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.A chill of excitement raced through Alayna's body and caught her off guard.“It's one-way glass,” Dane said behind her.“A mirror on that side, and a window on this.These rooms are used in training where clients act out their sessions, and we can observe without interfering.”“Does the couple know they're being watched?” she asked, feeling uncomfortable, almost like a Peeping Tom.“Yes.All clients and the ones training to be masters sign agreements to have their sessions observed,” he answered.Alayna gasped as she thought of herself in the position of the woman her eyes were glued to.Only, in her vision, the man holding the cane was Logan Abram.From the corner of her eye she saw Dane fiddle with a panel on the wall beside the window.When they'd first entered the small room, silence had welcomed them, but now Alayna could hear the sounds coming from inside the room.The woman panted unevenly.Reaching out, the man took her right nipple between his thumb and finger and twisted it.A gasp of arousal mixed with surprise slipped from the woman's mouth.After releasing the bound woman's nipple, the man took several steps away and simply studied her.A light sheen of perspiration glistened on her skin.A grin of pride and satisfaction 28Jennifer Colelifted the man's lips as he continued to walk around her.Then he came to a stop beside her once again; his face drew tight and his arm rose.The slice of the cane cutting through the air filled the small space where Alayna and Dane stood.When the whip struck the back of her thigh, the woman flinched.“Mmm, yes,” she moaned a few seconds later.The man approached her and grabbed a fist full of her long, dark hair.Pulling her head back, he growled in a low, sexy tone.“You don't have permission to speak, slave.” The woman's breath grew even heavier as she seemed to tamp a shudder moving through her body.“My apologies, Master.”The man dropped his mouth to the woman's in a fierce kiss.When Alayna heard a groan rumble in her own chest, she coughed in an attempt to cover it up.“There is no reason to be embarrassed, Alayna.To be aroused is perfectly normal,” Dane said in a soft voice.“A-are they l-lovers?”“Yes.They are engaged to be married, and they are very much in tune with each other's needs and desires.”Several moments passed before Alayna cleared her throat.“Um, perhaps, w-we should talk shop now,” she said.Dane feigned a pout when her eyes met his.“Shame.Things are about to heat up with our couple.”Hotter than that?“I-I—”“You heard what I said about work, work, work,” he continued.“Come,” he said, motioning to the door.“We'll head down to my office.” They walked through the hall, then down the staircase.As she moved through the house, she gave thought to what she'd witnessed.She had to admit, watching the couple had been very stimulating.Regardless of the stinging of the thin cane striking her, the woman had found pleasure in the experience.There was no doubt in Alayna's mind it hurt; she'd seen the woman An Invitation: Alayna's Training29flinch.But perhaps the woman found it pleasurable because it had been her lover inflicting the brief splinters of pain.Alayna wondered if she too could find that place.The place where putting her complete trust in another person to meet her needs would bring total contentment.She wanted to.But when it came right down to it, would she have the strength to follow through?They strolled past the living room and dining room in silence.Dane guided her with his hand pressed firmly against the small of her back, steering her toward a corridor.“My office is the last door on the left,” he said.When they reached the end of the hall, he reached for the knob and, after a turn, pushed the door open.“Have a seat,” he said, gesturing to one of the wingback chairs across from an antique desk.Alayna did.Once seated, she squeezed her legs together and settled her hands in her lap.“Let's get to it.Why don't you start by telling me how you came to the decision to give me a call?”“Well,” she began and then stopped to clear her throat.“Your Web site is arousing, to say the least, Mr.Reese.”“Dane, please.And my apologies for being so rude.May I offer you something to drink?” Feeling very dry in the mouth, Alayna nodded.“Some water would be nice.Thank you.”“Give me one moment before you continue.” Dane picked up the phone, pressed a couple of buttons, and then spoke into the receiver.“Yes, Shendah, will you bring a pitcher of ice water and two chilled glasses to my office, please? Thank you.” After setting the receiver back in the cradle, Dane turned his full attention on her.He didn't say a word; just a look in his eye told her to continue.“The idea of relinquishing control intrigues me.”“Complete control?”“I'm not sure.I want to.But I just don't know if I will be able to do so.”“Why not?”30Jennifer ColeAlayna hesitated, reluctant to discuss the reasons behind her decision with a man whose only reference came from a Web site.Her expression must have given away her thoughts because Dane leaned back in his chair, his eyes cool and assessing.“If you truly want assistance, I'm going to need to know just how committed you are to learning about the lifestyle.”“Does that require me to tell you everything about my life?”“No, but some understanding of where your responsibilities lie is necessary to determine how we can help you.”“What details are you looking for?” Maybe if she knew what he needed, she could limit how much to tell.“I know you own the café, and you have a younger sister who works with you.” Alayna nodded.“Ariel and I inherited the shop when our parents died ten years ago.”“You would have been, what? Twenty?”“Twenty-two.And Ari was seventeen, almost eighteen.”“And you took care of her?” Dane's expression and tone encouraged her to fill in the blanks.A soft knock on the closed door interrupted.Dane motioned her to wait.“Enter,” he called out.The young woman who entered carried a pitcher and two glasses on a mirrored tray.She set them on the corner of Dane's desk.Though average looking, the woman had pretty eyes.There was a rough-around-the-edges aura about her.Long, dark hair framed her face.Though her features were not predominant, if she had to guess, Alayna suspected she had Native American ancestry.“May I serve you and your guest, sir?” the woman asked.Reaching for the pitcher, Dane shook his head.“No thank you, Shendah.I'll tend to my guest's needs.”The young woman nodded, lowered her gaze, and left the office.Alayna took the chilled glass of water Dane held out to her.“You were telling me about your sister,” he prompted.Alayna lifted the goblet to her lips and took several swallows.An Invitation: Alayna's Training31“Not much to tell,” she replied.“When our parents died, I took on the role of parent.I made sure her needs were met, that she went to the best schools, obtained the best education.It was important to both of us that the business continue to flourish, in honor of our parents [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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