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.Arms went around him, holding him tightly.“Grateful for your rescue? How grateful?”“No.” He should let go, should pull away.But he wasn’t sure he could even stand upwithout help now.Hands pressed on his shoulders, forcing him to his knees.He could feel body heat infront of his face.He opened his eyes and saw what he expected to see -- a cock.And felt a sudden rush of bile to his mouth.“I’ll be sick.”“Not your sort of thing, is it? Amazing how many want it when they think they’regoing to be on top, and then change their minds.I suppose you’d have been the same given half a chance.”He tried to fight down the dizziness and looked up.Hallucination or not, the man wasin front of him and looking fairly determined.Though there was no attempt to force him to take the man’s cock now that he was on his knees.“No, I’ll really be sick.Seasick.Andconcussion.”The man stared at him for a moment; then his expression changed to concern, and heknelt down in front of Martin.“What happened?”“Bumped my head coming into the cave.” God, his speech was slurred now.It hadtaken a little while for the effects to set in, but he was very definitely concussed.“Here.” He tried to point to where he’d hit his head.“He’s putting it on,” the man behind him said.“No, I don’t think he is,” the first one said.He touched Martin’s temple.Martinflinched, but the touch was gentler than he’d expected after their initial aggression.It didn’t hurt.All he felt was a light touch on his skin and a strange buzzing in his head that must be an effect of the concussion.“He’s hurt, Patrick.Go and see if he’s got a torch in the boat; I can’t see whether there’s any surface damage.” The man smiled at Martin, and there was only gentle humour in it, no threat.“All right, payment can wait.”“Really can’t.”“Shhh, it’s all right.We didn’t realise you were hurt, or we wouldn’t have pushed youlike that.” Nothing but concern in the man’s face now, the aggression stripped away.He put his arms around Martin again.“Try to stay awake for a few minutes; we need to check howbad it is.”16 Jules JonesMartin let himself sag into the man’s embrace and closed his eyes again.He was in noshape to try to get away, and no longer felt any need to.“Wish I could.Couple of pretty lads like you, and I’m too fucking sick to fuck,” he muttered.“Though if I wasn’t sick, I bet you wouldn’t be here.” Something in the back of his mind still said that they couldn’t really be here, that he was more badly injured than he’d realised and this was some sort of feverdream.He felt the man stiffen slightly and realised that he’d said it out loud.Realised whathe’d said out loud and was astonished at himself.He wasn’t one for making passes atstrangers, and certainly not strangers who’d been pretty damned sure of themselves inmaking a pass at him.Aggressive, yes, but concerned for him when they’d realised he was hurt.At least, thisone was.He’d dropped all interest in dominance games as soon as he’d seen that Martin was genuinely hurt.Martin wasn’t so dazed that he couldn’t understand his own reaction to that.The contrast with Barry’s behaviour was only too stark.It just reinforced his theory that this was a dream, that these two men were something from his subconscious mind, a projectionof what he wanted.“You do like men, then?”“Mmm.” He rested his head against the man’s chest.“Still feel sick.Think it’sseasickness as well, though.”“That must have been a rough ride at the end.”“Don’t want to think about it.”He heard a quiet chuckle, then, “No, I don’t suppose you do.”“Found the torch, George,” he heard the other man say.Patrick, George had calledhim.“And the bastard’s got more chocolate in this cupboard!”“Leave it,” George snapped.“That will be part of his emergency supplies, and he mightjust need it if the storm lasts long [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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