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.T H E X -F I L E SKEVIN J.ANDERSONBased on the characters created byChris CarterTo all the agents, investigators, scientists, and other employees of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.In conjunction with my writing research, I have met several agents and seen the Bureau at work on real cases.These people aren’t all like Mulder and Scully, but they are all proud of the professionalism and dedication they bring to their jobs.ContentsOneLate on a night filled with cold mist and still…1TwoThe bear stood huge, five times the size of an… 10ThreeAs Mulder led her out of the Hoover Building, Scully…14FourThe dog stopped in the middle of the road, distracted…21FiveThe middle of morning on a gray day.Early mist…28SixThe house looked like most of the others on the… 33SevenNo one would ever find them in this cabin, isolated…38EightEven through the thick fabric of her clumsy gloves, she…43NineDr.Elliott Hughart was torn between intentionally putting the mangled…48TenNot long before sunset, a patch of bright bluesky…55ElevenHe tried to hide and he tried to sleep—but nothing…60TwelveMulder didn’t feel at all nondescript or unnoticeable as he…66ThirteenIn a nondescript office with few furnishings, Adam Lentz sat…74FourteenThe midday sunlight dappled the patches in the Oregon hills…83FifteenAs they approached the veterinary clinic in the sleepycoastal…89SixteenSome people might have thought being alone in a morgue…96SeventeenThe bridge spread out into the early morning fog.Its…103EighteenMulder pulled up to the Mini Serve pump in the… 107Nineteen“We’re federal agents,” Mulder announced.“I’m going to reach for…113TwentyOn hearing Jody’s cry, Patrice awoke from a restless sleep.121Twenty-OneEdmund was amazed at how fast the officials arrived,considering…126Twenty-TwoThe ocean crashed against the black cliffs with ahollow…129Twenty-ThreeThe cold rain sheeted down, drenching him and the roadside…134Twenty-FourScully was already tired of driving and glad for the…140Twenty-FiveOutside the cabin, Vader barked.He stood up onthe…145Twenty-Six“Patrice!” Dorman called in a hoarse voice, then walked toward…149Twenty-SevenThe dense trees clawed at him.Their branches scratched his…156Twenty-EightThe logging truck sat half off the road in a…162Twenty-NineScully became disoriented on the winding dirt logging roads, but…170ThirtyNo matter how far Jody ran, Dorman followed.Theonly…174Thirty-OneThe sudden carnage astonished Scully, and time seemed to stop…181Thirty-TwoThe phone rang in Adam Lentz’s plaingovernment office, and…186Thirty-ThreeThe red pickup truck Mulder had commandeered handled surprisingly well.189Thirty-FourFifty miles at least to the nearest hospital, along tangled…192Thirty-FiveThe wounds in Jeremy Dorman’s throat had sealed, and a…198Thirty-SixTo Adam Lentz and his crew of professionals, the fugitives…205Thirty-SevenWith a brief sigh from the backseat, Jody woke up…209Thirty-EightAs the pickup truck droned on and the darknessdeepened,…213Thirty-NineAs the two vehicles toiled down the muddy rutted drive,…216FortyScully’s cellular phone rang in the quiet darkness of the…219Forty-OneSatellite dishes mounted atop the van tilted at different azimuths…224Forty-TwoBack to the haunted house, Scully thought as shedrove…228Forty-ThreeThe hail of small-caliber bullets struck Jeremy Dorman, and he…234Forty-FourAs soon as Lentz and his team conveniently appeared, Mulder…238Forty-FiveThe trap had sprung.Not as neatly as Adam Lentz…242Forty-SixThe shock wave toppled some of theremaining girders and…246Forty-SevenMulder should have known the men in suits would be…253Forty-EightIn the hospital, Scully checked and rechecked Jody Kennessy’s lab…257Forty-NineAdam Lentz made his final report verbally and faceto…262FiftyThe people were strange here, Jody thought…but at least he…266Acknowledgments273About the AuthorPraiseOther Books in the X-Files SeriesCoverCopyrightAbout the PublisherONEDyMar Laboratory RuinsSunday, 11:13 P.M.Late on a night filled with cold mist and still X air, the alarm went off.It was a crude security system hastily erected around the abandoned burn site, and Vernon Ruckman was the only guard stationed to monitor the night shift.but he got paid—and surprisingly well—to take care that no intruders got into the unstable ruins of the DyMar Laboratory on the outskirts of Portland, Oregon.He drove his half-rusted Buick sedan up the wet gravel driveway.The bald tires crunched up the gentle rise where the cancer research facility had stood until a week and a half ago.Vernon shifted into park, unbuckled his seatbelt, and got out to investigate.He had to be sharp, alert.He had to scope out the scene.He flicked on the beam of his official security flashlight—heavy enough to be used as a weapon—and shone it like a firehose of light into the blackened ruins that covered the site.His employers hadn’t given Vernon his own security vehicle, but they had provided him with a uniform, 2T H E X - F I L E Sa badge, and a loaded revolver.He had to display confidence and an intimidating appearance if he was to chase off rambunctious kids daring each other to go into the charred husk of the laboratory building.In the week and a half since the facility had been bombed, he had already chased a few trespassers away, teenagers who ran giggling into the night.Vernon had never managed to catch any of them.This was no laughing matter.The DyMar ruins were unstable, set to be demolished in a few days.Already construction equipment, bulldozers, steam shovels, and little Bobcats were parked around large fuel storage tanks.A padlocked locker that contained blasting caps and explosives [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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