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.What mattered was that she was finally doing it.It was long overdue and her obligation was clear.She needed to make things right the only way she could.Her dad was right.He was always right and yet she hadn’t listened to him.If she had, none of this would have happened.Her heart wouldn’t have been broken and he’d still have his honor and his legacy.But she didn’t, and now she needed to put it right.“With the eye less than seventy miles offshore, landfall is expected directly across the Florida Keys in about…”“Okay, that’s enough doom and gloom from you, radio announcer,” Mia said impatiently, then pressed the button on the steering wheel to tune to another station.“Let’s see what else is going on.”“The storm has maximum sustained winds predicted near ninety miles per hour and with the probability of higher gusts.We’re in for a major storm system today.If you’re not prepared I suggest…”“Don’t care.Next,” she said, pressing the button again.She glanced at the empty lane beside her and noticed that the train of brake lights and bumper-to-bumper traffic had long since dissipated.There were only a few cars on the road, and all of them were headed north.“The weather is definitely getting worse…”“No joke, next,” she muttered sarcastically as she turned to the next station.“The storm is expected to reach the area within the next five hours.”“Looks to me like it’s already here, dude.You’re late,” she muttered, and then pressed another button, then another.Frustrated, she turned to several more stations.She’d been listening to the same rhetoric off and on for the last few hours.At this point she was tired of it.Every station spouted the same severe warnings, and she didn’t need a radio announcer to tell her that she was headed into trouble.The idea of driving directly into the path of a Category One hurricane was ludicrous.But at this point she was driving on pure adrenaline.She didn’t have much choice.Her deadline was today, and getting away from it all was exactly what she needed to do.She pressed through a few more buttons until she found something of interest.Smooth jazz played in the background, plus the DJ had a soothing voice—exactly what she needed.“Perfect.”“All right, folks, listen up, it’s no joke out there.Hurricane Ana is picking up momentum.The Keys are getting hit hard with heavy rain and wind gusts.Authorities are warning to expect the worst.If you’re out in this, you need to get indoors fast.It ain’t pretty and it’s not for the faint at heart.So do whatever you need to do to be safe.”Mia looked out the front windshield.He was definitely right, it wasn’t pretty out here.The rain came down so hard she could barely see the highway through the rapid-fire windshield wipers.Thankfully this was just about over.She abandoned the highway at the next exit.Finally she was in Key West.She breathed easier for the first time in over an hour.“For those on the road helping others, I’m tippin’ my hat, thanks.We appreciate your time, devotion and dedication.On a personal note, I’d like to give a special shout-out to my homeboys, Stephen Morales and Lucas McCoy.I know you guys are helping others out there, so take care and be safe.“One more thing.I got a message from my good buddy Deputy Sheriff Morales asking me to pass on a good word of advice.Stay in your homes and off the roads unless absolutely necessary.And I gotta add a piece to that.The streets are dangerous right now, so be safe and listen to him.He’s out there doing his job.Help him out and do yours.Stay inside.“Okay now, here’s another updated weather advisory.Hurricane Ana is still hovering less than a hundred miles south of Key West.Wind gusts range seventy-five to ninety miles an hour locally.Expect fallen debris and dangerous travel, so stay inside.Sit tight and let her pass.”“Unfortunately, not an option,” Mia muttered, coming to a complete stop and looking at the horrendous sight.The traffic signal had fallen down and the street was littered with just about everything.She looked both ways, then proceeded across.The heavy winds shook the car again, but she held tight.The storm was definitely getting worse.The rain was horizontal and the winds were brutal.“I have a few local warnings.The Seven Mile Bridge is looking bad.It’ll probably close to all non-emergency traffic…”When another strong gust of wind hit the car, Mia grasped the steering wheel tighter.This was even worse than being on the bridge.Her nerves were rattled and her hands shook.She needed to calm down.“If you’re headed out toward Tingler Island, local authorities are warning everyone to turn around.Bottom line, folks, sit tight and I’ll get you through.This is Terrence Jeffries, the Holy Terror, easing your evening [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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