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.Additionally, she began taking a special interest in Queen Bee, whom she declared in several interviews to be someone that she was “desperate to meet.” While Gemma was more than open to having a friend in the industry, her team balked at the idea.Mira had read about Zoe’s recent misbehavior, and she knew from Hudson that his daughter Harper was no angel.“Oh, yeah, Kate.Obviously,” Gavin laughed, downing his champagne.While the rest of the boys could hardly pick their jaws up off the table as they watched Harper, Gemma was proud to see Gavin having eyes only for Leah.Not too long ago, he would have marched straight up to Harper’s table and asked for her number.Knowing him, he probably would have gotten it too.Gavin was a complete goofball, but Gemma couldn’t deny the touch he had with the ladies.“Hey.”Gemma snapped out of her thoughts upon hearing Lucas whisper at her.The rest of the table continued to watch Harper, but he cocked his head curiously at Gemma.“That Zoe Mercury?” he mouthed.Gemma nodded with a giggle.She forgot that she had told him about Zoe Mercury’s little friend crush on Queen Bee.It would definitely take some time for her to get used to Lucas knowing.Knowing about her other identity, about the complete other set of drama going on in Queen Bee’s life.But as strange as it was, it was also comforting.As the rest of the group busied themselves by trying to get Harper’s attention, Gemma and Lucas laughed about what no one else knew.ZOE MERCURY: ON THIN ICEThe Pop SourceJune 11Is Zoe Mercury putting her career at risk with her wild ways?The tense working relationship between Mercury and D Network has been public knowledge for almost a year now, with the first sign of trouble coming with leaked photos of an intoxicated Mercury at a private party.Sources claim that following the incident, the top-earning D Network star was given a firm tongue-lashing by studio executives with the ultimate message of, “Do not get caught” – no doubt a reference to the “good behavior” clause in the bombshell brunette’s contract, requiring her to keep a clean reputation and avoid negative publicity.Unfortunately, since the photo leak, Mercury has been caught getting into various other instances of trouble.Only months after the initial scandal, Mercury was charged for reckless driving after taking her Maserati Gran Turismo for a 90 mile per hour ride.Last September, the spontaneous starlet tested the patience of D Network execs by conspicuously tattooing “Haec vita mea est” on her right collar bone – a Latin phrase meaning, “This is my life.” Let’s not forget that the first look at her new ink was shared through a Tweetpic, in which Mercury struck a risqué pose while wearing just a leopard print bra and shorts.However most concerning these days is Mercury’s partying ways.The “Outta This World” actress has recently solidified her title of Hollywood wild child by stealing the spotlight at every L.A party, dancing on tabletops and heading home with the town’s hottest bachelors.With bad girl best friend Harper Gunn in tow, Mercury has stolen every headline this summer for being wild, reckless and on the brink of cancellation.D Network recently issued a tense statement regarding Mercury and her rebellious ways: “Our love and support is always behind Zoe.While we hope that she will continue her success on ‘Outta This World’ for years to come, we would never stand in her way should she wish to continue her career on a less family-friendly network.”“Outta This World” finished its sixth season this year and its film adaptation, “Outta This World: The Movie” grossed over $150 million worldwide in February.With the new season ready to start filming in June, D Network will reportedly negotiate Mercury’s contract in the coming days.“So how are you liking the full house?” Lucas asked as he opened his front door.“It’s a bit crowded, for sure,” Gemma replied, tiptoeing into the corridor.The dinner at Lilac had finished late and Lucas’s family had already gone to sleep.“But it’s really kind of incredible.It’s been so long since the whole family’s been in one city, let alone one house.” Gemma and Gavin were born and raised in New York with their parents while Mira flitted internationally among her many properties.While the lakehouse was her favorite, the Beauford, New Jersey house she grew up in with Gemma and Gavin’s father, Malcolm, was the one she called home.When Mira and Malcolm’s parents passed away, Mira found herself spending more and more time there – keeping up the house that meant the most to her.This came in handy when Gavin got himself kicked out of boarding school and no other high school in Manhattan was willing to take him in.Since the small town of Beauford had a single public high school with private school status and a stellar boys’ basketball team, Gavin packed his bags and made the trip across the Hudson River.Gemma found herself at the Beauford home when she wrapped her international tour as Queen Bee.At the time, her parents had made a temporary move to London in order to convince Gemma’s ailing grandmother to move to the states with the family.The intention was to ultimately move her into the Manhattan apartment, but with Gavin leaving so soon, Gemma’s parents had decided they’d all spend their summer under one roof – even if that meant sleeping on couches and sharing rooms.Gemma had been finding herself at Lucas’s house every once in awhile just for the extra breathing room.She followed him into his kitchen as he made a beeline for the refrigerator.“Didn’t we just have dinner?” Gemma laughed, hopping up to sit on the kitchen counter.“If you want to call it that,” Lucas smiled.“Those kinds of restaurants always serve like… kitten-sized portions.”“Oh yeah, Gavin always complains about that too.Why didn’t you order more? Gavin had like, ten entrees.”“Nah, I wouldn’t want to do that.It was kind of pricey there and I wasn’t the one graduating.” Lucas piled on a big glob of Nutella on a piece of bread and folded it in half.“Besides, in the Grey Family household, this is what we call fine dining.”“Shut up,” Gemma giggled.“And give me a bite.” Lucas held the sandwich out to her.The moment she reached for it, he stuck the sandwich into her face.She shrieked and leaned away, wiping Nutella from the tip of her nose.Lucas laughed quietly as he shushed her.“People are sleeping, Gemma, grow up,” he grinned mischievously.“Alright, really now – here.” He held the sandwich up to her mouth.She narrowed her eyes at him as she leaned in cautiously and bit into the bread.Before she could pull away, Lucas leaned in for a bite from the other end.Gemma sat back up, chewing slowly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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