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.He could not believe that any guardian would break their code of commanding an element or elements that they did not have stewardship over.It was clear that Kana’s power has progressed far beyond the command of fire and wind.She was now commanding all four elements with great proficiency.He knew that an Elemental could feasibly find a way to command the other elements, but he could not believe that one of them would actually choose to break their sacred laws.“I see that you are still here, my old friend,” began Kana derisively.“You still do not understand why I have brought you here?”“I simply cannot believe that you have bound me here.Of all the places in the world, why here?” asked a bewildered Lord Keb.His voice shook slightly with disbelief.“So, you recognize your new home already? I thought you would,” she said with a nasty smile.“Why bring me here and leave me alone for this long? I have done nothing to you and neither has the council,” Keb pled with her.He could sense the evil around him and that it was now more alive than when he had first arrived several weeks ago.He did not understand why Kana had brought him to this place, and, more to the point, how did she manage to do it? He was simply did not comprehend what was happening to him.None of it made sense.“Well, at least you know where you are.I thought you would have figured out the reason I locked you away deep within this birthplace of evil.” She had a trace of real disappointment in her voice as she spoke.She believed Lord Keb was the most intelligent of the four basic Elementals.Perhaps he is merely in shock or he is still in denial.“What have you been up to?” He was beginning to understand exactly what was going on.He could feel her hatred for him and the others.He was also aware of the wraiths that were appearing behind the wicked sorceress.They seemed to be feeding off of his fear and her loathing.They began to whirl around gleefully at the unexpected treat.“I have decided that the council is far too limited in its scope.I have been branching out a bit.I feel that we should not shun the lesser races of Tuwa like we have done for centuries now.We do not have control over them as we once did––”“We never controlled them! What you are referring to was different than what I believe you are doing now.We counseled them and taught them; we never ruled them.”“I do not see the distinction.We taught them what we wanted them to know.Knowledge is power, and we used it to control what went on in Tuwa a thousand years ago.The result of our interference was millennia of peace and prosperity for the peoples of the middle land.However, in our absence, the races have evolved to a point where they pose a great threat to one another again and the land itself is in danger.Can you not feel it?”“I do sense uneasiness within the earth and within the races of Tuwa.I fear that war is about to break out once again.But, I do not believe that it is our place to become involved unless the elements are in extreme danger.”“An isolationist ’til the last.So be it.” Kana motioned with her left hand to someone or something behind Keb.“What are you doing?” He did not like where this was going.Has she allied herself with the evil creatures that live within this wicked mountain? If so, what are they planning to do to me? They cannot kill me or do any lasting harm, so what is Kana playing at?“I am planning on torturing you for information, my weak friend.Why else do you think I returned? I left you here so that you would not interfere any further with my plans, but it seems that you have continued to disrupt my plans even though you have not left this place.How have you done this?”“What are you talking about? I have not left here.You made sure of that.”“Then how have my enemies discovered my plans before they were fully implemented? Did you communicate with your old friend Neb somehow? Did you tell him about my plans?”“I have no clue what is going on outside this accursed mountain.What are you up to really?”“I told you…there is need for intervention like before and I am doing it again.However, our dear leader does not want to get involved in the affairs of lesser people, so I have taken it on myself to act for the council.” She looked at him skeptically as she hovered above him.I do not believe that he did not pass information to one of the council.“How are you intervening?” Keb had a sense of dread coming over him as he looked up at his former friend.“I am merely restoring the proper balance that existed before we got involved the last time.”“But that would mean you are helping the orcs and goblins.”“Do not forget the rock trolls.They were on the receiving end the last time as well.However, this time I have even persuaded a few of the elves to join my side so that they would be preserved.This time men and dwarves will perish just like the Eldar and other lesser races did a thousand years ago.” Her features turned rather ugly as she looked him straight in the eyes.She began to emit the same fowl stench as the wraiths swarming around them.“Your ways have become evil; that much is clear.Like all things wicked, you too will end up all alone.Your undoing will be the treacherous friends you are making.They will not support you longer than what it will take to get what they want.What makes you think that the orcs, goblins, rock trolls, and elves will continue to follow you if you succeed in usurping power?” He smiled at the look of disgust on Kana’s face after he had said this.“You know nothing of true power! You were always too weak because of your peace-loving attitude.Your undoing will be your faith in those divided races uniting to fight against my vast armies.You will find that your trust is sadly misplaced, and your folly will be revealed in due time.”“Go ahead and do what you will to me because it will do you no good.I know nothing that will aid your cause against the peoples of Tuwa.Go; wage your unholy war and leave me be [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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