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.Only now he might be.She couldn't bring herself to even think the word as she ran for the new rotary phone that sat on the far end of the kitchen counter.Cranking the dial with shaking fingers, she desperately for an answer, but the phone simply rang and rang.Punching the disconnect lever, she tried Beth's home, and received an answer on the third ring."Hello?""Hello Mrs.Farren, could I please speak to Beth?""I'm sorry dear, she just left.I believe she is walking down to the mercantile to meet Judy.""Thank you!"Uttering a hasty goodbye, she turned to her father."Daddy, can I borrow the car?""Sorry kiddo, I'm heading down to the club after breakfast.You'll have to ask your mother to use hers, or I could drop you off somewhere along the way.""Please Mom, it's an emergency.""A cat is not an emergency," her mother argued."I met a guy last night," Liz countered, concocting a small lie to help her cause."The cat is his.I shouldn't have let it out of my sight.Please Mom, I'll never forgive myself if something bad has happened to him."She was on the verge of tears now, imagining a broken gray body lying helpless alongside the road."Alright, but have it back before dinner this time.""Thank you!"Grabbing the keys off their peg she was out the door before her mother could change her mind."Please don't be hurt," she prayed to any god or goddess who might be listening.There was a wide main street that ran through the center of town and was crisscrossed by a few dozen smaller roads.She could search for hours and never find the right one without some idea of where her friend had been going.Donna would likely be at the mercantile with the others.And if not, they should know where to find her.The mercantile was within easy walking distance, but she might need the car later to search for the cat or make an emergency trip to the veterinary clinic.Her heart was in her throat as she pulled up in front of the old red brick building, which held a central location in town, making it a common gathering point for her friends.Judy and Beth were sitting at one of the small tables out front, each of them sipping a soda and watching some boys working on a truck at the garage across the street.The girls waved at her as Liz jumped out of the car and hurried towards them."Have you seen Donna? Do you know where she is?" Liz gasped, fearing that every lost second might cost her dearly."Sweetie, what's wrong? You look as if you're about to cry." Beth was instantly at her side, ready to offer her support in whatever crisis Liz might be having.But how did you tell your best friend that you'd fallen in love with a cat, and now he might be seriously injured or dead?"I need to find Donna," Liz repeated through her tears."Do you know where she is?""I think she was just doing some errands around town," Judy offered, looking uncomfortable.As a rough-around-the-edges tomboy, the poor girl was always unsettled by tears."She was going to the library first, then dropping of some clothes at the dry cleaners.I'm not sure what else, but she's supposed to meet us for lunch at Skippers.You could catch up with her then.""That will be too late!" Liz wailed, but it might already be too late.She had no idea how badly Johnny might have been injured, and here she was wasting time trying to track down the one person who might be able to tell her where he was.Turning she ran back to her car, ignoring the calls of distress from her friends.She had to find Johnny.She had to do share she could to save him.Making a sharp U-turn in the street, she raced back down the road in the direction of the library, keeping a sharp lookout for a feline form lying at the side of the road.But Donna wasn't at the library, or the dry cleaners.Half an hour later, Liz was no closer to finding her friend than she was to finding the wounded feline who might have someday embodied all her hopes and dreams.She was reduced to driving up and down all the roads that Donna might have traveled, but there was no sign of Johnny, or of anything feline.Trying to force herself to think calmly and rationally, she debated on what she might do if she were a cat and were hit by a car."I'd try to get home, to get help," she gasped out loud and cranked the steering wheel back in the direction of her neighborhood.Johnny had told Beth that he was renting the old Bailey house on her street.He might have been able to drag himself that far if he was hit on Main Street or somewhere else close by.She nearly rammed into a truck that was backing out of a driveway and had to force herself to slow down and pay closer to the road.Then she screeching to a stop in front of the Bailey house, her mouth falling open as her eyes widened in surprise.Johnny was standing in the front yard - in his very attractive human form - water the lawn with the use of a long garden hose.For a moment she could only stare at him in shocked wonder.He looked perfectly fine.She'd expected blood and shattered bones.The adrenaline and fear that she'd been feeling abruptly started to morph into something else.An all-consuming blend of hot anger and intense relief.The sound of her car door slamming shut brought his sapphire eyes up to focus on her.Then he smiled in that ultra-sexy way that would have turned her into a whimpering puddle of goo, if she hadn't been running on sheer panic all morning."I have been looking all over town for you!" Liz snarled as she stormed across the wet grass to meet him.His brows crashed together in a confused look that just made him all the more sexy and ratcheted up the emotional storm building inside her."I've been here, where I live."Whatever else he might have said was lost the moment she laid hands on him.Stretching up onto her toes, she wrapped both arms around his neck and kissed him fiercely, savagely, as if she were punishing him for how frightened she had been and how relieved she was to find him still alive and whole.This time it was Johnny who reeled on shaky knees as their lips parted and their eyes met."Wow," he grinned, "does this mean we're going steady? Because I'm going to want a lot more of those kisses.""Maybe," she answered, trying not to answer his smile with one of her own.She was still mad at him for scaring her so badly."But only if you promise to remain in human form.At least whenever you intend to cross the road.You have extremely bad luck with cars and roads.""I do?""Just promise me."""Okay, I promise."Now she did smile, but she quickly hid it by kissing him again.A Happy Ever AfterWhat happened then, Grandma?"Liz smiled down at the little girl in the bed.Morgan looked just like her mother had when she was six.Precocious and secure in her world, knowing that she was loved.With the same warm brown eyes and light brown hair that had once tormented Liz.Her hair was gray now, and not nearly so long and lustrous as it had once been [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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