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.''Well, you know Freda.She's probably got herself a new man and gone waltzing off with him.I do wish she'd pull herself together.It's two years now since Bruce left her.She can't go on like this indefinitely.''Who says she can't? Several devoted husbands round here avail themselves of her services.'Kathy stared at him.'You are joking, aren't you?''Indeed I'm not.''But that's awful! Who are they?''Ah, that'd be telling! Anyway, it's only hearsay, and highly slanderous.''For heaven's sake, Guy! Now you've gone that far, you might as well finish it.''All I'm saying is, she could run quite a lucrative line in blackmail, if she'd a mind to.''But you—' She broke off as a small figure materialized beyond the frosted glass of the back door.'See to William, will you, darling? Make sure he takes his boots off before he comes in—Carrie washed this floor today.'And as the concerns of her family took precedence, Freda Cowley and her affairs were pushed temporarily from Kathy's mind.At The Willows Residential Home on the top road, old Mrs Southern was being difficult again.'She wouldn't touch her supper,' Nurse Ironside reported to Cook, exasperation in her voice.'And she's still got this bee in her bonnet about it being Christmas.'Cook clucked disapprovingly and tipped the contents of the plate into the slops bucket.'Waste of good food, that is.I don't make my cheese pies for Carrie Speight's hens.Christmas, indeed! If she thinks I'm cooking turkey at the beginning of September, she can think again.What started her on that, anyway?''Who ever knows what starts Mrs Southern off?' The nurse paused, ashamed of her outburst.'Oh, she's a nice enough old thing, plummy voice and all, but as stubborn as they're made.Once she's got something into her head, there's no way of shifting it.But when I asked why she thought it was Christmas, that cunning look came over her face and she wouldn't tell me.Just kept saying, "Aren't there any presents for me? I've not even had a card this year." She was quite upset about it.'Cook tutted resignedly.'Going round the twist, if you ask me.We'll have her as daft as Miss Sampson, you mark my words.'Pammy Ironside shook her head.'No, you're wrong there.She gets some odd ideas now and then but she's bright enough.Reads everything we give her, and without glasses, too, for all she's well past eighty.Eyes like a hawk.' Pammy giggled.'She caused quite an upset with Ivy yesterday, insisting there was dust on the dresser.She was right, too —there was! It's tragic, really, her being paralysed like that.Like being a prisoner inside her own body.''Give over—you make my hair stand on end, the way you talk!' Cook hesitated, then said gruffly, 'Think she'd get some bread and milk down, if I did some for her?'Pammy smiled.‘I think she just might.Bless you, Cook.'In his little cottage opposite the post office, Police Constable Ted Frost, comfortably paunched and looking forward to retirement, locked up for the night.It had been a good day.The boy had brought some corn cobs back from the farm, a present from Mr Davis, and Margie had cooked them just right.He was partial to corn on the cob, even though he couldn't regard it as English.Still, with salt and pepper, and plenty of butter dripping over it, it took some beating, that he would admit.And tonight it was followed by rabbit, which Benjie'd shot himself.A lot to be said for being based in the country, Ted reflected complacently.All very well for the Smart Alecs in Shillingham and Broadminster, zooming round in their Pandas.He was quite happy with Westridge and his old bike, thanks all the same.'Go on, Jack, I'm surprised you don't die of boredom!' they teased him, at intermittent training sessions.(He'd been 'Jack' to his colleagues, for obvious reasons, since the day he joined the Force.) Well, it was all right for them to spend their lives chasing bank robbers and the like, but he was too old for that now, and truth to tell had never really fancied it.The village bobby, everyone's friend.That was more his line.Apart from the odd complaints of 'scrumping',Westridge was a law-abiding place, and he'd nothing to complain of in that.The old black retriever thumped his tail as his master checked the back door.When Margie wasn't looking, a portion of rabbit had found its way into his bowl.Ted winked conspiratorially at the animal [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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