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."Why don't we get started on the introductions.The Visionary needs to get to know her people."My heart jumped in my throat."What?" I squeaked and Caleb eased his arm around my waist."It's ok," he whispered."He just means that he'll announce you to everyone.""Yes, dear.Unless you'd like to say a few words?" Donald hedged."No.No, that won't be necessary," I answered quickly and tried not to gulp."As for the rest of you," Donald addressed the rest of our family who stood behind us."It's so good to see you all again.Please, come in." He lifted an eyebrow and pursed his lips in disapproval."You don't have to just stand in the doorway like that.""Donald," Gran drawled and came around Caleb and I."Don't throw out your condescension on us, now.We're all standing in the doorway because you're blocking our way, you old star struck fool.""Oh," Donald said abruptly and looked around."Quite right.Forgive me, Visionary.You must think me terribly improper.""No.Um…no," I mumbled.He waved his arm for us to enter the grand room.I felt someone at my back and turned to find Kyle.His hand was on my shoulder and a sympathetic look on his face.Beside him was Lynne with a tight grip on his hand as she looked around at the golden room."Time to face the music," Kyle whispered and then patted Caleb on the back."You both act like we're going to war or something," Lynne muttered.Caleb laughed."No.We just know that Maggie is absolutely going to hate this.""Hate what?" I asked."This," he said and pointed.I looked up to see a room full of people who were just a few seconds ago bustling and talking.Now in the eerie quiet of the room, I could see them all falling to one knee and bowing their heads to me.It was a struggle to keep the disgusted grimace from my face.Everyone just waited.It dawned that they were waiting for me.Crap."Thank you.You can…stand," I said.A few of them came forward to me and each in turn did their little reverence bow; kissing fingers, bowing head and touching it to my hand.When they finally rose I smiled and tried not to cringe into Caleb's side.Everyone else stood and watched.A few well dressed individuals made their way to a platform that had a long table, covered in white linen.The seven of them sat and then looked our way.At first I thought they were looking at me.But Gran squeezed my shoulder as she went by.She made her way and stood at the end of the table.They all sat down together, making a total of eight apparently important people.I was confused.Caleb leaned in and spoke low."The council.Or the assembly as they like to call themselves.There's a member from each family.Gran represents us.""Why not your dad? He's the Champion.""It can't be the Champion.The Champion must always be free for our family and not tied down to any other position.Technically Gran, since she is an assembly member, should live here at the palace with the rest of them.But she refuses.""Did they pick her?" I asked, thinking the assembly probably wouldn't want such a vocal and, uh…speak-her-mind type on the council."Nope.Each family chooses their own representative." He grinned."Who else would we vote in but Gran?"I giggled, causing a few people to turn and stare.Caleb just ignored them and put an arm around my shoulder, but I couldn't help but wonder what the strange look on their faces was for.I opened my mind, focusing on one guy in particular who looked pretty upset.His gaze latched onto mine and I immediately felt his jealousy.He wasn't angry, he just wanted.He wanted what he'd been told his whole life was his only way to have a family and to love someone.His mind swamped mine with thoughts of imprints coming back, the possibility of his soul mate being in this very room.That I was the catalyst, the thing that would bring it all back to them.I smiled at him and he seemed shocked by the gesture.He smiled back and bowed his head."That's Paul, of the Petrona clan," Caleb said quietly."And beside him is Philippe.Do you remember me telling you about him?""Yes, the other human besides Gran and me." Philippe looked over and saw us looking.He waved to Caleb and bowed his head to me.He started to come our way, but a child grabbed his pant leg and made him stop.He laughed and picked the girl up.Everyone stared at Kyle and Lynne as well, the looks on their faces with just as much longing.Kyle was oblivious, but Lynne knew what was at stake.She cringed into Kyle's side in an uncharacteristic move from the spunky girl I knew.Jen was pulled by Maria to stand next to us.Maria took Caleb's and my arm and yawned as she leaned her head against him.He chuckled at her.I looked around the room then, as Donald started addressing everyone loudly.But I tuned him out.Everyone's mind was the same and they all seemed as taken with me as Donald had been.They wanted what they thought I had to offer; their lives back.Little did they know that I had no idea what the heck I was doing.I really hoped that I could help them because desperation seemed to be the mood of the day."Maggie?" I heard and looked back up to see Donald watching me curiously."Yes?""I wondered if you'd like to say a few words? To your people?"I looked at him and realized that though he asked me earlier if I wanted to speak, and I told him that I did not, that he wasn't really giving me the option, he was just being polite.Caleb sighed beside me and I glanced at him to see that he understood all too well that the assembly had no intentions of letting me sit quietly.I steeled myself.I had Caleb's hand in mine, his blood and love running through my veins and his heart in my chest.I could do this.You bet your pretty tush you can.I tried not to giggle at his words in my head.I squeezed his hand and turned to face the whole of the room, a bouquet of different people and colors.I didn't wait.I just went for it."I just wanted to say that it's really good to meet you all.I hope we can get to know each other well this week." And since I was in a position for everyone to hear me at once…."And please, you don't have to bow to me.I'm just like you.I know that you are anxious about my being here, and what that could mean, but we'll figure it all out together.I realize the importance of this and I promise you that I am taking this seriously, but my name is Maggie, please call me that." And then I smiled.I looked around the room.Some were smiling back, some were just watching, and some were in absolute shock.But they weren't looking at me.I followed their glances over my shoulder to find a red faced Donald."Visionary," he said clearly and I got his meaning by it.No one was to call me Maggie."I know that you are young, but you have an obligation to our people, being what you are.You can't allow them to treat you as some commoner, because you are not [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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