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.“If people see you as uptight and closed, Todd, that's how they'll react to you,” he'd said more than once before launching into his favorite lecture about setting the tone.Oh, Michael, thought Todd, what would I do without you?He shook his head, chastising himself for putting Michael through all this.He'd beg forgiveness.Yes, Todd had placed all these wretched restrictions on their lives, excluding Michael from dinner parties, choosing obscure restaurants where the chance of Todd being recognized was less, going to the theater in a mixed crowd to camouflage their relationship.But that was over now.Maybe they should take some time off.Go on a vacation.Have some big fun.Things were going to change.Absolutely.So Michael was just going to have to accept Todd's apology.And Michael would.He was that accepting.That forgiving.So sweet-natured.So…so wonderful.And if Channel 7 management forced him to choose between the anchor position and Michael, the choice was now clear.It was better to let the truth catch up with him, better to face reality at this point, than to let his career pull his life any further out of line.Driving well over the speed limit, Todd sped toward downtown, then veered left, shooting briefly onto 94 before riding a ramp upward and then down and onto Hennepin Avenue.God, wondered Todd, maybe he should put his condo on the market.That would make complete sense.No use in having to maintain two households.And maybe Michael should put his duplex on the market as well.Then they could buy a place together, one of those great houses in Kenwood.Maybe between Michael's and his salary they could even afford one of the grand old ones perched right on Lake of the Isles.Todd turned right on 24th Street, checked the digital clock on the dashboard, saw that it was just after ten.Of course Michael would be home.He was addicted to the late news, always watched it because, Todd joked, Michael was a true Minnesotan: obsessed by the weather.Michael would sit through twenty minutes of news even if the most important item was a high school marching band in desperate need of tubas, all in order to find out how cold it would be the next morning.It was only a half-dozen short blocks from Hennepin over to West 23rd, and the closer he drew to Michael's house the faster Todd's heart began to beat.Yes, Michael had to be there, waiting, wondering, wanting to talk to Todd as much as Todd wanted to talk to him.With any luck Todd would find him camped out on the living room sofa, watching the late news, one hand stuck in a bag of microwaved popcorn.Oh, shit, thought Todd.The 10:00 P.M.news.He reached into the left pocket of his dark blue wool coat and felt his pager.Yes, the small box was there, right where he'd put it after he'd flicked it off.Had anyone been trying to contact him? He didn't want to know, didn't want to care, but compulsively he pulled the small device from his pocket, turned it on.And sure as hell, the thing was flashing.As he drove through the dark October night, he tried to see the brief message.What was it, a robbery, a drive-by shooting, a murder? He couldn't tell, but Cindy was good, she could handle it.There just wasn't enough light, and screw it anyway, he thought, tossing the pager on the seat next to him.Michael was infinitely more important.That was what he had to focus on now, their relationship.Absolutely, he told himself as he approached the corner of 23rd and Irving, as he turned the corner and suddenly saw this brilliant display of lights and a scattered melange of vehicles.The surprise bowled him over, and out loud he muttered, “What the hell's going on?”Oh, Christ.He didn't know what to think, to do, as he took in an amazing spectacle of activity.He saw bright lights focused on one house, then saw quite clearly that it was Michael's duplex, that big white thing with the stucco that glowed moonlike both day and night.And there were clumps of people gathered on the sidewalk, in the yard.Next he saw the familiar van, the white one with the big red lettering:Channel 7's CrimeEye Team on the Way!Oh, shit, thought Todd.They're all here.His heart charged ahead like a racehorse.Dear God, they'd come here to announce his promotion live on the 10:00 P.M.news.His face flushed red and he even began to tremble.What a disaster.Couldn't he be left alone, just for a while, just for tonight?He took his foot off the gas and parked three or four houses short of Michael's.What the hell was he supposed to do, turn around and flee or walk right up to Michael's and into a celebration?Wait a minute, he thought.A celebration at Michael's? What the hell was he thinking, how self-centered had he become? His official address was his condo, not here.No one at the office knew he was spending most of his nights at this place, in that bed, with that man.A deep chill shot through Todd [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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