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.Either the restraints' locks had been damaged in the fall or, more likely, Thracken had put him in gimmicked restraints to start with, something that could released by remote control at whatever moment seemed most amusing to the operator.It didn't matter.He had his hands.He spread his arms wide in a wrestler's stance and moved in on Dracmus.Dracmus was at least as surprised as Han to realize her opponent suddenly had his hands free.She back pedaled a bit, putting a bit more distance between Han and herself.She snarled, a sound full of anger and frustration, and Han felt sure she meant it.She wasn't acting.She might or might not want to kill Han, but she had every intention of beating him.Well, he was going to make her work for it.The advantages were all still with Dracmus, but maybe, now, he had a fighting chance.He feinted to the left, once, twice, and then to the right before diving straight in, grasping his hands together in a pile-driver punch to the gut, to knock the wind out of her.He remembered at the last possible moment to strike higher on her abdomen than he would on a human.He caught the right spot, but just barely.She staggered backward, and Han scrambled to regain his own balance and follow up.She had sagged down enough that Han could try for a punch in the snout, a delicate spot on the Selonian anatomy.He swung and connected cleanly-and then instantly wondered if doing so was such a good idea.From the expression on Dracmus's face, it clearly hurt a lot-but it also got her good and mad.Those sharp jaws swung around and snapped down on thin air a centimeter from Han's arm, and even before he had stopped dodging, an iron-hard fist hit him square in the chest.If it had hit him in the stomach, he would have doubled over in pain, but Dracmus had placed her blow too high.As it was, Han was thrown onto the floor.He recovered and winced with pain as he got back to his feet.It seemed likely that either the blow or the landing had bruised or cracked a rib.Dracmus's tail was lashing back and forth, and she had her fangs bared-but she did not dive in to get her teeth around his throat, or rake her claws across his eyes.She was still restraining herself, at least somewhat.Han realized that he had to throw this fight immediately, before she lost all control of her anger and moved in for the kill."Use your tail he bellowed to her in Selonian.”Batter me with that!" The mad, angry light in her eye seemed to dim for a moment, and she looked at him, as if she were surprised to see him there.Good.Maybe that meant the words were reaching her-though Han could not be altogether sure.She swung toward him and snapped her jaws at him again, and Han dodged back to his left.Even though he had urged her to make the move, he didn't even realize she was still swinging around, pivoting on one foot to bring her tail around.She had it raised high, and caught Han neatly in the head with it.Han staggered one last time, and lurched backward, slumping over until he was facing his cousin on his throne.Han's vision was going, going black, but he could see Thracken grinning at him, laughing, that face that was so similar to his own contorted by a cruel, sadistic leer.Han was almost glad when the darkness closed over him.CHAPTER TWOThe Fabric TornThe Lady Luck cut her lightspeed engines and dropped into normal space in the Coruscant system.Lando Calrissian checked the navicomputer and nodded in satisfaction."In the groove," he said."We've got auto-clearance from Coruscant Control, all the way in.""Good," Luke said."The sooner we're there, the better.""Shouldn't we try and contact the navy brass from here?" Lando asked."We don't want to waste any time."Luke shook his head."No," he said."We're up against something big and organized.We have to assume that an organization that can seal off the entire Corellian star system is capable of monitoring communications, even on secure links.I think we should play it safe and not say anything until we can talk to our people face-to-face.”"You might be right," Lando said."At any rate, you're right that we're up against something big." Someone or something had placed an interdiction field around the entire Corellian system, produced by using a gravity-well generator to distort the mass lines of realspace.No hyperdrive could operate inside an interdiction field.No ship inside the field could make the jump to lightspeed, and any craft that passed through the field while in hyperspace would be forced out into normal space.Luke and Lando had discovered the interdiction field when the Lady Luck was abruptly decanted out of hyperspace on the outskirts of the Corellian system, far out enough that the journey in toward the planet of Corellia through realspace would take months at best.No one had ever managed to generate an interdiction field a hundredth, a thousandth, as large as the Corellian field.Even if Lando and Luke had no other information beyond that, the mere fact of an interdiction field that size was more than enough to justify raising the alarm.But there was more.Leia Organa Solo, Chief of State of theNewRepublic , was in the Corellian system, and the news out of Corellia had not been good for some time [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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