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.Being the victim of sexual and physical abuse didn’t necessarily mean he was damaged.Scarred? A little but he wouldn’t let those bastards have any power over him.He had survived.Casper was tired of being scared, and after the first year of the sick games Tobias and his men liked to play with him, Casper just kind of shut it out.When they’d come for him he knew what was about to happen and he just took it.If he fought back they’d make the punishment last longer.They’d still beat him then take turns raping him.After a while Casper just became numb to it all.What those men did to him didn’t define who he was or the man he would become.Sure, Casper didn’t like the nightmares that infringed on his dreams but they were a part of life and he was coping with it.He wasn’t delusional enough to think he’d come out of the past three years unscathed but he was trying to move on with his life.The sound of a truck pulling into the drive grabbed Casper’s attention.He didn’t recognize the vehicle.He sat with his head pressed against the cool glass to get a better look.A man climbed out of the truck.“Nice,” Casper hummed as he took in the man’s handsome face.The man had light blond hair.Casper squinted his eyes and noticed that some were turning white with age, but the man didn’t look old.His rugged tanned face spoke of maturity not youth but it didn’t take away from his looks.The sunlight reflected off the man’s light blue eyes and Casper gasped in awe.There was something welcoming about his man.After everything he’d been through, Casper thought for sure he’d end up preferring women to men but apparently it wasn’t that easy.Casper had known he was gay since he was a little boy.He remembered watching soap operas with his mother and being mesmerized by the pretty men on the screen.They were always walking around with their shirts off and Casper, even back then, knew he preferred men over women.The front door slammed shut and Casper plastered his head against the window to see who had gone outside to greet this stranger.A huge smile lit up the man’s face as he took off toward the house.Casper couldn’t see who the man had met.He blew out an annoyed breath.It didn’t matter who the man was meeting or why he was at the house.Even if the guy was single and into other men why would he be interested in Casper? Besides being young and gangly, he came with a past that most men would probably shy away from.Who wanted to be with a man whose body was covered in scars and had been raped on a regular basis?Pushing away from the window, Casper walked into the bathroom.He didn’t bother turning on the light.The markings on his face had faded and only a few were noticeable around his forehead.But the worst marks were on his chest, stomach, and back.Scars on top of scars marred his pale skin.The pinkish tissue was thick and raised in spots.At times Casper thought he looked like a version of Frankenstein’s monster and that no man would ever be attracted to him.But then there were times that Casper didn’t care.All these marks, no matter how big or small they might be, made him the man he was today.He was a survivor and he’d wear each mark with pride because his abuser didn’t win.Casper got free and had the ability to start over.Walking out of the bathroom, Casper headed back to his chair.He needed to finish studying before supper time.No matter how much he complained about having to catch up on three years of missed schooling deep down he truly enjoyed it.It made him feel normal.Casper opened the English textbook he was studying from and found the email with the lesson his online tutor wanted him to work on.As he read Casper kept losing his spot.Visions of a tall man with blond hair kept flashing behind his eyelids.He started to think a break should come sooner rather than later just so he could get a better look at the man.* * * *“We got a problem,” Phillip said after giving his son a well overdue hug.“What kind of problem?” Devon asked.“Bryce is in town and he wants to come over here for dinner.He wants to meet the two of you.” Phillip still couldn’t believe it.What were the odds his boss would come to Nehalem now? Phillip could just be being paranoid but he had a weird feeling about all this.“Who’s Bryce?” Devon asked.Phillip was just about to answer when Aiden opened his mouth.“My dad’s boss at headquarters.” Aiden turned to face him.“Why does he want to do that?”“He came to Nehalem to get my report on that last mission he sent me on after your mother’s death.” Phillip winced as hurt flashed over his son’s eyes.Aiden still was coming to grips with her death whereas Phillip had already moved on.He had to remember to be more sympathetic to his son’s pain.“After I gave him the report he started to ask questions about you.He also wants to visit with Noah and Carson while he is here, too.”“Do you think he knows about us?” Devon took ahold of Aiden’s hand.Phillip could tell by the hard set of the man’s jaw that he was worried.“To be honest, son, I’m not sure.” Phillip had taken to calling Devon son after Aiden and him became mated.Phillip loved the man as if he were his own.The love and devotion he showed to Aiden helped relieve his stress about his son living on pack land.“Then let’s just invite him over.” Aiden spoke up.“We can get through one evening with the man.He can’t prove anything.”As far as Phillip knew, that was true but that didn’t mean he was right.If Bryce had become suspicious of him there was no way of him knowing.For all Phillip knew he was being followed and so was Brandon.His pulse started to race.What would he do if the council found out? They’d kill them all.“Dad, you okay?” Aiden’s soft voice broke through the paralyzing fear running in his veins.“Yes, Aiden.” He leaned forward in his chair, rested his elbows on his knees, and let his chin sit on his hands.“I’m just worried is all.It’s probably nothing but I don’t want to chance it.” Phillip looked up to meet Aiden’s eyes.“I think you’ve been through enough and I don’t want this to cause you to live in fear.”“We both have been through enough.” Aiden got up from his chair and went to sit next to Phillip.“I lost my mom but you lost your wife.I can’t ever imagine that.”Phillip so badly wanted to tell his son that he and his mother had been distant for months [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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