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.The conflict raging between the brothers had nothing to do with her.But this morning she’d awakened restless and confused.Brother Gabriel never kept secrets from her.Why would he neglect to mention something so fundamental? She hadn’t seen him since she told him of Gideon’s arrival.Was he intentionally avoiding her? The entire situation made her uncomfortable.One day in seven Naomi was free to do as she pleased.When she couldn’t locate Brother Gabriel, she decided to visit Zarrah in the Maronite village to the west of the Krak des Chevaliers.Zarrah was a young widow who lived with her father and small son.Her brother Jonah had often hinted that he would like to take Naomi to wife, but she had never given his offer much consideration.Naomi found the brisk walk to Zarrah’s home calming, but a day spent fending off Jonah’s advances and watching Zarrah with Benjamin left Naomi achingly aware of all she would sacrifice were she to enter the Order of St.John.All too soon Naomi was saying her farewells and striding swiftly toward the Krak, anxious to return before the sudden desert nightfall.You will marry.Your nature would never tolerate celibacy.Gideon’s words echoed back to her and Naomi smiled.Could you live without the touch of a lover forever?The prospect hadn’t seemed nearly so desolate before Gideon took her in his arms.You would be utterly wasted in an abbey.A warm tingle ricocheted through her and Naomi hurried her pace.Perhaps she should think more seriously about Jonah’s offer.If Jonah took her in his arms, would her heart beat so hard she could barely breathe?The soft thump of hoofbeats drew Naomi from her musings.She watched the horseman coming toward her in the distance.Riders seldom used this path, but Naomi simply stepped off, intending to let him pass.He drew his horse to a halt directly in front of her and Naomi tried not to panic.He might only wish a word with her.His long leg swung over the saddle and he slid to the ground.Fear crept over her, weakening her limbs and lodging in her throat.She looked around for a weapon—a stone, a stout stick—anything to ward him off.The man approached, his stride lazy, leading his large bay stallion.The animal wasn’t adorned with the trappings of war, but Naomi recognized it as a destrier by the defined musculature and the sheer size of the beast.She had a similar impression of the man.Though he was dressed simply in a plain tunic and chausses, Naomi could easily picture him in heavy chain mail and brightly colored surcoat.His hair was a sun-streaked brown and his dark gaze met hers boldly.She searched for kindness in his expression, desperately hoping for some indication that he didn’t mean her harm.All she saw was confidence and calculation.“Good day, damsel,” he greeted.Naomi nodded, praying he’d simply pass her by.Averting her gaze and stooping her shoulders, she tried to move around him.His hand shot out and Naomi gasped.Her heart pounded and moisture evaporated from her mouth.“Good eventide, sir.” She struggled just to form the words with her dry tongue.His fingers encircled her arm with firm, unyielding pressure.“I’ve just come from Krak des Chevaliers.Was it there I saw you?” A smile parted the dark beard obscuring the lower portion of his face.“It’s possible, good sir.Please may I pass?” She kept her voice even, struggling to conceal the fear ravaging her composure.“Are you in a hurry to return to your duties? Can you not abide a few moments with a lonely stranger?”His grip on her arm became a caress.Even through the thin material of her long-sleeved chemise, she could feel the taunting brush of his fingers.“If it’s companionship you seek, there are women in the villages who are available for your pleasure.”He pulled her closer, his smile seductive.Naomi’s arms shot up between them, her hands pressed firmly against his chest.Surely he didn’t mean to take from her what others were willing to give! She was breathing too quickly.Her head spun and her vision blurred.“Why would I continue on to a village when you are just to my liking?”She yanked against his restraining hold.Blood pounded in her temples, drowning out everything but her fear.She couldn’t mistake the strength in his hold.If she couldn’t break the grasp of his fingers, what hope did she have of fighting him off? “Please, sir, I do not sell my favors.”“Good.” He laughed.“For I don’t intend to pay.”Sweeping her up in his arms, he deposited her facedown across the saddle.Naomi screamed and kicked and thrashed.He quickly mounted and dragged her across his lap.His large hand smacked her backside hard.“Be still.You’ll do me no good with a broken neck.”He kicked his steed into a gallop and Naomi had to struggle for each breath.His hard thighs jabbed her middle and each rhythmic lunge of the horse caused blood to pound into her head.She prayed for rescue—or death.When he stopped the horse a few minutes later, Naomi threw her weight backward before he could dismount.She hit the ground hard and her ankle twisted.Strangling on a hysterical cry, she turned and tried to run.“You foolish girl.” He sneered as he swung down from the horse.He easily caught her and shoved her to the ground.“Are you trying to kill yourself?”Tears trailed freely down her cheeks [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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