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.Stevens.” Kendra finished the sentence for her.She felt a wave of jealously sweep through her.When had Kendra met him? Sashi was only half-dressed in her thermal top.“How do you know him?”Kendra laughed.“Girl, you look so upset! I was working at the reception desk when he arrived and I took him to Mr.Marshall.He was pretty hot.”Sashi nodded.“Yeah.”“I’m not going to tell you anything more until you tell me how far you went.”“We only kissed.I didn’t want to do more.He’s asked to see me again.” Sashi disappeared back into one of the toilet cubicles.“How are you guys going to meet again?” Kendra asked.“He’s a bush doctor, and he’ll fly out here and take us to Ketchikan early on the day we’re supposed to fly home.Then he’s going to take us to lunch.He says he can get us to the airport fast, too.”“Do you believe him?”“Of course.”“Well, you’re going to have to call him and change the plans.”“Why?”“Because I broke off with Freddy and have booked us a three-day tour of Prince of Wales Island.”Sashi emerged from the cubicle ready for bed.“Kendra, I can’t afford a trip like that.”“I know.That’s why it’s my treat.The tour’s all about the Native Americans who lived here on this island.Our guide is an Native chief who knows amazing sites.It’s going to be incredible.”Sashi went over and hugged her friend.She felt for her.Kendra had been fighting for Freddy’s attention all summer and finally learned from co-workers in the packing plant that he was just a player who brought his women up here to work.Worse, he put all of them in the same cabin!“I’m proud of you for the way you’re handling this, Kendra,” Sashi said.“I’ll call Cole in the morning and find out if I can see him some other way before we leave Alaska.”“I’ve never seen you this keen on a guy before,” Kendra said in a soft tone.“I know it’s crazy.Cole was talking about flying out to Virginia for a vacation to see me.I didn’t know what to say other than I’d love it.”“Stranger things have happened.I’m happy for you, Sashi.Now I’ve just got to get over Freddy.”“I’ll help you.”* * *THE RAIN WAS COMING DOWN in sheets as Cole drove his Range Rover.If he hadn’t been on this road over a hundred times before, he didn’t think he’d find his house high on the hill overlooking Ketchikan.At last he pulled into his driveway.With a push of a button, the garage door swung open and he drove inside.The door immediately closed behind him, locking out the storm.He hoped the weatherman had been right and it would clear up fast.He was looking forward to flying out and seeing Sashi and her friend the day after tomorrow.Cole rested his head against the steering wheel for a second.He’d never fallen for a woman this fast.His body could still feel her in his arms.What was he getting himself into?Just then his phone buzzed.He didn’t recognize the number.Maybe it was Sashi.His heart raced at the thought of talking to her.“Dr.Stevens,” he said.“Cole.It’s Sashi.”Her voice sounded as sexy on the phone as it did in real life.“Hey there, New York.How are you doing?”“I’m fine.It’s.good to hear your voice.”“So what’s going on?”“Well, there’s been a little change in plans.”Cole felt his stomach knot.“Like what?”“Nothing bad.Remember how I told you I came up here with my best friend?”“Uh-huh.”“She totally surprised me by offering me a free tour of the island with her.It’ll extend my stay for another three days.”“Wait—your friend bought you a tour?” Cole was incredulous.“Okay.I’m not putting you on.Kendra has lots of money, and this trip has been horrible for her.Freddy Marshall lied about his intentions when he brought her up here.”“Oh, I know all about Freddy Marshall and his lies, but I’m still trying to figure out why you’re evading me.”“No! That’s not it at all.Kendra has her degree in anthropological studies from George Washington University.She’s trying to salvage this trip by turning the last days into something good.That’s why she paid for me to come along with her on this three-day getaway.She wants to forget Freddy and focus on something positive.”“What does this trip entail?” Cole was trying to keep his voice calm.“We’re going to be making a small survey of where the Tlingit and Haida Natives lived on Prince of Wales Island.We’ll head south to Hydaburg to see the totem poles and study some ancient sites in the area.Then we’ll head north to the cave El Capitan, where we’ll go spelunking to find ancient petroglyphs.”“That sounds amazing.” Cole tried to keep the disappointment out of his voice.He was thirty-five, for Pete’s sake, not some schoolboy.“Will you need a flight in from the island, or will the tour end in Ketchikan?”“The tour ends in Ketchikan [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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