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.While he knew it came out of love, it was also holding him back in life.“I’m proud of you,” Lane said.“Yeah?”“I really am.It’s hard to stand up to your friends to begin with.But it’s even harder to do so when their arguments come from caring.I know it’s not going to be easy, but if it helps, you have my support in your decision.I know you have Becca’s too.”“Don’t forget her dog.That little hell raiser is behind me all the way.”They both laughed as the waitress brought their pizza.Suddenly very hungry, Oliver grabbed a huge slice and put it on his plate.He took a bite and let out a loud groan of pleasure.He looked up to see Lane giving him the strangest expression.“Sorry, but you were right.This place does make the best pizza in the world.I’m shocked I’ve never tried it before.I have to tell Becca about it.She’s going to love it.”Lane just gave a slight nod before he grabbed a slice for himself.They ate in silence before Oliver asked, “So, what should I wear to work? I don’t have to dress all sexy, do I?”Oliver knew Lane said he could work from home if he wanted, but he’d spent the past year in the apartment.He wanted to see different walls for a while.“No, just dress casual.”They then fell into an easy conversation until the meal was over.After they were finished, Lane drove Oliver home.By the time Oliver made it back upstairs to their apartment, his leg was killing him.He took one of his pain pills, changed into his comfy clothes, then stretched out on the couch.Since he knew this would be his last day to slack off, he turned on one of his favorite daytime talk shows and took a nap.Once the others were home he would tell them about his new job.He could hardly wait to see the looks on their faces.The bang of the door opening woke Oliver with a start.He sat up, half expecting to see home intruders, but it was Ronnie and Patrick.Damn Becca and her horror stories.Putting a hand to his hammering heart, Oliver asked, “How was your day at work?”Ronnie just let out a grunt, since he hated his job, while Patrick smiled.“Great, as usual.How did things go here?”“Actually, things were pretty eventful.”“What? Did you and Becca go on another shopping spree?” Ronnie asked as he sifted through the mail.“No, I got a job.”The two men froze as they stared at Oliver as if he’d grown another head or something.Oliver didn’t know whether to be insulted or angry.“Why are you both so shocked?” he asked sharply.Patrick came over and sat next to him on the couch.“We didn’t mean to upset you.It’s just, are you ready to go out and work? You know with your leg and all.”“I have a limp, that’s all.Besides, the job I got isn’t hard manual labor.I can handle it,” Oliver defended.“What is it?” Ronnie asked.Oh boy, here it came.The moment Oliver had been dreading.Taking a deep breath, Oliver said, “I’m going to be working for Lane’s company.”“Doing what?” Ronnie pressed.“Working the phones.”“As a receptionist?” Patrick inquired.“No, as one of the phone-sex operators.”Oliver had been ready for all kinds of reactions, but out-and-out laughter had not been one of them.As he watched the two of them crack up like a pair of loons, he could feel his anger building.“What’s so funny?” he demanded.“You as a phone-sex operator?” Ronnie said.“Are you serious?”“Yes, I am.”“But, you’re so shy, you won’t even wear a tight t-shirt out in public,” Patrick pointed out.“So? It’s not like I have to face these people.I’ll be doing it over the phone.Becca thinks I’ll be perfect for the job.” Oliver folded his arms defensively.“Let me guess, she’s the one who talked you into this in the first place,” Patrick surmised.“Yeah, so what’s the big deal? At least she believes in me, which is a lot more than I can say about you two.” Oliver got up from the couch and started to leave the room.Patrick grabbed him by the wrist and stopped him.“I’m sorry.We were being jerks.It just took us by surprise is all.We should have never reacted that way.”“Patrick is right.We were assholes.We should be supporting you, not knocking you down.Why don’t we help you practice? That way you’ll be ready for tomorrow,” Ronnie suggested.“Really?” Oliver asked hopefully.“You don’t mind?”“No, not at all.” Patrick gave a wave of his hand.“Okay, I’ll be your first caller.” Ronnie mimicked a phone by holding his pinkie and thumb up to his ear.“Hello.”Oliver quickly did the same with his own fingers.“Hello?”“What are you wearing?”Oliver looked down at the outfit he’d changed into when he’d come home.“A pair of sweats and a Scooby-Doo t-shirt.”Ronnie put his hand down and let out a sigh of exasperation.“Who are you trying to turn on, a pedophile?”“No, of course not!” Oliver replied, shocked at the suggestion.“I was just answering your question.”Patrick put his hand to his mouth then said, “Here, let me try to explain it.With the phone-sex industry, it’s all about the illusion.You don’t have to be wearing what you tell them that you are.You can tell them that you’re wearing tight boy shorts and nothing else and they’ll believe it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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