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.That was funny, because Andrew was totally New York loud, and hisnagging was annoying.Hazard had never liked Andrew, anyway.The morning was cool and pale and a little foggy, as it usually was ina winter by Puget Sound, the neighborhood and city quiet.The world wasstill waking up.“Longview” buzzed from the car stereo and Hazardsighed, realizing he’d forgotten to stop his alarm while he got dressed.Heslumped down and rubbed the last of sleep from his eyes.His mom wouldCollide3probably say something about it later, like she’d had a headache all dayfrom the racket or something.It felt like it was going to be a long day.IT DIDN’T really start that winter, but it was safe to say that Decemberwas the crux.It was the turning point of it all.THERE was nothing really special about Hazard Oscar James.In December of his freshman year, he was fourteen years old.Hewas an only child born at Swedish Medical Center in Seattle after twomiscarriages, and he’d lived in the same house on the same street inBethany, Washington, for his whole life.That winter, Hazard didn’t drinkyet, he’d never gotten high (except for maybe a contact buzz), he’d neverbeen to a party, and his best friend was Emery Benjamin Moore.Sometimes he felt like Emery was all he had.Hazard’s family was the perfect family, except nobody was everhome.His dad was the head of an advertising company in Seattle, so hespent a lot of time working and commuting.His mom didn’t have to work,but if she did, she wouldn’t have liked it.She liked cleaning the house andgetting her nails done, and watching Entertainment Tonight and talkingpolitics with her friends, who’d all married businessmen and preferred thepampered life too.The house was always spotless and Hazard had grownaccustomed to the scents of air freshener and cleaning products.Everything had to be in order, everything had to be neat, and everythinghad to be in the best working condition.Hazard was smaller than he thought was very good for hisreputation, five foot two and just under 125 pounds.He had thick, messydark-brown hair that was always in his eyes, which were blue and big in apale, kind of petite face.He thought it made him look a little too girly,which wasn’t cool because his name already made him different enough.He wasn’t very good at science.He had to pay a lot of attention inhistory, although he liked it, but his favorite classes were art and English.4J.R.LenkAdmittedly, he was kind of quiet and kind of moody, and maybe a littleanxious sometimes.He liked alternative rock (his favorite songs then were“All That I’ve Got” by The Used and “Heart-Shaped Box” by Nirvana),Vanilla Coke, and Chuck Taylors, and his jeans were always too loose onhim.He wasn’t super cool, but he wasn’t a loser either.Nobody evenrecognized him as a skater, even though he’d hung out with them the pastyear and a half.Sometimes people in class stared at him, but otherwise hewas just kind of there and nobody noticed—except for Emery, of course,and Emery was the sort of best friend you could call your brother.Emery wore shirts from the kids’ section of Target.His mom raisedhim on Jewel and Tom Petty.He wore surfer necklaces and hemp andsported bumps and scrapes from friendly scraps with pals.He had acollection of Converse in every color and design he could find.He washonest, funny, and had a hot temper, and nobody could resist his roguishsmile, so older kids at school treated him like a well-loved little brother,which made him just a stone’s throw from being relatively popular.Hedrew on his hands in ballpoint pen when he was bored in class, and he’djust turned fifteen, but from some angles he still looked like he wastwelve.Emery and Hazard liked to go to the bookstore to sit around andread.They liked to stop in the stores in the mall where the massage chairswere set up to try, so they could drink slushies and get back massages andsnicker together while they people watched.They liked to shoot basketballin Emery’s driveway and play video games until late at night, and whenthey were younger they’d thought Jesse Camp was ridiculous in a goodway.Hazard had met Emery in second grade.He knew Emery like theback of his hand—how he liked horror movies and Swedish Fish, how heknew just how to sneak out of his bedroom window, how he’d broken hiswrist in fourth grade, how he hated his stepdad, Andrew, and especiallyhow Emery idolized Russell Leroy, whom he’d known since kindergarten.If Emery wasn’t hanging out with Hazard, he and Russell were practicallya boxed set, and everyone knew that if you wanted to get on Russell’sgood side, you had to go through Emery because Russell only everlistened to him.“Russell is so cool,” Emery said a lot.He’d always thought that,even when they’d been in grade school and they’d all made blanket fortsCollide5in his living room to watch scary movies [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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