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.Tucker owned a security company taking care of the electronic surveillance and personal protection for high-profile clients and visiting dignitaries.Whispered rumours claimed he used to be part of the CIA.Norm never had the guts to ask.The two met when Norm had needed help uncovering a security breach in his nano-technology lab.Tucker had set up his security and helped catch the thief, saving Norm’s millions of dollars of research in the process.He held up his hand to the bartender for another round.Tucker caught his wrist.“He’s had enough,” he told the bartender.The man nodded as he slipped a piece of paper across the bar towards Norm.“Call me if you ever want to go out sometime.” The bartender gave him a wide smile and a wink before going back to the other side of the bar.“It’s definitely time to take you home before the bartender does.” Tucker wrapped an arm around Norman as he melted off his bar stool.“He’s kind of cute.”“He’s not good enough for you,” he thought he heard Tucker mutter as his larger friend supported him.Tucker bit back a moan as Norman’s body slid across his.After meeting him five years ago Tucker knew there was no reason to continue dating other men, or even women.After you found your soul mate, other people were just a way of passing time.Norman Wells, with his chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes, made Tucker’s heart race faster just by saying hello than most people’s did while having sex.No one else measured up to his soulful-eyed friend…and if he couldn’t have Norm, he didn’t want anyone else.His love deserved better than a battered ex-mercenary with a bloody past.The worst part was his friend’s horrible taste in men.After his initial dislike of anyone touching Norman, Tucker had decided a psychiatrist might be a good match for his complicated friend, but over the past few months he realised Len didn’t understand Norman.Luckily the fool moved too quickly.He hadn’t known about Norman’s issues of being trapped in a relationship.Some head doctor he was.He hugged the drunken man securely to his side and led him towards the door.Halfway through the bar he saw Len enter.“Fuck.”“Something wrong?” Norm asked in a liquor-slurred voice.“Nothing I can’t handle, sweetheart.”Catching sight of them, the psychiatrist marched right over.“I see Tucker is here to pickup the pieces…again.” Len gave Tucker an unfriendly smile.“It must be nice to have someone always at hand ready to catch you when you fall.I thought I was getting that job, but apparently it was already filled when we got together.”“What are you talking about?” Norman’s eyes turned a muddy grey-green, a sure sign of unhappiness.His hazel eyes worked as a mood ring for the complicated man—happy showed as the purest emerald Tucker had ever seen.“Leave him alone, Len.He’s had too much to drink.I’m taking him home.” “Maybe I should come along to make sure you don’t take advantage of him.” “Are you freakin’ kidding me?” Rage filled Tucker at the thought of anyone touchingNorm when he wasn’t in his right senses.He didn’t even want to think about how many men in the bar would be more than happy to take Norman off his hands.“It’s okay, Len.Tucker would never touch me.He doesn’t want me that way.” Norm leaned over and patted his ex-boyfriend on the shoulder.Tucker quickly wrapped his arm tighter around the inebriated man to keep him steady.His friend would never forgive him if Tucker let him take a header on the floor, drunk or not.“Like hell he doesn’t.” Len gave Norman a pleading look.“I’m sorry I rushed you, baby.I came to apologise and see if we can make it work.We don’t have to live together right away.We can take our time.”Norm shook his head.Tucker held him as he swayed.“It wasn’t working out.I’m a disappointment to you.I’m not what you need.”“See, problem solved.Go away, Len.” Tucker glared at the other man, letting his urge to kill him show in his eyes.Len paled.“I—I’ll call you later, Norm.”“Don’t bother,” Tucker growled.The psychiatrist turned and scurried away through the crowd, almost slamming into a pair of dancers in his haste.Norman’s body shook.With his head tilted down, Tucker couldn’t see his expression.Remorse bit him deep.“Oh, honey.I didn’t know you wanted to keep him.I’ll call and make it up to him tomorrow.” What if he’d just ruined the last chance Norman had of a good relationship?Norman looked up, his bright green eyes filled with laughter.“That was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.”Relief rushed through Tucker.He hadn’t ruined anything after all.“Come on, buddy, I’ll take you home, but from now on I get to pick your dates.You suck at finding a guy.”“Deal.”He drove to Norman’s condo in silence.Looking over from time to time, Tucker couldn’t tell if the man was sleeping or just resting his eyes.“You still with me?”“Mmm hmm.” Norm’s voice, rough and sleepy-soft, made Tucker harder than granite.“I’ll have you home in just a minute.”“’Kay.”Tucker shook his head in amusement.Minutes later he pulled into the parking garage.Habit had him scanning his surroundings as he helped Norm out of the car, easily accepting the weight of the smaller man.Sighing, he wrapped his arm around his friend and headed for the elevator.He needed to get his act together, stop obsessing over Norman and find a good partner for the adorable genius.Norm needed a man with the patience to deal with his absentmindedness and the sweetness to counter the coolness of his scientific mind.In the elevator, as Norm leaned against him, a soft sniffle reached his ears.“Tuck, you always take good care of me.”“Oh, babe.We’ll find you someone.” It would just about kill him to see the man with someone else, but he’d do anything to make him happy, absolutely anything.He would find Norm the perfect man or he’d die trying.“What if I don’t want someone?” Norman looked up, an adorable pout crossing his lips.Tucker laughed—a short, bitter sound.“Honey, you need someone to take care of you more than anyone I’ve ever met.”They exited the elevator before his friend could comment and walked to the condo with a stumbling out-of-sync gait.Norman used Tucker to hold himself up as they stood in front of his door, searching for his keys.“Let me find them.”With a deep sigh Norm leaned against the door.“Maybe you’re right.Maybe I do need a keeper.”“Not a keeper,” Tucker said, taking his time, carefully patting his friend down.If he patted Norman’s ass a few more times than key-finding required, nobody was going to know, certainly not his drunk friend.“You just need someone to organise your day-to-day stuff.”“I have an assistant,” Norm protested.“For work, but who organises your personal life? As your best friend I’m going to take charge of that by finding you the perfect guy.”Now he knew what it meant when a person’s eyes got as wide as saucers.“But you don’t have a boyfriend or even a girlfriend for that matter [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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