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.The inventor of the vaccinations claimed that mating to humans could produce a bond that would enable them to bypass whatever it was on Earth that blocked those parts of their cortexes.So every year they got more humans, but there were only rumors of this weird “soul resonance” that the original scientist claimed was possible.The history lesson was apparently over because then the Eoean language wrapped itself around his temporal lobe and squeezed.The way the vocalization was done was almost like music, and despite the discomfort, he couldn’t help but fall a little bit in love with the cadence of the words.He could only imagine what it would be like to have that language whispered in his ear when they fucked.The stray thought seemed to send his “tutor” onto a different path.The rules flashed in rapid succession, the “Master Code” was pretty basic.He could’ve summed it up in a sentence, “Obey your Master, idiot.” His erection went from halfway to full-fledged in three seconds flat as images flashed of what he was supposed to do to “submit” to his new husband.Holy fuck these aliens are kinky.He groaned as his pleasure centers were tripped and he came, hard, to the image of himself splayed and tied while Elia did things to his junk.He didn’t have an English word for it, but, man, it looked like a lot of fun.His hips jackknifed up as another spasm of pleasure had him smearing the front of this see-through getup with his fluids.Finally, the swirling barrage of images and pleasure faded, leaving him panting beside Elia.The alien was the first thing in his range of vision as his eyes refocused on the world around him.“Are you well?” Elia asked.He wasn’t sure, but he could’ve sworn Elia’s voice was a little bit husky.“Holy cow, that should’ve been embarrassing.” He raised his head and saw they were moving.The tube raced along a track that looked similar to a subway line or a trolley track.Elia chuckled, the sound sexy as hell.“You invoke a bovine deity?”Alexis shook his head, too exhausted to explain.So far today he’d been a nervous wreck, violently ill, intermittently terrified, and came to some sort of mind fuck that featured him and Elia doing the horizontal tango.He was beyond tired.“You may rest until we arrive at my home,” Elia said.It took him a second to realize he was talking in that sexy, beautiful language again and Alexis understood him.“That’s handy,” he slurred, already slipping into unconsciousness.He should’ve been much more concerned about the wet mark on his sheer outfit or the fact that he’d just come really, really hard on account of some alien mind device, but he just couldn’t summon the energy.Between one breath and the next, he was asleep.* * * *Elia clamped down on the urge to mate with an iron will, but it was a struggle.He took several deep breaths as his cocks hardened beneath the tight confines of his uniform, demanding to be freed.The damn things had the wits the All Father gave a bit of cosmic dust.They rubbed together, seeking friction.He reached down and pulled them apart.He tried to think of something other than the smell of his new concubine’s release but failed miserably.Alexis’s reaction to the tutor wasn’t something he was expecting.He’d expected unease, more fear, but his response to the Master Code had been delicious.The way he’d orgasmed as the knowledge was implanted let Elia know exactly what sort of bed partner he could look forward to having in the near future.If he reacted that pleasantly to the image, he could only imagine how the human would react to being slung tight in his mating room.His cocks started rubbing again.They wrapped around one another and started to massage each other, twisting together like they were making a mating knot.“Stop that,” he rumbled under his breath.He’d obviously been excited by his concubine’s display, and his mating urges were becoming more prominent.He’d need to find his release soon.Alexis slept like the dead, his face relaxed as he slumped against the cushioned bench beside him.The poor human looked like he’d been through a bit of trauma today.At least he’d achieved a release.Relaxation was good for humans, at least according to the research he’d done on human-Eoean relations.He could hardly believe he would spend the first night of his life away from Kranok’s household and the small wing he’d shared with his sire and immediate siblings.He finally felt like he would be able to make his own decisions.The thought of their joining tonight sent another fission of desire through his cocks.He took another calming breath in an attempt to settle himself.He wished he had the sort of relaxed ease Alexis was enjoying at the moment.The tight sac below his arousals tightened with the urge to release.It would be so easy to allow himself the luxury of orgasm with a few well-placed touches.However, he’d saved his first release for his concubine this long.It wouldn’t hurt him to save it a bit longer.A true Arak had to first master his body before he mastered the body of his concubine.It was the first thing he’d ever been taught.He shut his eyes, confident that the transport would find its way to his home.He’d programmed it with his mind before they’d left.It was the sort of low-level operation that most Eoeans could do nowadays.Elia had been one of the last of Kranok’s spawn to have actually seen Eoean.Their home planet had been a vast network of oceans, islands, and inlets, much like Earth was.It was what had attracted their leaders to the little blue planet to begin with.Granted, there was more land on Earth than on Eoean, but still.It had seemed like home.Their oceans were just as prime for cultivation.Under the Eoeans’ care, Earth’s oceans had thrived.Elia remembered what it was like when the Eoeans ran their entire world with nothing more than well-focused thoughts.It had made everything energy efficient and clean.There had been zero pollution back then.Maybe someday they’d return to that sort of easy life.He chuckled to himself.Maybe if we achieve soul resonance, I can have it early.The thought was ridiculous of course.He didn’t believe in such things.* * * *“Wake, Alexis,” Elia commanded as the transport tube came to a stop at the end of his road.There was a good hundred yards to the front of the house, but the tracks only went so far.Elia had designed it that way.He hadn’t wanted anyone to be able to view his home from the road.The human stirred gently, his eyes fluttering open in an almost lazy fashion.“Fuck.” The whispered word perplexed him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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