they were never lavish.Dismayed, he stared at the dancers, minstrels, and tumblers currently performing in various spots around the Great Hall.Did such skilled performers even exist in his own land? If so he had never seen them.His father invited the occasional minstrel into the Great Hall, and on a few occasions a young elf had performed somewhat clumsily on a lute.Beyond that, entertainment—including dancing—was sparse.“You have nothing to fear,” Lyndor assured him.“Simply follow my lead and do exactly as I do.” A quick gesture cleared every performer save for the musicians from the floor.Those who remained turned their drums, stringed instruments, and pipes to a light, jaunty tune that brought many members of the court to their feet.The king’s hand against his made Conor tremble [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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