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.”“You do, and you will.As long as you let him fuck you, I’ll be here to remind you how much you like it.”“I pretend it’s you!” Darian cried.“Keep telling yourself that.And when Matt moves on to the next willing body, I’ll be sure to remind you how empty these last weeks have been.”Darian unwillingly looked up, and the apparition was gone.He returned to bed and crawled in beside Matt, thankful he hadn’t woken up from all the noise in the bathroom.Matt reached across Darian’s chest, pulling him close.“Mmm, Dare,” he whispered sleepily.Darian rolled over so he was facing Matt.Matt’s hand slid down and caressed his lower back, but his eyes remained closed.He was breathing steadily and evenly.Deeply asleep, yet aware of Darian’s presence enough to whisper his name and stroke his back.Darian tucked his head under Matt’s chin and nestled himself as tightly into Matt’s embrace as he could get.Matt sighed and squeezed him.Darian felt wetness rolling over his cheeks.He does care about me.He does care about me.I know he does.Matt’s not using me.He didn’t understand what he was doing here, but it felt too good to step away.Matt felt so wonderful around him.He was safe.But safe from what?Darian could hear Jamie’s maniacal laughter as he drifted off to sleep.4October 4, 2010DARIAN woke Matt up again with a blowjob.Not that Matt was complaining, but it seemed as if Darian was becoming more physically demanding as the days went by and less and less personable.Matt hadn’t felt so sexually satisfied in all his years of clubbing, yet a nagging sensation shadowed the back of his consciousness with every orgasm.This week was like a trip to paradise, where all his fantasies came true, but it was only external.He had sex at least twice a day, and now he was awakened each morning by having his dick sucked.Talk about fantasies! His favorite porn sites didn’t compare.The only thing missing on the physical end was a little more kink and some toys, but Matt was sure it would not be long before he could broach the subject.Darian was a wild thing; he was sure of it.Still, if Matt was honest, what he felt was missing was intimacy.True intimacy.The kind of intimacy you get through talking and understanding a person—the kind that comes through a deep connection.Doggone Jamie and his fucking ideals again! Sex was only physical; Jamie wrote about that in his journals.Sex was all the connection Matt had wanted in the past.He never needed anything but the physical because he always had Jamie to come home to, Jamie to connect with, Jamie to talk to.With Darian, Matt felt cheated.He wanted more, but so far there was less and less talking and more and more sex.Sex! Bloody hell.The things this boy can do with his mouth.“Oh fuck!” Matt moaned, arching his back.After he came, Matt reached for Darian, but he was already heading to the bathroom.Matt jumped up and followed him.“Hey, don’t you want me to reciprocate?”Darian shrugged.“I’m good.I jerked off while blowing you.See?” He showed Matt his cum-covered hand as he turned the water on in the sink.“Oh, okay.” Something about Darian was changing, but Matt wasn’t sure how to go about pointing it out.Jamie was so good at asking emotional questions.Why can’t I? “Dare, can we talk later? Maybe tonight or tomorrow morning? I start night shift tomorrow, so I’ll have more time after breakfast.You’ve gotta be going through some hard shit.I want you to know you can talk about it.I’ll listen.I want to help.”Darian washed up and turned the water off.He paused as he turned but didn’t look Matt in the eye.“Thanks,” he muttered as he shoved past Matt and went back into the bedroom.Matt followed.“Do you work today?” Matt asked.“I know your schedule’s on the fridge but I forget.”“I’m supposed to, but I asked for a couple more days.Saturday was too hard.” Darian sat down on the bed, head in hands, elbows on his knees.Matt sat down and rubbed his back.“Oh? What happened?”Darian sniffled.“Song came on in the store.Reminded me of Jamie.”Matt knew Darian was trying hard to keep from crying.His back muscles were tense.With a small hint from Matt’s soothing hand, Darian turned his face into Matt’s chest.Matt held him.“Shhh, it’s okay.I’ve got you.”Matt understood how it could be to suddenly hear a song and try without success to contain the grief.He had only gone running a few times this week because listening to his iPod reminded him of Jamie.He kept expecting Jamie to be running next to him when Shinedown came on.He turned to run backward any number of times—singing out loud, and pumping his fists—only to feel like a fool because Jamie wasn’t running behind him to notice his antics.He held the tears in and walked home in silence.He needed a new playlist, perhaps one with songs that reminded him of Darian.He was willing to try anything, or he’d have to give up running.Several minutes passed.When Darian’s sobbing seemed to have stopped, Matt reiterated, “We’ll get through this.I promise.We’ll talk later.”Darian sat up, his eyes pleading.“Not tonight.I don’t want to think; I want you to make love to me.Please?”“Okay.” Matt smirked.What guy didn’t like hearing that? “No talking, only sex.” He leaned in and kissed Darian’s forehead.“For now, I gotta go.” Matt walked over to the dresser and took out his socks.“What are your plans today?”Darian shrugged again.He seemed so apathetic all the time; Matt really wondered about depression.He must bring it up.“Why don’t you call a friend?” Matt suggested.“Invite someone over.”“Maybe.”MATT left wondering what was going to happen next.The beginning of all relationships could not be this difficult.He didn’t know what to do, what to say, or who to ask about all of the above.“Fuckin’ Jamie!” he screamed and punched the roof of the truck cab.His anger surged.“Shit! Why’d you fuckin’ leave us like this?” His hands shook as he balled his fists.Life had to get better.It had to! This fucking uncertainty and strained conversation was driving him mad.He needed to talk to someone.He needed his best friend! As Matt parked his truck at the station, he hoped for an extra hard day so he didn’t have time to think about his troubles—Darian being the most distressing of them all.THE phrase “be careful what you wish for” haunted Matt’s thoughts as he drove home.He had wanted a hard day—well, he got one! The fire was hot, and the smell of burning flesh still assaulted his nostrils.Luckily, they only lost three pigs from the barn fire, but those three stank up the entire area most of the day.He didn’t think he would be eating pulled pork for quite some time.Now, all he wanted to do was crawl into bed—with Darian.He walked up to the apartment door and held out his key.Music was blaring on the other side of the door.“That’s weird,” he muttered.“Dare wouldn’t be throwing a party, would he?”Matt opened the door and found a young, blonde girl sitting on his couch painting her toenails.She looked up and smiled.“Oh hey! You must be Matt.I’m Sara.” She held out her hand but made no move to rise off the couch.“Ah, hi.Where’s Darian?” Matt was beyond confused.This was not what he expected to come home to.“Oh, he’s in the bathroom with Lori,” she chirped happily.Matt tossed his coat on the floor in the corner of the room.It stank.He didn’t want the rest of the closet smelling of burnt pig [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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