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.By then it was time to get back to work, so I told him I’d see him later and walked back to my desk.When 4:30 came around, I shut down my computer and turned off my cubicle lights.As I stood up, Mr.Boothe walked out of his office.He saw me and cleared his throat and hurried past me, going out of his way to not look at me.I stopped by the bathroom and then walked outside to catch the bus.Ben was standing outside the door with his hands in his jeans pockets, wearing a worn black leather jacket.“Hey,” he said.“Hi,” I said, completely but pleasantly surprised.“You, um, maybe wanna go… I don’t know, I was thinking that, uh, you might wanna go get some dinner?”He looked really nervous, biting on his lower lip.Oh my god.He was asking me out on a date.I really, really wanted to go out with Ben, but I was trying to think of how much money I had left for the week.“Um…”He cleared his throat.“Oh.Never mind.Forget I said anything.”He thought my hesitation meant that I was rejecting him.“No,” I quickly said.“Ben, I want to, but um…”I let out a small breath and pulled my wallet out of my pocket and fingered through my cash.I had $24 dollars.“As long as it’s not too expensive,” I said as I put my wallet back in my pocket.“Sure.I’m not picky,” he said as he patted his stomach.“Can you drive? I rode the bike today.”He rode a bike to work? He nodded towards the parking lot and I saw a Harley parked by the building.Duh.Of course he meant a motorcycle and not a bicycle.I felt like an idiot for that, but that wasn’t as bad as having to admit that I took the bus.“Um… I don’t have a car.I, uh, take the bus to work.”“Oh.Well, then I guess you’ll have to ride with me.Come on.You ever rode on a bike before?”I shook my head.He could tell that I was really nervous about it and he gave me the basics and put the spare helmet on my head.He helped me get on the bike and then instructed me to wrap my arms tight around him.He drove around the parking lot slowly so that I could get used to it, then we took off.The best part about the ride was that I got to put my arms around him and hold him.I held him tightly and leaned in close against his big, strong back.We went to a hole in the wall burger place that he liked.It was really good.The burgers were huge and they gave you lots of fries.I just got a simple cheeseburger.Ben got a steakhouse burger that had bacon, mushrooms, onions and steak sauce on it.He managed to get steak sauce all over his face as well as mushrooms and sauce on his shirt.I couldn’t eat all of mine, but Ben cleaned his plate and finished off my fries.We made nervous small talk throughout dinner.After we finished eating, we sat together and our nerves calmed and we just talked for quite a while.When the bill came, he grabbed it and gave the waiter the money.I protested, but he told me to put my money away.I was really embarrassed, but I thanked him.Afterward, he wanted to drive me home.I told him that it was out of the way and I didn’t want to trouble him any more tonight.He wouldn’t hear of it.He pulled up in front of the deli and he was surprised.He said he goes to the deli every couple weeks and that it was really good.I admitted that I had never eaten there.I reluctantly let him go and got off the bike.He took the helmet from me and stowed it away.I stood there like a dork with my hands in my pockets, fidgeting nervously.“Do you want to come up and see the apartment? I mean, there’s not much to see, but, um…”Oh my god.I sounded like a desperate loser.I opened my mouth to backtrack when he shut off the bike and climbed off and stepped onto the sidewalk.I gave him a nervous smile and he followed me.I unlocked the door and we climbed up the stairs.I unlocked the apartment and let him inside, shutting the door after him.I took off my jacket and laid it on the arm of the couch.He took his off and did the same.“So… this is the living room,” I said as we stood in the middle of the small room.“My kitchen is over there.” I pointed to the wall with the small kitchenette.“The bathroom is right here.”“Can I?” he asked and I nodded.He went inside the bathroom and shut the door.I could hear his loud stream hitting the water in the toilet.It sounded like he had a fire hose in his pants.I heard him flush and wash his hands.He opened the door and I pointed to the bedroom [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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