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.”Grumbling to himself Hunter shook his head as he turned away.“You go on and have fun.I need to finish a reading anyway.” Chastising his ridiculous behavior, Taylor’s silence reminded him that he could be such as ass.He garnered his nerves to turn around, longing to find the right words to say to his lover.“Taylor.I mean it this time.Let’s plan on going away in about two months.It’s your choice, wherever you want to go.I don’t care where.” Hearing nothing Hunter finally glided toward his lover.“Fuck!” Angry with himself he slammed his hand against the pool table and the sudden dull ache reminded Hunter he was very much alive and a stupid asshole.Taylor had left in silence and obvious disgust.****Hunter sighed as he looked at his watch.Taylor wasn’t coming and hell, why should he? Gazing up at the television, somehow not only could he not focus but he also didn’t give a shit about the game that floated across the screen.He’d been nursing on his shot of tequila and he was exhausted and ready for a good night’s sleep.The next few days were going to be very long and draining.While he was prepared for the intense action scenes physically having spent the last few weeks in the gym, mentally he wasn’t sure he could handle another flaming romance with the leading lady.It wasn’t that Ginger Pearson wasn’t attractive.With her waist length auburn air and dazzling light blue eyes, she had every Hollywood man hungry.Chuckling, he also knew just how attracted she was to Hunter.Her more than blatant advances during their early readings told him in no uncertain terms what she wanted to do with his body.The disturbing part was he would be her date at several premiers leaving Taylor alone to watch the festivities from their couch.Enough feeling sorry for yourself.You’re a freaking movie star! The words meant nothing any longer except to his accountant, attorney, agent and publicist.They made a killing off his stardom.Swirling the biting liquid he finished the shot and closed his eyes.Something had to give.“This seat taken?” The sultry voice said from behind.“Not yet but damn if I don’t crave something hot and sexy.You interested?” Hunter breathed.“Perhaps.What are you offering?”Hunter tipped his head and grinned.“Roaring sex all night long.” While his tone was barely more than a whisper, he’d said the words out loud and Taylor smiled in appreciation.“Hmmm…not sure my boyfriend would like that,” Taylor purred as he slid onto the barstool.“What about a threesome then? I’m always game for adventure.”Bursting out laughing Taylor shook his head and patted Hunter’s thigh.“I think it sounds delicious.You, me and some hot man in a sweltering bathroom.” As he licked his lips, Taylor rubbed his hand up and down Hunter’s leg until he eased it away, giving Hunter a sheepish look.Hunter wrapped his fingers around Taylor’s hand and pushed it just above his crotch.“Been doing some thinking.” Eyeing the bartender, he raised his glass and nodded toward Taylor.“Oh yeah? Why am I suddenly terrified?”Hunter inhaled as gazed to his left.No one was paying much attention to either of them.While the corner jazz club was pulsing with activity, the patrons were used to seeing them together.Usually wall the wall with people, the club catered to the upper echelon of society and rich socialites who enjoyed the feel of a quiet locale and tonight was no exception.This was one place he felt comfortable.He waited until the bartender left the drinks.“You’re right and I’m wrong.It’s as simple as that.”Taylor stole a glance at Hunter’s hand as Hunter stroked Taylor’s bulging erection and smiled.“Not that I don’t appreciate the full court press action but why the change of heart?”Shrugging, Hunter wasn’t entirely sure.“Not fair to either one of us.I can’t continue to live a lie for the rest of my life.”“I agree with you.Whoever this asshole is that’s threatening you will make good on finding or creating damning pictures.You know that.”“I guess I just wanted to hold off the inevitable for little while longer.I really do enjoy our life together and the privacy we’re allowed.” Hunter took a swig of his drink.“We’re living in a giant fishbowl and sooner or later we’re going to get swallowed up by sharks.”It was Hunter’s turn to laugh.“So eloquently put.” Shifting, he blazed a heated trail down to Taylor’s crotch before sniffing and licking around the rim of his glass.Taylor pressed a single finger across Hunter’s mouth as he stole a glance into the crowd.“Later.”“So tell me about this musician guy?”“Viggo Swenson is pretty damn amazing.You’ve seen him perform with Ragged Edges I know.”“Hell yeah.What’s he doing pimping in the states?” Hunter asked as he tried to focus on the basketball game.“Thinks he’s a bit better than the rest of his crew I guess.Not a bad guy.He’s damn talented and would be good for the band.I don’t know.The rest of the guys want to meet with him first.”“You guys deserve a decent break.”Taylor leaned forward and grinned, his eyes twinkling.“Well, that’s the other thing I didn’t get a chance to tell you.Got a call about that tour that was mentioned? It’s not just dates in the States any longer.We’re talking Europe and Australia.” Grinning, Taylor swirled his drink before gulping the entire shot, thumping the dense glass down onto the bar.While Hunter didn’t want him to go, there was something rather cathartic about the timing.“When does the tour start?”“In about a week we leave if all the final details work out.”“Good for you.I’m so happy.I bet the band is thrilled.” Why did his heart ache so badly all of a sudden?Taylor rubbed his hand across Hunter’s cheek.“Hey, I thought you’d be happy for me.”“I’m damn happy for you.”“Uh-huh.”“I am, Taylor.This is huge for you guys,” Hunter said as he smiled.“I wish you were playing with us like you used to.”Hunter snorted.“I’m not that good.”“Yes, you are.”Hunter tipped his head and remembered easily why he’d fallen hard for the sexy man.“Liar, but I adore you for it.You want to celebrate with another drink?”“Hmmm…tempting but I think some man of mine promised me a threesome.” Taylor slowly stood and gave Hunter a lurid gaze.“With a look like that we might have to do it in the car.”Taylor laughed.“We have two cars and I have an early morning appointment.”“So do I.Let me pay our tab and let’s get the hell out of here.” Tossing several bills onto the counter Hunter grinned as anticipation of a raucous evening forced his cock to twitch.As the walked out into the night, Hunter inhaled and adjusted his aching bulge [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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