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.Wayne threw his shirt up in the air where it caught on a lamp shade, stepped out of his jeans and hung his beads over the arm of the chair.Mario’s dark eyes seemed to grow in the lamplight as he watched.“Want a drink?” asked Wayne, pouring juice over the vodka and ice cubes.Mario took the glass away from him and put it on the bedside table.“On the other hand, who needs it.” Wayne let Mario pull him down on top of him on the bed and thought of Adrian.§ § §Next morning, Wayne woke up with a splitting headache.Mario was gone.By the time he was feeling even vaguely human it was 12:30 and he had given up any idea of trying to see Adrian again.The whole thing had been a mistake anyways, he decided gloomily as he crawled out of a hot tub.How can I play along when I don’t even know what his game is? He towel-dried his hair gingerly and pulled on jeans and a bright pink t-shirt.He was putting on his socks when there was a knock at the door.“You overslept,” Adrian said, as he walked past Wayne briskly.“Uh, yeah.”Adrian looked around the nondescript, messy room, noting the half-empty bottle of vodka, the condoms and KY on the bedside table, the melted ice in the plastic bucket, the two dirty glasses.“I’m not much of a housekeeper,” said Wayne with an apologetic laugh.“I wasn’t expecting company.”“You were last night.”“Yeah.After you dropped me like a hot potato.I didn’t come to the city to be alone.”“I see.And here I thought you came to see the opera with me.”“Look, Adrian, don’t try to lay any guilt trip on me, okay? I really wanted to get to know you.I’ve been fantasizing about you since the day I first saw you in the Post Office.And then yesterday I finally get to meet you and what do you do? Lecture me about manners and ask me questions and make me feel dumb.You haven’t told me one fucking thing about yourself.I’ve known you one day and already you’re making demands I don’t even understand!”Adrian looked at him intently for a long moment, stroking his beard with one hand.“We need coffee and croissants,” he announced.“Go ahead.” Wayne was already feeling ashamed of his outburst.As Adrian phoned room service, he made a half-hearted effort to tidy up and swept the handful of condoms into the drawer along with the lubricant and several wads of tissues.He put away the vodka.Cleared off the table.“It appears we will have to make do with toast.” Adrian sat down and adjusted the cuffs of his Harris tweed jacket.“I am 43 years old and rather set in my ways, and I have been told that I have a difficult personality,” he said.Wayne grinned.“Anyone who looks like you can get away with a little temperament, honey.” He watched the man bristle.A small frown appeared, then disappeared.“I teach at the university, which might account for the fact that much of my conversation sounds to you like a lecture.It’s in the blood, so to speak.”“Holy shit! You’re a professor?”“Must you use the vocabulary of the street? I find vulgarity offensive.Please remember that.”“Well,” said Wayne, “I’ll try pretending you’re my mother.” A knock at the door came as a welcome distraction.“Room service,” he announced with relief.Adrian was making him nervous again.When the waiter had gone, they settled down by the window with their coffee and toast.“What do you teach?” Wayne asked conversationally.“French literature.”“Ah.No wonder you sounded so good in the restaurant.”“About last night, to use a classic opening gambit I thought I would never need again, I.Well, actually, I’m somewhat out of practice with this sort of thing.”“How do you mean?” asked Wayne, curious.“I do not make it my habit to indulge in sordid, one night affairs.” Adrian glanced at the unmade bed pointedly.He was tearing the toast in small pieces and putting a dollop of honey on each piece.“You’re very up-tight about sex, aren’t you?” Adrian straightened slightly but said nothing.“How come you left so suddenly last night? Everything was so super and then.poof! You were gone.It was a real let down.I was upset and mad and frustrated, so I went to Buddies.Sure I wanted a good lay but I wanted to talk, too.It was such a great evening, eh? But wouldn’t you know? I tricked with the only Italian faggot in the entire world who doesn’t give a damn about opera.Just my dumb luck.”“My luck wasn’t running that much better.When I reached my room last night, I phoned you to see if you would like a night cap, but you had already left.So you see, I did not ‘drop you like a hot potato’, as you put it.”“Oh shit.I mean, damn.I was just so upset about everything.I thought you didn’t.well, I’m sorry.It’s sweet of you to tell me this.” Suddenly he leaned across the small table and kissed Adrian on the mouth.Taken by surprise, Adrian flushed and moved back.“Are you always this precipitous?”“I don’t know.What’s that mean?”“Eat your toast.If we hurry, we can just make it to the National Gallery in time for the lecture on the Impressionists.”Wayne lowered his eyes to his plate.He was smiling.§ § §That night, after a day of tramping in and out of galleries and a late dinner in a small, French restaurant, Adrian invited Wayne to his room for a night cap.Wayne took off his shoes with an exaggerated sigh of relief and curled up in one of the big armchairs.Adrian hung up his jacket and stretched out on the bed, resting his feet on a newspaper.He studied the golden Scotch in his glass.“Were you serious when you said you’ve never been to any galleries before?” he asked.“It’s true.I’m a Philistine, eh? Small town boys come like that sometimes.” He finished off his drink and got up to help himself to more.“It was fun, today.I’m glad you took me around.I’d never do it on my own.”“Why not?”Wayne shrugged and settled himself in the chair again.“I get sort of frantic sometimes on the weekend, you know? Trying to forget the rest of the week; trying to let go, really be myself; scared that things are split down the middle like that, you know what I mean?”“But why? You’re not exactly in the closet, dear boy.”“No, but in a way, I’m still playing a role, being the way they think a small town queen should be.Of course, I was born for the part, honey [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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