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.“And bed, I meant.” He seized Cade by the unfastened belt and gave a pull, toppling him down.Dennis followed after, already tugging at the jeans.“Get these off.”“Bossy, bossy, bossy.”“And don’t you forget it.”He wasn’t worried Cade would.The man proved surprisingly good at taking matters in hand.Pun intended.Dennis wouldn’t admit it on pain of pain, but he adored puns, the worse the better.He adored a good hard working man’s hand, too, wrapped so snugly and securely around his aching hard-on that it made him gasp and swear he’d do anything for the privilege of having that feeling on tap.“Like that?” Cade asked, nuzzling at the side of Dennis’ neck.Playfully, he nipped the skin.Dennis turned his head to nip at Cade, tit for tat.He tasted fan-fucking-tastic, salty and sweet at the same time, and he shuddered gorgeously when Dennis dragged a hint of teeth across his skin.Normally he wasn’t much of a one for chewing on his partners, but he couldn’t resist when it came to Cade.“More,” Dennis demanded.More Cade gave him.Dennis could feel it coming, easy and sweet and fierce, somehow rushed and languid at the same time.Sort of like sinking into a hot bath after a long, hard day.A flash-bang of sensation and a bone-deep sense of yes, there, like that.He wound his arm around Cade’s neck and drew him down into a hard, hard kiss.When he came, he dug in his nails, wrenching the poor guy to a stop.If Cade hadn’t kept hold of him, he might have fallen from the exquisite shuddering of his body that seized his muscles and drew him into a tight arc.God.Not bad at all.“Needed that, didn’t you?” Cade teased.Dennis rolled his eyes and replied nonverbally but—he thought—efficiently, mouth to mouth with the man who had been a stranger not so very long ago, but would never be again.He stroked Cade’s cock, keeping him good and slippery.He hadn’t gone down far himself, and wondered—could he go again?But first things first, fair being fair, and all that jazz.Dennis tugged the slip-sliding dark glasses off his nose and thrust them at Cade.“Toss them on the bedside table, would you?”From the sound of it, Cade perched the glasses atop his own head instead.Dennis didn’t mind.He was reasonably certain Cade’s hair was thick enough to hold them in place.“Why?” Cade asked.“Got something in mind?”“Maybe I do,” Dennis said.He still hadn’t gone soft.“If you’re up for it.”Cade rumbled with appreciation.Oh, but he did love bad boys.“Then what are you waiting for?”“For you to ask.” Dennis poked him in the chest.Even breathless and damp with sweat, half dressed and vulnerable, the man had a hell of a fine spirit.Though he grimaced at the tackiness and hissed, over-sensitive, when he tucked himself away, he didn’t hesitate.“Turn over and lie on your back.”“Really, now?” Cade sounded delighted.“Very really.Do it, or I’ll do it for you.”“Can’t have that.”Between the two of them, they managed to turn Cade over to lie on his back.Dennis arranged Cade’s hands by his sides and pressed down, flattening them against the mattress.Tangled sheets, tsk.He’d forgotten to make the bed earlier.Not that he thought Cade minded.“Stay there, if you can.”“I’m not the best at taking directions.”Dennis flashed a grin at him.“Learn.”He appreciated the fine frisson of a shiver that traveled through Cade at that.Someone liked to be bossed around, hmm? Very nice.Dennis stored that in his mind and got to work with his body.By using Cade’s limbs to guide and support him, Dennis eased down to a position between Cade’s thighs, pushing them farther apart to give himself more room to move.Cade only stopped him once, catching him by the nape to ask, “Sure you want to do that?”Dennis scoffed, but with a bright edge to it.Wild and maybe a little drunk, as if he’d been constructed of effervescence and fireworks instead of flesh and blood.“Are you saying no?” He snapped his teeth on a bite of air.“Like hell I am.Yes… No… Yes, whatever it takes, but don’t keep me in suspense.”Dennis blew warm breath over Cade, laughing when Cade groaned and his stomach muscles jerked.“Fuck, you’re hard.” He savored the weighty, solid feel of Cade’s cock in his hand.Gorgeously shaped.“How long’s it been?”“Not that long.” Cade tweaked the tip of Dennis’ ear.“Must be you’re just that good.”“Might be that I am,” Dennis said.“Lie still.Lie very still.I want to see how long you can manage it.”He bent his head to take Cade into his mouth.Oh—my—sweet—God.Lying still had never been Cade’s stock in trade, and it didn’t come easy.In fact, at the moment it came very extremely hard.He could feel it in the way Dennis’ mouth moved on him, and see it in the bulge of Dennis’ cheeks.More so when Dennis drew off to rub his cheek against the length.Stickiness clung to his lips and chin, startlingly vivid in the dim city light.When he lifted his head to strain for a look down, he saw Dennis hadn’t gone soft either.Huh! So it’s not just me.God, he could do this all night if he were allowed.Cade stretched out his legs as long as he could possibly make them go, and pointed his toes until they touched the foot of the bed.He’d never known anyone who had a footboard as well as a headboard.Mostly he never saw headboards, either.Then again, he didn’t always take his one-night stands to the best of places.He’d go so far as to consider himself a connoisseur of alleys and doorways.A quick side trip to scratch the itch, and done.He couldn’t count how many men he’d fucked around with over the years.Not a one of them had been a thing like Dennis.And why was that, really? Once it’d fleeted across his mind, Cade couldn’t get the question out of his head.He’d met men he could tease.Men who gave back as good as he dished out.Handsome men, and men who weren’t in the least bit attractive until they smiled and their personalities lit them up.Bartenders saw it all.If he wanted, he could cut and run to any of the taverns that littered the city and find someone who ticked all the same boxes Dennis did.Except for the one that made him unmistakably himself.Maybe it was the sheer, savage joy he showed.Look at him, going to town as if he’s having the time of his life! Cade hissed between his teeth as he shoved Dennis’ hair back for a better view of his face.“Fuck, but you’re good at that,” he said, grinding the words between his teeth to get them out at all.Dennis winked up at him.“I know.”Cade laughed, breathless, and put his hands to his own head instead, clamped down against temples and forehead as if he were trying to keep his brain in.He wouldn’t be at all surprised if the top of his head popped off when he came, and that wasn’t far off now.He could feel it, the pressure winding as tight as a steel coil [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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