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.Just don’t keep crying.I’m sorry.I didn’t—”Stefan tuned out the increasingly rapidly spoken words.As soon as the man was off him enough, Stefan could think and he blasted the stranger with a shout that made his own ears ring.At the same time, he shot up, kicking out hard.His foot caught the man in the neck.Stefan caught a flash of startled green eyes then he was out of there.“Stop!”But not alone.Stefan’s flight or fight impulses were fully engaged.And that had been a different voice shouting at him than the first one, which meant there were two psychotic spirits out to get him.He wasn’t a lost boy anymore, wasn’t helpless or slow.He wasn’t so desperate to be touched that he would let anyone hurt him.Stefan tucked his chin to his chest and spiralled through the sky.The graveyard was long gone, and beneath him were fields and crops, farms and ranches as he headed out of town.He could feel the other two following him but didn’t risk a look.If they were newly dead, his quickly hatched plan might get the two goons off his trail.If they weren’t, then Stefan wasn’t averse to asking for help.Conner always did like a good fight.Zeke Matthers and his partner Brendon’s place was where Stefan was headed to.He could have just blipped himself there, as he tended to think of it.A part of him wanted a little revenge for having been tackled and terrified.Stefan shot towards the largest barn.He soared right past Zeke, who froze, having sensed him.Zeke’s mama was a sweet spirit too, so Zeke probably did have some kind of ability to know when a spirit was hanging around.A sensitivity, maybe.“Holy shit!” Brendon yelped, throwing a hand out.“Incoming!”Stefan almost giggled at that.Brendon’s eyes were huge as he shoved back a chunk of his hair.Stefan remembered when it’d still been a sandy brown instead of the mostly grey it was now.“Oh! The pendulum!” Brendon hollered.Stefan didn’t pay him any mind.He had weirdoes to shake.He turned onto his back and saw two big, muscular shapes coming up on him.Not nearly as fast as he’d gone, but they weren’t slouches, either.He flipped them off and stuck out his tongue, beginning to have fun now that he wasn’t being crushed.Stefan went up twenty or thirty feet in the air, straight up.The sunlight made his eyeballs ache, but he was too scared to close his eyes.He wasn’t entirely convinced the sun wouldn’t turn into that Bright Light calling him away.He blinked and cursed the fact that the sun had an effect on him at all—really, he was dead! Why did his incorporeal form still react to that kind of shit?His pursuers were rapidly catching up to him.He couldn’t tell if they were furious or drooling fools thanks to the hot white spots dancing in his vision.Figuring they weren’t able to see any better than he was at that point, Stefan didn’t bother flipping them off again.Instead he called out to them, “Well, come on, you jerks! Pick on someone my size, you freakin’ bullies!”He didn’t wait for a reaction.He bent until his hands were nearly by his ankles and shot downwards, like he was diving off a platform.The tin roof of the barn reflected the sunlight.Stefan could hear birds and cows, regular ranch sounds, as well as Brendon’s whoops of delight.A quick peek and he saw Mrs Matthers waving at him.Stefan waved back at Zeke’s mom quickly.He didn’t want to miss his next move.Brendon yelled something about a pendulum again but Stefan ignored him.His stalkers were closing in on him—because Stefan was letting them.They were still going pretty fast.Stefan knew where he wanted to go.He knew exactly where he wanted them to go.He’d been on this ranch plenty enough times to have every bit of it memorised.Three-quarters of the way across the barn’s roof, Stefan came to a sudden stop.He’d done it often enough to be able to go from barrelling through the air to completely and utterly stopping in a flash.His pursuers, not so much.They both yelped as they shot past him.He had a flash of two pairs of green eyes, two truly magnificently muscled bodies, white-blond hair topping the head on one of them and raven-black hair on the other.Then the two were gone, going right through the tin and wood beneath it.That told Stefan they weren’t very experienced.He dipped his head down through the roofing material just in time to see both men land in the dirty stall.It’d have been better if they’d had a corporeal body, but landing in horse shit wasn’t pleasant in any form [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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