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.The odds of not having to go were now heavily in my favor.I was so dizzy with relief that I didn’t realize what Nick had in store for me until it was too late.Nick had been living with my mom for several years by now and he talked about mouthpieces and jabs and said that Charley, the only boy my age still living on the beach, was coming over.I was preoccupied, basking in a heaven devoid of Mexico and teeming with sleepovers and birthday parties and frosted cakes.The sand was hot and white.It was August and the fog was long gone and the sun beat down.Nick and his friend Mickey drank beer and drew a circle in the sand.That’s the boxing ring, said Nick.Don’t step outside the ring or you’ll be automatically disqualified.Everybody said Nick looked like Paul Newman.He was taller than my dad and didn’t have broad shoulders—I had decided it was because he didn’t surf.He was different from my dad in a lot of other ways too.He would never dance at parties like my dad always did.And Nick didn’t play any instruments like my dad, or sing—stuff Dad learned to do when he was a child actor.Dad was in the classic Cheaper by the Dozen, acting in several films and TV shows through his early twenties.On a show called Sky King Dad played a mechanic, which was funny because he couldn’t fix anything, not even my bike.And I couldn’t imagine Nick running a summer cheerleading camp like my dad did.That’s how Dad met my mom—he was recruiting song girls to teach at his camp and my mom was staying with one of the song girls in an apartment in Westwood by UCLA.It was 1962.Dad had just resigned from the FBI and was working as an assistant U.S.attorney under Robert Kennedy.He and his friend Bob Barrow, who grew up near Dad in South Los Angeles, cooked up the idea of organizing a summer cheerleading camp as a way to make some extra money and meet college girls.Dad would teach the girls dance routines in the mornings before suiting up and going into the Department of Justice.On their first date Dad took my mom to Topanga Beach.He played guitar for her and convinced her to paddle out surfing with him.They got married a year later, moving into a house on the beach.Mickey helped Charley and me string up our boxing gloves.Mine had been acquired in a trade for my Raggedy Ann doll with a boy who was moving from the beach.This went down following a particularly tyrannical evening with Nick after which I had announced my desire to learn how to box.Then a few days later, as if to show that he was unfazed by my sudden urge to box—an obvious gesture meant to protest Nick’s drunken rages—Nick put together this little bout between Charley and me.It’ll be good for you, Norman, he said.While Mickey secured the knots Charley and I craned our necks to peek around the flat-topped dirt knoll on the point.Stop leering at the naked ladies and put your mouthpieces in, said Nick.The nude beach was just around the dirt knoll and both Charley and I quickly denied any interest in girls.Good, said Nick.You know what’s behind those tits and asses?Charley and I looked up at Nick, waiting with our eyes and ears wide open.Mothers and grandmothers and brothers and sisters and cousins that you have to deal with, he said.Weddings and anniversary parties.Endless headaches.Charley and I waited for more, but that was it.You’ll get it one day, said Nick.Mouthpieces in?Yeah, I said.Good.Your mom would have a complete nervous breakdown if you lost your teeth.Mickey was chugging down his beer.He looked back into the cove at my house where my mom was watering plants on the deck.Okay, said Nick.Keep your hands up and keep your feet moving.Like Muhammad Ali, I said.Nick smiled and I could smell the beer on his breath.Yeah, just like Ali.Charley didn’t look nervous at all.He was two inches taller and about ten pounds heavier.We circled each other and I danced like Ali.I saw some openings between Charley’s glove and shoulder, enough room to punch him in the jaw, except my arm just lurched instead of shooting forward to punch him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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