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.Rachel was just trying to be encouraging, but she really wasn’t helping.Yeah, okay, so David had been a loser.She’d happened to love that loser, and try as she might, she couldn’t bring herself to shrug it off like everyone wanted her to.She couldn’t banish him from her memory no matter how badly she wished she could.She didn’t want to unpack her stuff.She didn’t want to go to a singles bar with her overly metro sexual friend and find someone who could “rock her world” for a night.She didn’t want to take up Pilates, or yoga, or grow bonsai trees and feng shui her apartment.She just wanted everyone to leave her alone.“So, you’ve been sleeping, right?” Rachel prodded.“That’s progress.”Kelly swallowed and nodded slightly.“You said your dreams were good.What are they about?”Kelly’s lips turned up at the corners.“Mainly a beautiful, winged man.”Rachel blinked, then frowned.“Did you say a winged man?”Kelly nodded and her smile grew.“Dark hair, violet eyes, fantastic smile…and big, black wings.” She shrugged.“Kinda Gothic.”Rachel stared at her for a second before she shrugged.“Well, I guess that’s what makes you a famous writer, right? Having guys like that living in your subconscious.”Kelly giggled a little in spite of herself.Maybe that’s what the dreams were about.A hero for a future novel.Strangely, though, that wasn’t how it felt.It wasn’t the lightning bolt sensation she usually got when an idea struck her.He was just…there.He seemed very familiar somehow, and every time she dreamed of him, she slept like a baby.“Well, I have to get to work,” Rachel said suddenly.“I just wanted to check on you.I’m coming over tonight and we’re going to start unpacking.” She stood and pointed her finger at Kelly.“I mean it,” she said with her eyebrows raised.“No more wallowing.”Kelly rolled her eyes, waved halfheartedly, and waited for Rachel to leave.Once the door clicked shut, she leaned back against the couch and heaved a sigh.What part of “leave me alone” did no one seem to understand? She was twenty-nine years old.She wasn’t a child.She didn’t need to be treated like one.She stared at all of her unopened boxes for a while and tried to will herself to unpack one of them, but it didn’t work.She didn’t want to look at all of her stuff.All of the things in those boxes were from a different time and a different life.She knew what would happen as soon as she opened them.Her heart would flood with tons of memories of a relationship that had all been a load of crap.She would cry, down a half gallon of ice cream, drink a bottle of wine while watching a depressing movie, and then go to bed just so she could get a moment of peace.She really didn’t want to have to go through all that again.She hated the hours of the day when she was actually awake.Consciousness brought awareness, and with awareness came the knowledge that she had no life anymore.No routine, no path, no nothing.Her whole world had been obliterated in a matter of months, starting from the moment she’d been broadsided on the road.She’d broken a leg and her wrist and had received a nasty gash along her side that had ended up getting a stubborn infection.She’d remained in the hospital, being pumped full of antibiotics for two weeks, and during that time, her boyfriend of three years had decided that screwing his secretary was more important than visiting Kelly, or bringing her flowers, or telling her how happy he was that she wasn’t dead.As soon as she’d been released from the hospital, he had sent her a text message.A text message.He hadn’t even had the balls to call her.He’d told her he was in love with Kimmy, or Kami, or whatever the heck her name was, and that Kelly had only been someone he’d used to pass through a difficult stage in his life.She still had no idea what that really meant.She’d moved out of Jersey at the insistence of her sister and her best friend Chad, and now she had nothing.Only shards of a life she’d once had, but had burnt down around her while she’d watched in stunned horror.Her editor was constantly harping on her because she had a deadline for a manuscript due in a month’s time, but Kelly didn’t really care.It was impossible to write about anything when her mind was full of crap.It was even more impossible to write about love and fantasy when all she wanted was to puncture every heart balloon she saw and blow up cars that had “Just Married” written on the back.With a groan, she rolled herself up and then into a standing position and went over to her kitchen window.It was large and overlooked the city [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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