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.The woman frowned."You're staring at me like I'm lunch."Embarrassed, Ted lowered his eyes to the carpet."Put somethin' on, will ya?""You don't get out much, do you? This isn't any more revealing than what women athletes wore during the Olympics."Ted raised his head, looking into her big hazel eyes."I get out plenty, lady.You want to wear that thing to talk business in, that's fine." He leaned over, took the ball from the dog's mouth, and tossed it across the room.The dog became a blur.The woman shook her head."You started something.Baby loves chasing that nasty ball.You'll have to throw it a hundred times before he poops out."As if making her point, Baby scampered back with the ball and dropped it at Ted's feet.He picked it up and gave it another toss."What kind of dog is he?" Ted asked, just to say something and give himself time to get used to looking at the half-naked woman."He's a Rhodesian Ridgeback.They're originally from Africa and were bred to hunt lions.See the hair on the top of his back? It grows in the opposite direction from the rest of the hair on him.It's kind of like a giant cowlick.I'm Bonita Rogers, by the way."Now genuinely interested in the animal, Ted dipped his chin toward the dog."You call a lion-hunting dog Baby?That doesn't seem right.""I thought you said you wanted to talk business?""Sure has a small head, doesn't he? How could he bring down a lion with such a little jaw?""Ask the cable man who came a couple of days ago,"Bonita said as she walked to the coffee table.She leaned over and started to put on the jewelry she'd taken off prior to her workout.Ted tossed the ball again and glanced at the mound of what looked like a small treasure."Those the benefits of shacking up with Mendez?" he asked.Bonita slipped on a four-carat diamond ring."Look, Faircloud, you wouldn't understand, but I was a queen.I got everything I ever dreamed of having, okay?"Ted nodded as if in understanding."Yeah, and did your king give ya that busted lip, too?"Bonita unconsciously raised her hand, touching the still puffy lip."He didn't do this.I got it from Simon before I escaped."Ted nodded again."You escaped with your lion hunter and jewelry but no clothes, huh?""I got out alive, okay?"Ted stared at her."No, it's not okay.Ya see, I'm standin' here tryin' to figure out how a yacht queen gets away from her king.I mean, it's one thing doin' a swan dive off his boat and makin' a swim for it.but it's another when ya have time to take your dog and your benefits.I'm just a dumb ex-squid who doesn't have a degree in business, ya understand? How about you humoring me and tell me how you pulled off this escape of yours.""What is it with the questions--you don't trust me?""I wanna hear your story, Miss Rogers." Ted gave her his best don't mess with me look.Bonita took a step back."It wasn't what you think.I had my own life.I was going to school and working part-time at KNJP, Channel 24, in Miami.I was a researcher for their newsroom.I was doing so well they were about to promote me and--""Get to the escape part," Ted said."Okay, okay.I'd get beeped when he wanted me to come out to the boat or his place.His people would come and pick me up.Carlos was good to me, but then he started getting weird.I can take a lot of things, but I'm not into weird.I saw the handwriting on the wall, so when I got back to my place I started packing.But the servants called Carlos's people.One of his bodyguards, Simon, came over and asked where I thought I was going.I told him I was going to see my sick mother, and he says 'Sure,' then he hits me.That's how I got this.I thought he was going to kill me, so I shot him.I had a pistol in my purse.He looked so stunned.like he just couldn't believe I would do it.He stood there, gasping like a goldfish out of water, bleeding on my white carpet, staring at me.I left him there, still standing and holding his stomach, afraid to move.Baby and most of my valuables and things were already in the car, so I ran out and left.That's what happened.it's the truth."Ted wrinkled his brow."You really shot the guy?""He hit me, Faircloud, and his face told me he wasn't finished.Yeah, I shot him.""Where'd you learn to shoot people?""I was raised on a farm, and I hunted with my brothers.I know how to shoot.but I'd never shot a man before.It was awful."Ted leaned over to pick up the ball.He gave it a toss and looked at the attractive woman again.She's gotta be in her upper thirties, maybe early forties.shows in those big eyes of hers, eyes that say she's been around the block a couple of times.Gotta been a showgirl or big-time working girl.Ted said, "So, a friend of mine says you're goin' to help me.You've been briefed on everything and you're up to speed.He wasn't blowin' smoke, was he?""So you believe me now?" Bonita asked as if surprised."I never did not believe you--my friend would have checked you out.I asked 'cause I was curious is all."Bonita's eyes narrowed."You're a bastard, you know that? You scared me with that look of yours.""I practice that look in the mirror, Miss Rogers.I guess it works.So are you up to speed on the op or not?"Bonita began putting on a series of gold bracelets."Yes, I'm 'up to speed'.but I want you to understand up front that I get a portion of the money you're going to steal from Carlos.Your friends said I'd have to negotiate the amount with you.I want a million.""A million? Lady, you got a quarter of a million in rocks and gold there.You get 250 G's if we pull it off, and that's being real generous on my part."Bonita snapped the clasp of the gold Rolex she'd just put on."Do you know anything about computers, Mr.Faircloud? How about the Internet? Do you know how to go online? Do you know how to use e-mail? I didn't think so.How about this: Do you know how your friends were planning to make Carlos move his money so you can get to it?No? Well, I know all those things, Mr.Faircloud.One million dollars.That's the deal for my help."Ted tossed the ball again."You still have that pistol you shot the guy with?"Bonita lowered the thick gold chain with the diamond pendant she was about to put on."Uh.yes, it's in my purse.Why?"" 'Cause you're goin' to need it.When I walk out of here, there ain't goin' to be no op.My friend will have to find somebody else to do it.And guess what? He won't need you anymore--you'll be on your own.Ya see, the way I look at it, I'm the guy who's goin' to take all the chances [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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