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.“I took a few divorce cases to pay the bills when I first started out, but not any more.My main business now is background checks and missing persons.”“Isn’t that pretty much the same thing?” Matt teased.“One half always wanting to know where the other half is and what they’re up to.”Before Jase could think up a smartass answer, the bartender returned with their drinks.Matt waited until Jase paid the man, then he asked if Jase was interested in hanging out for a bit and, if so, perhaps they should get a table.“Sure, fine with me,” Jase agreed.“But I thought you said you were working.”“I am, but it’s a watching brief only.I just have to blend in and observe the action.Nothing complicated and nothing I can’t do while I’m sitting down and enjoying a drink.What about you?”“Same goes for me,” Jase admitted, as Matt led the way to a table in the far corner of the room and away from the other customers.Matt pulled out one of the two chairs and sat down, while Jase grabbed the other.“Must’ve been a real hot lead to bring you here,” Matt observed.“What makes you say that?”“I don’t know.Maybe I’m having a little trouble imagining the Jase I knew dropping into a rough joint like this just for the hell of 9CHANCE ENCOUNTERit.”Jase silently counted to ten.“And maybe the Jase you knew has done a lot of growing up since then.”“Maybe so, but you still look pretty much the same to me,”Matt said softly.“A little older, and definitely a little edgier, but on you it looks good.”“You think?”“Yeah, I do.But I don’t believe you’ve turned into the kind of guy who comes to places like this for a little fun and relaxation.You said you’re here in connection with one of your cases.Want to tell me about it?”Jase was still trying to get his head around Matt recognizing him after all these years.The fact Matt also remembered the small stuff, such as Jase’s reluctance to visit any of the gay bars or sex clubs for fear there would be a police raid and his dad would find out his son was gay, was totally amazing.Although with Rafe’s reputation for watering drinks and scamming customers, plus a whole raft of other more serious complaints they’d never actually been nailed for, Jase couldn’t understand why anyone would come to this part of town unless they absolutely had to.As for giving Matt details as to why he was here, it sounded as if Matt was fishing to see if their cases had anything in common.And since Jase figured they probably did, he decided two could play that game.“My main reason for being here is curiosity.I happened to be passing, so I thought I’d drop in and see if it’s as bad as some people say.Whether or not it’s somehow connected to a case I’m currently working on is anyone’s guess at this point.What about you? You said you’re here on loan? Something going on that’s attracted special attention?”“In this job, there’s always something happening that does 10CHANCE ENCOUNTERthat,” Matt replied obliquely.“Probably nothing, but we still have to check it out to be sure.”“Like what for instance? That is apart from the usual stuff like drugs, illegals and prostitution.”A faint smile warmed Matt’s classically handsome features.“Come on, Jase.You know better than to ask a cop a thing like that.”“I wouldn’t if you were anyone else, but I thought we were old friends just having a friendly chat,” Jase shot back.The whole world knew the kind of shenanigans that went on at Rafe’s, and if they didn’t know for sure, they had their suspicions about everything from underage drinking to underage sex, along every perversion in the book.However, the presence of an undercover cop made Jase wonder if there had been a break in the case of the missing kids.If so, did the cops have a hot new lead? “Anyway, I noticed you had no problem asking me what I’m doing here.”Matt’s smile moved all the way up to a full blown grin.Reaching under the table, he rested a warm hand on Jase’s thigh, sending Jase’s thoughts to places he figured he’d probably be better off not going.“Come on, Jase… calm down.I asked because I’m a cop, and you’re not, and asking questions is my prerogative.It’s part of my job, especially in a place like this.Do yourself a favor and tell me what you’re doing here by yourself.Besides curiosity and the off chance it might be connected to whatever you’re working on, that is.”“Why? You think I’m up to no good?”“No, of course not.But in case you haven’t heard, over the past year there have been reports of young men coming here to Rafe’s and disappearing.I understand one of them came with friends, and the other two came alone, and they’ve never been seen since.No 11CHANCE ENCOUNTERone saw anything; no one knows anything.Which makes solving it a real bitch.I hate that kind of creepy now-you-see-him-now-you-don’t shit.“There’s no evidence they were kidnapped, and no sign violence was involved, but even so, it’s damn scary, and I wouldn’t want anything bad happening to you.You really need to watch yourself, okay?”“Is that so?” Jase asked investing the words with as much irony as he could muster.“You think I don’t know people who come here have a nasty habit of disappearing? The whole fucking town knows that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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