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."Oh, yes, your good King has very interesting plans for you, m'lady.for you and the others.But Paragor has plans for you as well-much better plans," Kearn said."You see.they are out there.My master knows, and he will find them before King Eliam.And in that moment, Alleble will be utterly destroyed.""That will never happen! King Eliam defeated Paragor the first time and cast him into exile.He will do it again.""Pity, no," Kearn replied."Alleble will fall.Your beloved King knows this.""Lies!" Antoinette cried."Stop it! It's all lies!""If they are lies, Antoinette," Kearn said with a hideous smile, "then they are King Eliam's lies.For Alleble's destruction is foretold in the Scroll of Prophecy written by King Eliam's own hand!"Kearn took the torch from the wall, left the chamber, and locked the door behind him.Antoinette was left in utter darkness.Tears ran down her cheeks.Antoinette awoke with the dawn.She found a new tray of food just outside her cell.She took a bite of the bread and savored it.Surely this was not the kind of food that prisoners in Paragory usually received.She went to take another bite, but then dropped the bread on the floor.Her Book of Alleble, which had lain in the corner of her cell just the night before, was gone.3THE STONES OF OMENS ir Kaliam, Sentinel of Alleble, stood at the large window in a lofted keep high in the castle and stared out over the kingdom and the moonlit lands beyond.Sir Thrivenbard, Alleble's chief tracker and woodsman, entered the room and stood respectfully behind him."Well?" Kaliam demanded."My Sentinel," Thrivenbard said, and bowed to the knight."It is with a sad heart I bring you the news that the body of Sir Gabriel was found among the twisting paths and dark boughs of the Blackwood."Kaliam was silent."Sir, it has been three days since our search parties have discovered a survivor.We are only finding those slain, and Sir Aelic was not among them."Kaliam did not turn around."Thrivenbard," Kaliam said quietly, "I do not expect you to find Sir Aelic among the slain.""But my Sentinel," Thrivenbard said."So much time has passed since the battle and-""Nonetheless!" Kaliam shouted, before mastering himself and turning to face the knight."Nonetheless, you will not find him among the dead.The Battle of the Blackwood raged from one end of the Forest Road to the other, from the borders of Yewland and into the heart of the Blackwood itself.In such a large area, a lone knight might be missed.""My men are skilled," said Thrivenbard."They have searched every thicket and under every bough-""Then you go, Thrivenbard," Kaliam exclaimed, "and search every thicket and under every bough again! No one in all The Realm has your skills in tracking and knowledge of the woods-not even the elder scouts of Yewland." He walked over and put a gentle hand on Thrivenbard's shoulder."Thrivenbard, much depends upon your success.""I will see to it, my Sentinel," Thrivenbard replied."With King Eliam as my guide, I will not rest until I find Sir Aelic.""Thank you, servant of Alleble," Kaliam replied.He knew if anyone could find Sir Aelic, Thrivenbard could."Never alone!" the Sentinel said."Never alone!" Thrivenbard replied as he bowed.Before taking leave, Thrivenbard stopped."Sir?""Yes?""Since we have not found Sir Aelic," Thrivenbard said, choosing his words carefully, "is it possible that he was taken alive as a prisoner of the enemy, as was Lady Antoinette?"Kaliam turned his back to Thrivenbard and stared out upon the moonlit realm again."Losing Antoinette to the enemy is already a great blow to our cause.If Paragor has Sir Aelic as well."Thrivenbard bowed again and walked swiftly from the chamber.The moon was much lower in the sky when Lady Merewen entered the library and found Kaliam at the window."How long will you stand there?" she asked in a gentle voice.With great difficulty she lowered her dark hood, and her long silver hair spilled out upon her bandaged shoulders."Merewen!" Kaliam turned, and she went to him.Kaliam looked at her and put the back of his hand to her brow."Your fever has passed! How do you feel?""Sir Oswyn says I was fortunate only to have been scratched by one of the Sleepers and not bitten," she replied, her violet eyes gleaming."Herbs to treat my wounds are readily available, but not so for a bite.I am to be fine, Kaliam.But I am not sure you can say the same.You look in need of rest.""I cannot rest." He sighed."I am the Sentinel of this kingdom.I have charges.""And you will do your charges no good if you kill yourself with anxiety."Kaliam stared west into the night sky."Paragor has released the Wyrm Lord and the Sleepers from their tombs.Alleble must prepare.Sir Aelic is still lost, and we cannot abandon Lady Antoinette to torment behind the Gate of Despair!" Kaliam's head fell to his chest.He seemed suddenly aged, burdened with a weight that he could not bear.Lady Merewen kissed him on his forehead and gently raised his chin.She stared kindly into his dark eyes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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