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.We have seen one of such men burnedalive in the square of the City.And it wasa sight which has stayed with us throughthe years, and it haunts us, and follows us,and it gives us no rest.We were a childthen, ten years old.And we stood in thegreat square with all the children and all themen of the City, sent to behold the burning.They brought the Transgressor out intothe square and they led them to the pyre.They had torn out the tongue of theTransgressor, so that they could speak nolonger.The Transgressor were young and tall.They had hair of gold and eyes blue as morning.They walked to the pyre, and their step didnot falter.And of all the faceson that square, of all the faces whichshrieked and screamed and spat curses uponthem, theirs was the calmest and the happiest face.As the chains were wound over theirbody at the stake, and a flame set to thepyre, the Transgressor looked upon theCity.There was a thin thread of bloodrunning from the corner of their mouth,but their lips were smiling.And a monstrousthought came to us then, which hasnever left us.We had heard of Saints.There are the Saints of Labor, and theSaints of the Councils, and the Saints of theGreat Rebirth.But we had never seen aSaint nor what the likeness of a Saintshould be.And we thought then, standingin the square, that the likeness of a Saintwas the face we saw before us in the flames,the face of the Transgressor of theUnspeakable Word.As the flames rose, a thing happenedwhich no eyes saw but ours, else we wouldnot be living today.Perhaps it had onlyseemed to us.But it seemed to us that theeyes of the Transgressor had chosen usfrom the crowd and were looking straightupon us.There was no pain in their eyesand no knowledge of the agony of theirbody.There was only joy in them, andpride, a pride holier than is fit for humanpride to be.And it seemed as if these eyeswere trying to tell us something throughthe flames, to send into our eyes some wordwithout sound.And it seemed as if theseeyes were begging us to gather that wordand not to let it go from us and from theearth.But the flames rose and we could notguess the word.What--even if we have to burn for itlike the Saint of the Pyre--what is theUnspeakable Word?PART THREEWe, Equality 7-2521, have discovered anew power of nature.And we have discoveredit alone, and we alone are to know it.It is said.Now let us be lashed for it,if we must.The Council of Scholars hassaid that we all know the things which existand therefore the things which are notknown by all do not exist.But we thinkthat the Council of Scholars is blind.The secrets of this earth are not for all mento see, but only for those who will seek them.We know, for we have found a secret unknownto all our brothers.We know not what this power is norwhence it comes.But we know its nature,we have watched it and worked with it.We saw it first two years ago.One night,we were cutting open the body of a deadfrog when we saw its leg jerking.It wasdead, yet it moved.Some power unknownto men was making it move.We could notunderstand it.Then, after many tests,we found the answer.The frog had beenhanging on a wire of copper; and it hadbeen the metal of our knife which had sentthe strange power to the copper through thebrine of the frog's body.We put a piece ofcopper and a piece of zinc into a jar ofbrine, we touched a wire to them, andthere, under our fingers, was a miraclewhich had never occurred before, a newmiracle and a new power.This discovery haunted us.We followedit in preference to all our studies.We worked with it, we tested it in more waysthan we can describe, and each step was asanother miracle unveiling before us.We came to know that we had found thegreatest power on earth.For it defies allthe laws known to men.It makes the needlemove and turn on the compass which westole from the Home of the Scholars;but we had been taught, when still a child,that the loadstone points to the north and thatthis is a law which nothing can change;yet our new power defies all laws.We found that it causes lightning, and neverhave men known what causes lightning.In thunderstorms, we raised a tall rod ofiron by the side of our hole, and wewatched it from below.We have seen thelightning strike it again and again.And now we know that metal draws the powerof the sky, and that metal can be made togive it forth.We have built strange things with thisdiscovery of ours.We used for it thecopper wires which we found here under theground.We have walked the length of ourtunnel, with a candle lighting the way.We could go no farther than half a mile, forearth and rock had fallen at both ends.But we gathered all the things we foundand we brought them to our work place.We found strange boxes with bars of metalinside, with many cords and strands andcoils of metal.We found wires that ledto strange little globes of glass on the walls;they contained threads of metal thinnerthan a spider's web.These things help us in our work.We donot understand them, but we think thatthe men of the Unmentionable Times hadknown our power of the sky, and thesethings had some relation to it.We do notknow, but we shall learn.We cannot stopnow, even though it frightens us that weare alone in our knowledge.No single one can possess greaterwisdom than the many Scholars who areelected by all men for their wisdom.Yet we can.We do.We have fought againstsaying it, but now it is said.We do not care [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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