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.Devin couldn’t remember the last time someone, anyone, had excited him like Eli.He wasn’t shy about sex, but seeking a deeper relationship had Devin struggling in shark-infested waters.Lying down on his bed, he lowered his zipper.His cock sprang free, seeking release.Devin sighed, pleased for the first time that he couldn’t find any clean underwear that morning.Blindly he grabbed a bottle of lube out of his drawer.He flicked the lid then poured a bit onto his palm.Gripping his erection, he slid his right hand up and down cock.The hard rod jerked in his hold.“Yesss,” Devin hissed.Images of Eli’s face after they’d kissed flashed through his head like a moving picture.Soft eyes, silky mouth, everything needed to keep Devin enthralled.Devin licked his lips, imagining he could taste Eli again.He began a jerky rhythm—squeeze and pump, pump and squeeze.It took him little time to spurt out his release.“Ahh,” he sighed.Minutes passed before his heartbeat slowed and he could catch his breath.His orgasm had taken away some of the stress he’d been under since his brush with death.A necromancer.What would it be like to date a guy who could talk to ghosts? A man so powerful he hadn’t realized the ghosts he saw weren’t real people? Devin had always assumed spirits would appear as faded figures, outlines of the shape they’d been when alive.Apparently that wasn’t trueDevin felt a pang of protectiveness toward the younger student.As a senior, it was his last year in the school before going off to start his professional career.He and his brothers were planning to go into business together.As a tri-fold power, they were much stronger combined than alone.Still, as much as he loved his siblings, he longed for a lover of his own.With Dan finding Farren, the feeling had only increased.If Eli turned out to be his soul mate, how would a necromancer fit in with the four of them?Only time would tell.* * * *Eli opened his dorm room door to find Porter waiting inside.“How did it go?” Porter sat up, his expression as excited as a child waiting for a bedtime story.“He said yes.” Eli blushed even as despair almost choked him.“And?”“We kissed.” He bit his lip, his stomach churning.Overall, this had turned out to be a day of dramatic highs and lows.“How was it?”Eli sighed.“Great, then his girlfriend came by and asked if they were still going out.” Eli frowned as the incident washed away the happy memory of their kiss.He’d have been willing to do so much more if they hadn’t been interrupted.Anger darkened Porter’s warm brown eyes.“Bastard.Want me to go kick his ass?”Eli sighed.“No.I knew he was bi.I just didn’t know he was a cheater.I guess he’s one of those guys who think because he’s bi he gets one of each.Fucker.”“Did you ask him about it?”“No.I’m not confrontational like that.” Eli had spent his lifetime avoiding attention.To confront someone went counter to his personality.His stomach churned and he swallowed to keep the bile down his throat.Tears threatened but he blinked them back.Devin wasn’t worth crying over—they hadn’t been involved.Eli’s dramatic reaction had more to do with crushed expectations than a real life commitment.“Want me to do it for you?” Porter asked.The absurdity of the offer eased some of Eli’s distress.“No, but thanks.”“Any time.”Eli knew that Porter meant that.His friend would go interrogate Devin if Eli asked him to.Some of the tension left Eli.“He said he wanted to go out with me.If he gets back to me about a date, I’ll ask him about the girl.”He just had to muster up his courage.“Fair enough.”Tired, Eli got ready for bed.He fell asleep while Porter stayed up to read, a glow surrounding him.Huh, he hadn’t known Porter had a light over his bed.* * * *A low beeping woke Eli the next morning.His alarm emitted a piercing noise guaranteed to wake up the sleepiest or most hungover student.Eli really hated that thing, but it was one of the few alarms that woke him up.Slamming his hand onto the device, he pinned it to the table until it stopped that awful racket.He’d broken more than one clock, to Porter’s unending delight.His roommate enjoyed teasing Eli about his lack of being a morning person.Eli was more of a late afternoon waker.He preferred to be up at night.He now wondered if it had something to do with his abilities.Did necromancers prefer the darkness to commune with spirits? Could he convince everyone he needed to take only night classes owing to his magic?“Time to wake up, sunshine!” Porter’s amused voice had Eli blinking over at his roommate.Porter’s unnatural morning cheer never failed to irritate him.“No.” Eli grabbed the covers and pulled them back over his head to hide from the evil morning light.He could live in denial as well as the next person.No reason to jump out of bed and ruin his grumpy streak.“I don’t think you want to be late for your first appointment,” Porter crooned as he poked Eli in the side.Eli growled.He hadn’t heard Porter get up.“Sure I do.” Nothing could be worth opening his eyes all the way and pretending to be alert.His pillow had a stronger allure than any siren persuading a sailor to smash his ship against the shore.Eli snuggled in.The blankets were ripped away from Eli.“Porter!”“Get up, Eli!”“Why?” Eli couldn’t help the whine that entered his voice.He didn’t care if Porter had a gold embossed invitation to dine with the headmaster, he’d still want to stay in bed.Well, maybe he’d especially stay in bed for that.He hated formal events.“Because today you’re getting your focus stone and your new schedule.It’s a big day, so get your ass out of bed.”Eli sat up in bed to stare at his roommate.“How do you know?”Porter patted Eli’s hair down.“You look like a hedgehog.”“Forget my hair,” Eli said, batting his friend away.“What did you mean about my focus stone?”“Just what I said.After you fell asleep, you got a message from the headmaster about your schedule today.The first item is to meet with the equipment manager to get your focus stone so you can practice calling your avatar.Though why you don’t already own a stone, I don’t know.Your father must be a cheap bastard.”Eli laughed, a sad, bitter sound, as he reflected on his childhood.“He always seems to have a buck for Frederick.My mother died when I was young, and Father always said I remind him of her.” Eli doubted the story because the idea of his father pining over his love for anyone stretched the bounds of believability.“Oh, hey, I didn’t mean to ruin the moment for you.I bet you’ll call an awesome avatar with whatever stone you get.”Eli sat up, shaking off his sleep.“Somehow I doubt it.I’ve never manifested magical abilities like everyone else.I can only do mediocre potions, my spell casting is minimal and my aura reading really sucks.Talking to the dead is the only big power I have and no one knew about that, including me.I was going to be a magical theory teacher [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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