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.The bed he lay in was large and made of thick pieces of wood stained a dark chestnut brown.The sheets were a rich deep blue, and Jason felt about as comfortable as he thought possible at the moment.Looking at the clock on the bedside table, Jason realized it was getting on to late afternoon and he'd slept most of the day away.He hadn't slept so long in nearly a week.Hearing voices floating into his room, Jason started to remember some of the events from earlier that day.God, Brian must think he'd lost his mind.Jason drew in a sharp breath as another thought came to him.Had he really met his mate and then run away from him? Jason moaned as he remembered Alex tackling him to the ground, trying to stop him from leaving.Jason didn't know if he could deal with finding his mate at the moment.Why did he have to meet him now?21Determined Mateby Toni GriffinWhy couldn't this have happened a week ago, then he never would have been at that stupid bloody club.Jason closed his eyes and quickly shook his head.He did not want to think about that night right now.Now he had to go and find Brian and try to explain his actions without going into too much detail.Climbing out of bed, he padded barefoot across the floor.Gently opening one door so he didn't alert anyone to the fact that he was awake, Jason found himself looking into a hallway.The rich aroma of roasting meat filled the air, and Jason figured that Brian would be in the kitchen cooking; he knew the joy Brian found in cooking for everyone.Sniffing the air again, Jason turned right out of his room and followed the tantalising smell to the kitchen.Leaning his hip against the doorjamb, he had to smile at the sight his best friend made.Shirtless, with a cloth stuffed into the back pocket of his jeans, Brian swayed his hips as he sang along to the music softly playing in the background while he peeled vegetables for dinner.Jason let out a little chuckle as Brian failed miserably to stay in tune with the music.Brian looked up at him at the sound of his chuckle and gave him the biggest smile.God, he'd missed his friend.Jason slowly walked into the kitchen and embraced 22Determined Mateby Toni Griffinhis friend again before sitting at the table so he could continue to watch Brian work."You want a drink?" Brian asked him.Jason knew it wasn't the real question he wanted to ask but was grateful for the small reprieve."Yeah, that would be great.Thanks.Whatever's going is fine." Jason watched as Brian poured him a glass of iced tea and set it on the table in front of him."You know I'm here for you if you ever need to talk, right?" Jason could hear the uncertainty in Brian's voice."Yeah, I know.I'm just not sure I'm ready to talk about it yet." He tried to smile at Brian to let him know he was okay, but he didn't think he pulled it off."You know, Alex is shitting kittens at the moment."They both chuckled a little at mental image Brian's statement had conjured."What am I going to do about that, Bri? I so did not expect to find my mate here.I just needed some place to get away for a while, you know? I need to sort my life out and try and move on.I know I'm not real comfortable around large men at the moment.I guess I forgot how big you told me Marcus and his brothers were." Jason grimaced at the thought of the mess he was in."I don't know that you have to do anything.Alex is 23Determined Mateby Toni Griffina great guy and a fantastic Alpha.He's kind and considerate, and he cares for all of his pack, no matter what.He won't push you into anything you're not ready for."Jason's mind raced as he thought about what Brian had said."You know they kicked me out just like they did you," he stated quietly.Brian looked up from what he was cutting.Putting the knife down, he slowly made his way to the table.He sat in the chair facing Jason's and took Jason's hands in his."I thought it might have been a possibility, but I didn't know for certain." Brian gave his hands a small squeeze in support."Yeah.Turned out that it didn't matter to the folks what had happened to me.As soon as they found out which club I'd been seen in, they did the same as your parents and went to the Alpha.They're all a bunch of narrow-minded assholes anyway.They disowned me, but at least they let me gather my things before asking me to vacate their property.I was lucky and managed to grab a few of your things last week before they were all thrown away.I had them stashed in my room.They should still be in the car.""Thanks, man.You're better off without them anyway.I can't tell you how much happier I am here, happier than I ever was at home.The only thing missing 24Determined Mateby Toni Griffinwas you, and you're here now." Brian smiled at him then stood to return to his veggies.Jason heard a noise behind him and turned, only to draw in a quick breath when he saw Alex standing in the doorway with his arms crossed over that sexy-as-hell chest and a look on his face Jason couldn't completely read.He looked angry and sad at the same time.Alex noticed Jason watching him, and his expression changed.A smile curved up and graced that perfect mouth.Alex slowly made his way into the kitchen and seated himself at the table.The careful movements made it obvious he was trying not to spook Jason.Jason hesitantly returned his smile."I didn't know you had woken.Did you have a nice sleep?""The smell of Brian's cooking drew me here.I'm sorry, but I'm not real comfortable around large strangers at the moment," Jason mumbled as he looked down at the tabletop.He noticed the condensation from his glass had made a small puddle of water on the table and started to wipe it away.Alex reached for his hand, but Jason pulled away quickly."Sorry," he mumbled again, still not looking up."Jason, look at me please."Jason didn't want to but knew he should.Alex was the local Alpha, with the power to force him to leave his 25Determined Mateby Toni Griffinterritory.Jason didn't think he would, but he couldn't take that chance as he had nowhere else to go.Jason slowly looked up into Alex's beautiful deep brown eyes."You are safe here.No one will hurt you.You are my mate, and I will protect you with everything I have.No one will ever lay a hand on you again unless you give your permission.Not even me.You can stay as long as you need or want.As my mate, I hope that will be a very long time."Jason had to smile at the last statement Alex made.He nodded to acknowledge his understanding."Thank you.I hadn't really thought any further than getting to Brian.I just needed my friend so badly.I never thought I'd meet my mate.I know I'm not what you would have chosen, just please give me some time.""What do you mean 'not what I would have chosen'? You're sexy as hell, and I bet you're usually a little spitfire who gets into more trouble than is good for you.I know you're loyal to your friends from everything Brian has told me, and they love you.I also know you've been hurt.I just hope that you can trust me enough one day to tell me what you've been through.But until then, we'll just get to know one another.I promise not to push you into anything you're not ready for."Jason smiled at Alex [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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