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.Only one of them paused as he went by me, and that was the little French Guianese boy.He was lugging an enormous and very expensive-looking suitcase.I could see no sign of an instrument."I am Lionel," he said gravely.Only he didn't pronounce it the way we would.He pronounced it Lee-Oh-Nell, with the emphasis on the Nell."Hey, Lionel," I said, making sure I pronounced it properly.We'd been warned at counselor training that there'd be a lot of kids from overseas, and that we should do all "we could to show that Camp Wawasee was cultural-diversity aware."Welcome to Birch Tree Cottage."Lionel flashed me another glimpse of those pearly whites, then continued lugging his big heavy bag inside.I decided to let the boys and their parents slug it out on their own, so I stayed where I was out on the mosquito-netted porch, listening to the ruckus inside as the kids tore around, choosing beds.Off in the distance, I saw someone else wearing the camp counselor uniform—white collared short-sleeve shirt with blue shorts—standing on his porch, looking in my direction.Whoever he was lifted a hand and waved.I waved back, even though I didn't have any idea who it was.Hey, you never knew.He might have owned a convertible.It took about two minutes for the first fight to break out."No, it's mine!" I heard someone inside the cabin shriek in anguish.I stalked inside.All of the beds—thankfully, not bunks—had belongings strewn across them.The fight was evidently not territorial in nature.Little boys do not apparently care much about views, and thankfully know nothing about feng shui.The fight was over a box of Fiddle Faddle, which Shane was holding and Lionel evidently wanted."It is mine!" Lionel insisted, making a leap for the box of candy."Give it back to me!""If you don't have enough to share," Shane said primly, "you shouldn't have brought it in the first place."Shane was so much bigger than Lionel that he didn't even have to hold the box very high in the air to keep it out of the smaller boy's reach.He just had to hold it at shoulder level.Lionel, even standing on his tiptoes, wasn't tall enough to grab it.Meanwhile, Shane's mother was just standing there with a little smile on her face, carefully unpacking the contents of her boy's suitcase and placing each item in the drawers in the platform beneath her son's mattress.The rest of the boys, however, and quite a few of the parents, were watching the little drama unfolding in Birch Tree Cottage with interest."Didn't they ever teach you," Shane asked Lionel, "about sharing back in Gonorrhea?"I knew rapid and decisive action was necessary.I could not do what I'd have liked to do, which was whop Shane upside the head.Pamela and the rest of the administrative staff at Camp Wawasee had been very firm on the subject of corporal punishment—they were against it.That was why they'd spent four hours of one of our training days going over appropriate versus inappropriate disciplinary action.Whopping campers upside the head was expressly forbidden.Instead, I stepped forward and snatched the box of Fiddle Faddle out of Shane's hand."There is no," I declared loudly, "outside food of any kind allowed in Birch Tree Cottage.The only food anyone may bring into this cabin is food from the dining hall.Is that understood?"Everyone stood staring at me, some in consternation.Shane's mother looked particularly shocked."Well, that sure is a change from last year," she said, in a voice that was too high-pitched and sugary to come from a woman who had produced, as she had, the spawn of Satan."Last year, the boys could have all the candy and cookies from home they wanted.That's why I packed this."Shane's mother hauled up another suitcase and flung it open to reveal what looked like the entire contents of a 7-Eleven candy rack.The other boys gathered around, their eyes goggling at the sight of so many Nestlé, Mars, and Hershey's products."Contraband," I said, pointing into the suitcase."Take it home with you, please."The boys let out a groan.Mrs.Shane's many chins began to tremble."But Shane gets hungry," she said, "in the middle of the night—""I will make sure," I said, "that there are plenty of healthful snacks for all the boys."I was, of course, making up the rule about outside food.I just didn't want to have to be breaking up fights over Fiddle Faddle every five minutes.As if sensing my thoughts, Shane's mother looked at the box in my hand."Well, what about that?" she demanded, pointing at it."You can't send that home with his parents—" The accusing finger swung in Lionel's direction."They didn't bother coming."Uh, because they live in French Guiana, I wanted to say to her.Hello?Instead, I found myself saying possibly the stupidest thing of all time: "This box of Fiddle Faddle will remain in my custody until camp is over, at which point, I will return it to its rightful owner.""Well," Shane's mother sniffed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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