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.”Dr.Sowerby’s eyebrows climbed.“You didn’t need to shepherd him all the way up here, did you?”Mark’s cheeks colored.Making sure his mental shields were in place before he spoke, Luke said, “I asked him to join me.I’ve been getting these strange headaches since I woke up in the infirmary, and I didn’t…” He sensed his hastily constructed lie collapsing in his desperation to cover Mark’s, and his own, natural tendency to protect his lover.Dr.Sowerby grinned again.He settled behind his desk.“It’s all right.There have been some crazy things happening today.What happened, Intern Morrison?”He wouldn’t be Agent Morrison until he graduated.Luke shot a glance at Mark.Compared to what he really wanted, being called agent instead of intern was like using a match to keep warm.That was as much as he dared think.Coming closer to his real wish would cause terrible agony.Like the times he’d worked magic without his master’s permission.The pain wasn’t Mark’s fault, strictly speaking.He hadn’t created the rules of the master-genie contract.Luke resisted the urge to abandon this meeting in favor of addressing his real need with Mark right now.He said, “Mr.Snyder and I went to Warehouse C to investigate a discrepancy between the computer records and what a janitor had seen in one of the bays.The computer said it was supposed to be a collection of journals written by an Irish monk, but it turned out to be…” He steeled himself for the pain, but this time it didn’t come.“An urn.A Greek urn.While I was trying to decipher what the message written around the top said, Mr.Snyder accidentally released the genie-god trapped inside.” He winced in anticipation of the headache returning.When it didn’t, he glanced at his lover.Mark had freed Luke.Now he was Luke’s master.Unless the genie-god wasn’t subject to the rules Luke was used to, Dan was now his master.Mark folded his arms.Luke felt sick.If Dan had a genie-god, that meant Reese had a genie-god.Why hadn’t Luke realized it the moment he’d woken in the infirmary? He glanced at Dr.Sowerby and saw the man’s graying brows knitted.“Dan didn’t mention anything about a genie,” Jack said, “but the security officer who found you said there was a lamp in the bay closest to you, not an urn.” He turned to his computer, tapped a few keys, and nodded.“It’s an oil lamp; it’s always been an oil lamp.There’s no mention here of writings, by Irish monks or anyone else.Were the two of you in Warehouse C for some other reason?” His eyes narrowed.Feeling like a dead butterfly in a lepidopterist’s book, Luke said, “I’m.Not.Lying.”“Dan could corroborate his story,” Mark said.This time Luke turned in his chair to stare at his lover.“You really expect him to be honest with the two of us here?”“That’s uncalled for, Intern Morrison,” Dr.Sowerby said.Mark gave him a warning look.Luke hesitated; he hoped his lover gave him that much credit.“Sir, he’s Reese’s lover, and no matter what the doctors say about Reese, I can’t believe six months in a mental asylum, even one run by SearchLight psychics—”Jack Sowerby stood.“Good day, gentlemen.” He glanced at Mark.“I appreciate you bringing this to my attention.If there’s any evidence, let me know.” His gaze switched to Luke.“That applies to you as well.I’ve been in this business long enough to know nothing’s infallible.Not technology, and not eyewitnesses.If you’re sure of what you saw, prove it.” He shook Mark’s hand and then Luke’s, half crushing Luke’s fingers.“Lose the chip on your shoulder.Mark is fine.Not just alive, but healed.Understood?”Unable to express his true fear, Luke said, “Yes, sir.”Out in the hall once more, with the door shut between them and any prying Dan could accomplish, at least by human means, Mark whispered, “Forget the fire.”Fury overrode his better judgment.“The fire’s what gave you nightmares for weeks, not me.Reese—”“Is on nonsentient magical creature poop patrol.” Mark stalked away.His laugh was hollow.“That job takes up eight and a half hours of his day.And there’s a microchip planted under his skin that can’t be tampered with, either magically or electronically.Beyond that, you’re a genie and I’m a dragon.He’s human.What the fuck could he do? And beyond that, isn’t this genie Dan’s genie?”Luke struggled to keep his voice low.Furious or not, everyone on this floor didn’t need to know they were fighting.“I think that’s right, except he’s a genie-god.And Dan loves Reese.If Reese says, ‘Roll over,’ Dan asks, ‘How many times?’ And if Reese says, ‘Help me kidnap Mark so I can rape him just like I used to,’ Dan says…”He’d gone too far; Luke saw that at once.Mark didn’t snarl at him or lash out.Neither did he pull into himself, as he’d done through the first year and half they’d been together, afraid first of being hurt, and then afraid of the hell Reese had put him through in mid-January, less than a year after Mark and Luke had fallen in love.Mark’s beautiful Gulf of Mexico–blue eyes sparkled too brightly for a moment.He blinked once, and a shadow seemed to drag itself across his face.Then he turned away and walked, wooden-legged and awkward, back toward the elevator.Luke gave chase, catching his lover’s arm as the elevator doors opened and Mark stepped in.Luke followed, unsure what to say.Reese hadn’t forgotten Mark, and Dan was his puppet.Period.Still, Luke shouldn’t have said the rest of it.Mark yanked his arm out of Luke’s grip.“Go back to work.We’ll discuss this tonight.Just be careful.I will too [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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