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.“I’m sure she has him saved in her phone as Hubby or Sugar Daddy or something like that.”I bit the inside of my jaw until I tasted blood.It was becoming a disturbingly familiar taste.“It’s dialing,” Cole said behind me.“Put it on speaker, and come get the knife.”Even though Cole was playing both sides, I glared him down as he came toward me armed with pain and freedom.I wanted to sell his change of heart and rededication to his sister’s psycho mission, but there was a part of me that just wanted him to charge her, guns blazing or not, and take control of the situation.I just wanted out.I wanted to go home.Preferably in one piece.“Leila, is that you?”The minute I heard my husband’s voice I crumbled.It was part exhaustion, part terror, and part the worry in his voice.“Leila, I swear I’ll find you-”“Why don’t we make that search super easy for you, Mr.Whitmore,” Brit said with the bubbly, infectious energy of a head cheerleader.She gave me a look and I tried to gather myself.She mouthed ‘good girl’ and continued.“As I’m sure you’ve figured out, I have your wife.I really don’t want to hurt her more than I already have –““You touched my wife?!” he roared.“Who the hell is this? Why am I speaking with a child? Where is Cole?”“Cole is standing beside your wife with a knife pointed at her chest.” She waited for Cole to make good on her words.I tried to breathe as he held the tip of the blade just below my collar.“Now, this is what we want-”“You’re what, 15? 16? Too young for your brain to be developed enough to truly grasp the gravity of what you’ve done.Before you dig yourself any deeper-”“Cut her, Cole.” Her voice was as calm and hopeless as the grave.Cole cleared his throat and somewhere in my panic, I took it as a signal to play it up.The slice of pain hurt, but from the way I howled, you’d think he was gutting me.“STOP!” Jacob thundered.“Leila…Jesus Christ! I’m so sorry! Damn you.It’s going to be okay, baby.I swear it’s going to be okay.”Considering he was miles and miles from me and I was locked in a room with Charles Manson’s lost daughter and her overprotective brother, things were decidedlynot okay, but calm washed over me.Every muscle in my body went from tense and on alert to liquid and relaxed.His words pulled me into his arms where it was safe and warm.But I knew he wasn’t in a good place.It was more than the profanity.It was something in his voice.It was an agony and helplessness that ran deep and brought tears to my eyes.It made me want to tell him that I was okay, but if I tipped off Brit that Cole had barely scraped me, she’d take over and God only knew how far she’d go.Brit sat up tall in the seat, a smug expression coloring her face.“Now that you know I’m not some kid playing games, let’s get down to business.”“What do you want?” Jacob snarled.“Just tell me what you want!”“Five million dollars.Cash.Big bills are fine, since I only have a Corolla.You bring the money and you can have your wife back.I could go into the alternative, but you seem like a smart guy.”“I’ll get you the money, just don’t hurt her,” Jacob demanded.“Jacob-” She fixed her blonde locks in some invisible compact mirror.“Is it okay if I call you Jacob?” She didn’t wait for confirmation.“You’re in no position to make any orders.Until I get the money, I’ll do whatever I want to do.Luckily for you, I’m sick of listening to her cry.”“You bi-”“Name calling just isn’t nice, Jacob,” she scolded.She really was sick.And enjoying all of this.I stole a look up at Cole, hoping I’d see another sign of his plan, but he ignored me, watching Brit instead.In his eyes I saw the same horror I felt.“Just tell me where to meet you,” Jacob said, his voice tense and raw.She gave him an address.“Obviously, if you try and screw me over, or involve the police in any way, this story is going to have a very unhappy ending.” She flashed her white teeth at me.“And everyone loves a happy ending, right?”TWENTY-TWOI was losing my mind.It was more than being taped to a chair and the agonizing realization that eventually, all this tape (and probably the top layer of my skin) would be removed.It was more than watching Brit channel surf with her gun balanced precariously in her lap.It was the wait.The closer the clock ticked toward the meet, the more I unraveled.One hour until I’d be back in my Jacob’s arms.But there was a part of me that wondered if it was too good to be true.If Brit would take the money and kill us all anyway.I flicked my eyes in her direction, then rested on Cole.He was in the swivel chair, sitting awkwardly at a 90 degree angle, watching his sister too until he felt my gaze.His eyes shifted to me and he mouthed a word that told me he knew me better than I thought.Don’t.My nostrils flared defiantly and I turned my attention back to Brit.She was engrossed in the TV, some entertainment reporter blabbering on about celebrity spottings.“What are you going to do with your 2.5 mil?” I asked her, trying to turn down the bitterness.Seem as non combative as possible.Her intense blue eyes didn’t leave the screen.“Whatever I want.”“I’m sure you have a quite a list.That’s a lot of money.”“Not for someone like you.” She shrugged her shoulders and pointedly turned up the volume on the TV.“You probably spend that much on vacations to Bora Bora.And Europe.And wherever rich bitches go for R&R.”It was the third time she’d used the term.I wondered if it was her way of rationalizing what she’d done.Yeah, she’d kidnapped and hurt me, but I could afford the therapy and international retreats to put myself back together.“I’m not some celebrity, Brittany.Or a socialite.” I raised my voice over the volume of the TV.I wanted her to hear me.To understand that I was a person.“My mom was a manager at JcPenney and my dad was a mechanic.I never would have been able to attend any Ivy League school, or school period, without a scholarship.”“I guess you hit the lotto when you landed a billionaire, huh?” She finally looked in my direction-and she looked right through me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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