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.The man smiled again, and this time Jared huffed out abreath, but then couldn't draw one back in.The smile turned into a grin."Can I buy you a coffee,then?" the blond asked."Coffee?""Yeah.You know, the dark, aromatic brew.""I know what the fuck coffee is.""Wel, do you want one?"Jared hadn't got a clue what to say.Did he accept andtake the offer at face value, or did he decline becausehe knew damn wel that wasn't al the man was offering?The blond stepped up close until Jared could smel thefaint scent of the shampoo he'd used and the verymusky aroma of his obvious arousal.The sharp tangfiled his nostrils, causing his mouth to water and hisheart to start hammering.He held the other man'sarresting gaze and was only vaguely aware of sliding outa tongue to wet his lips as he did so.The action, thoughunintentional, provoked a low groan from the manstanding across from him.The sound drove a shiverdown Jared's spine, and he felt goose bumps formingon his skin."I don't bite," the man said, his low, seductive tones the straw that finaly broke Jared's resistance."I do." Caution flew out the window along with everyexcuse he'd ever used to deny the very basis of hisneed.To hear the other man draw in a sharp breathsent Jared's primal instincts roaring.He no longerwanted to back away, to take that guarded stance.Instead he reached behind the man's neck with onehand and drew him forward.Silky hair caressed theback of his hand, and he had to stil the need to clenchhis fingers into a fist.He'd had no intention of letting thekiss be anything more than brief yet purposeful, but thesecond those soft lips touched his, he lost it.Roughly shoving the blue-eyed blond back to the wal,Jared drove the ful length of his body hard against him,grinding his hips across the ful thickness of the man'scock.He groaned at the heat that rose between themand moaned at the other man's startled response.Twohands clutched his arms, fingers digging in deep, thenreleasing as the man's grip slowly changed into anembrace.Jared dropped his bag and helped slide theother man's bag off a broad shoulder.He changed theangle of his mouth and slid his tongue across thoseplump lips, tasting, exploring, then demanding entrance.The man complied on a sigh, and Jared got to tastewhat he'd so far only thought about.The mouth wasmoist and warm, the tongue soft, questing.Jared tracedhis along it and then sucked it between his teeth.Thebody he was holding began to tremble while the handsthat had slid over his back tangled in his hair.Jaredgroaned into the other man's mouth as pleasureslammed into him, driving his arousal to new heights.The kiss deepened, grew hotter, and with every stroke,every thrust of his tongue, he moved his hips, sashayingthem back and forth until they were both panting, bothmoaning.Eventualy Jared puled back, a satisfied growl rising outof his chest when he saw the other man's glazed eyes.He waited a few moments until both of them werebreathing close to normaly.Then he asked the question that would change his lifeforever."Stil want to buy me that coffee?""Fuck, yeah!"Jared laughed and was surprised at the unexpectedfeeling of contentment that wrapped itself around himlike a cloak.He leaned back in for a swift kiss and then,unable to help himself, nipped the lower lip of that fulmouth with his teeth."Ow!""Told you I bite."Kyle stood, slightly dazed, not quite trusting the strengthin his legs to do anything more than hold him up.He hadnot expected that.One moment he was coming on tothe dark-haired man, and the next he'd been slammedagainst the wal and his mouth ravaged.Alreadyaroused, the kiss had fired his body almost to breakingpoint.It had taken a hel of a lot of wilpower not tosimply act on his desire and give in to what his bodycraved.But he warned himself to hold back, to wait,because he had a feeling the kiss could lead to more, somuch more.When he first saw him, Kyle had been shaken.The manhad a body that stirred a deep, primal hunger withinhim, which had been surprising because it had been along time since that had happened, but what hadcaptured and snagged his attention most was the look inthose hazel eyes.Desire was the first thing he'd noticedand it was the first thing Kyle had reacted to, but therehad been something else present in the multifleckeddepths, something not quite definable but definitelyinteresting.Right then and there, he'd decided hewanted to find out what it was, so when the door hadbeen surprisingly slammed in his face, he'd decided towait.It hadn't been easy, patiently waiting, especialy whenhe'd heard the unmistakable sounds of the manmasturbating.Lust had hit him ful force, which hadturned into a fierce arousal that refused to quit [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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